Emir Sultan Külliyesi (XV.-XVII. yüzyıllar)
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, XV. yüzyıl başlarında Osmanlı payitahtı Bursa'da Emir Sultan adına yaptırılan zaviye merkezli külliyenin ilk üç yüzyılı çeşitli yönleriyle incelenmiştir. Külliyenin ana yapısı başlangıçta zaviye-imaret-mescid birlikteliğinde çok işlevli bir yapı iken sonradan özellikle mescid ve zaviye bina olarak ayrılmış; türbe, hamam, muvakkithâne, şadırvan gibi yeni birimler eklenmiştir. Külliye hizmetlerinin yürütülmesi, tahsis edilen çeşitli gelir kaynaklarının işletilmesi sayesinde mümkün olabilmiştir. Gelir kaynaklarının başlangıçtan itibaren artmasında padişah tahsislerinin yanı sıra çok çeşitli toplumsal statülerden kişilerin vakıflarının da payı vardır. Emir Sultan vakfı, Bursa ölçeğinde büyük bütçeli bir vakıftır. Külliye hizmetleri yeterli sayıdaki personel tarafından yerine getirilmiştir. İncelenen dönem boyunca yeni kadroların tahsis edilmesi ya da bazı unvanlara birden fazla atama yapılması nedeniyle vakfiyedeki personel planlamasının üzerine çıkılmıştır. İncelediğimiz külliye, bir tarikatin şeyhine atfedilen bir tesis olması hasebiyle tüm birimlerinde tasavvufî rolü ön plandadır. Ancak bununla birlikte tesiste yer alan her birimin icra ettiği ayrı işlevler de vardır. Diğer taraftan külliyenin, bünyesinde verilen hizmetlere bağlı olarak sosyal hayatta yansımaları olmuştur. Emir Sultan Külliyesi, kurulduğu muhitin sosyal, dinî, ilmî ve kültür merkezi olarak faaliyet göstermiştir.
In this study, the first three centuries of the Kulliye centered on the zawiya which was constructed on behalf of Emir Sultan in Bursa, the capital city of Ottomon in the early part of the XVth century, was investigated from various aspects. The main structure of the Kulliye was originally a multifunction building including zawiya-imaret-mosque whereas the mosque and zawiya in particular were separated on an individual buildings and the new units such as tomb, Turkish bath, timing room (muvakkithane), fountain were annexed. The execution of services of the Kulliye was achieved by managing of various income sources assigned. The consecrations of Sultans besides individual donations from a wide range of social status have a part in increasing of the income sources from the beginning, as well. Emir Sultan foundation is a charitable institution with a big budget on the scale of Bursa. The services of the Kulliye performed by sufficent number of staff. During the inspected period, the planning of personnel in the foundation was overstaffed due to the allocation of new positions or appointment of more than one personnel to several titles. The sufic role in all units of the Kulliye is at the forefront in consequence of the Kulliye we investigated is an institution dedicated to the sheikh of a tariquat. However, each unit in the institution has also special functions to carry out. On the other side, the Kulliye has been an effect on social life based on the services performed within the Kulliye. The Emir Sultan Kulliye operated as a center of social, spiritual, scholarly and cultural in the neighborhood of the location.
In this study, the first three centuries of the Kulliye centered on the zawiya which was constructed on behalf of Emir Sultan in Bursa, the capital city of Ottomon in the early part of the XVth century, was investigated from various aspects. The main structure of the Kulliye was originally a multifunction building including zawiya-imaret-mosque whereas the mosque and zawiya in particular were separated on an individual buildings and the new units such as tomb, Turkish bath, timing room (muvakkithane), fountain were annexed. The execution of services of the Kulliye was achieved by managing of various income sources assigned. The consecrations of Sultans besides individual donations from a wide range of social status have a part in increasing of the income sources from the beginning, as well. Emir Sultan foundation is a charitable institution with a big budget on the scale of Bursa. The services of the Kulliye performed by sufficent number of staff. During the inspected period, the planning of personnel in the foundation was overstaffed due to the allocation of new positions or appointment of more than one personnel to several titles. The sufic role in all units of the Kulliye is at the forefront in consequence of the Kulliye we investigated is an institution dedicated to the sheikh of a tariquat. However, each unit in the institution has also special functions to carry out. On the other side, the Kulliye has been an effect on social life based on the services performed within the Kulliye. The Emir Sultan Kulliye operated as a center of social, spiritual, scholarly and cultural in the neighborhood of the location.
Vakıf, Osmanlı, Bursa, Emir Sultan Külliyesi, Tasavvuf, Charitable foundation, Ottoman, Emir Sultan Kulliye, Sufism
Ateş, N. (2017). Emir Sultan Külliyesi (XV.-XVII. yüzyıllar). Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.