Publication: T hücre immunitesi
Başkan, Emel Bülbül
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Turkderm - Deri Hastaliklari ve Frengi Arsivi
Doğumdan itibaren organizmamız sürekli olarak self antijenler ve yabancı patojenlerle bombardımana maruz kalmaktadır. Sağlıklı kalabilmek için immün sistemimiz yabancı patojenlerle savaşacak ancak kendine tolerans gösterecek stratejiler geliştirmiştir. Efektör T hücreleri immün cevapları düzenleyen ana oyunculardır. Efektör T hücreleri başlangıçta sadece immün cevabı tetikleyen hücreler olarak bilinse de güncel çalışmalar hem edinsel hem de doğal immünitede negatif düzenleyici rollerini de göstermiştir. İmmun sistemi kontrol etmedeki kritik ve farklı rollerinden dolayı T hücrelerinin fonksiyonları ve düzenlenmeleri yoğun araştırmalara konu haline gelmiştir. Bu derlemede T hücre immünitesine ait anahtar bilgiler özetlenecektir.
Since birth, our immune system is constantly bombarded with self-antigens and foreign pathogens. To stay healthy, complex immune strategies have evolved in our immune system to maintain self-tolerance and to defend against foreign pathogens. Effector T cells are the key players in steering the immune responses to execute immune functions. While effector T cells were initially identified to be immune promoting, recent studies unraveled negative regulatory functions of effector T cells in modulating adaptive as well as innate immunity. Owing to their critical and diverse functions in controlling immune responses, the functions and regulation of effector T cells have been a subject of intense investigation. In this review, key information about T cell immunity is summarized.
Since birth, our immune system is constantly bombarded with self-antigens and foreign pathogens. To stay healthy, complex immune strategies have evolved in our immune system to maintain self-tolerance and to defend against foreign pathogens. Effector T cells are the key players in steering the immune responses to execute immune functions. While effector T cells were initially identified to be immune promoting, recent studies unraveled negative regulatory functions of effector T cells in modulating adaptive as well as innate immunity. Owing to their critical and diverse functions in controlling immune responses, the functions and regulation of effector T cells have been a subject of intense investigation. In this review, key information about T cell immunity is summarized.
Dermatology, T cell, Treg, Tfh, Th1, Th2, Th9, Th17, Antigen presentation, Effector, Selection, T hücre
Başkan, E. B. vd. (2013). “T hücre immunitesi”. Turkderm - Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology, 47(Supplement 1), 18-23.