Etlik civciv yemlerine katılan avilamisinin ince bağırsak mukozası üzerine etkilerinin histolojik ve histoşimik yöntemlerle saptanması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada karma yemlere katılan avilamisin etlik piliçlerde ince bağırsak yapısı üzerine olan etkisinin histoşimik ve histometrik yöntemler ile değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Deney grubuna ait yeme 10 mg/kg avilamisin ilave edilirken kontrol grubuna ilave edilmemiştir. Araştırmanın 44. gününde duodenum, yeyinum ve ileumdan doku örnekleri alınmıştır. Alman doku örnekleri histoloji tekniğine uygun işlemlerden geçirilerek para.finde bloklanmıştır. Hazırlanan histolojik kesitlere Crossmon 'ın üçlü boyama, Mc. Manus 'un Periyodik Asit Schiff (PAS), Methyl Green-Pyronin ve Fontana- Masson 'un Gümüşlerne metotları uygulanmıştır. Deney grubuna ait villus intestinalis ler kontrol grubuna göre şekil olarak oldukça düzenli, kısa ve ince olarak saptanmıştır. Deney grubunda yüzey epitel hücrelerinin hücre sınırları oldukça belirgin. yüksek prizmatik olduğu görülürken kontrol grubuna ait epitel yalancı çok katlı prizmatik görünümdedir. Kadeh hücreleri deney grubunda daha iri ve kuvvetli PAS pozitif reaksiyon göstermiştir. Lenfosit infiltrasyonu ve plazma hücresi deney grubunda, kontrole oranla daha az sayıda bulunmuştur. Lamina epitelyalis ve bez epitel hücreleri arasında bulunan enteroendokrin hücreler deney grubunda kontrole oranla daha iri saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak uygun çevre koşullarının gerçekleştiremediği, kümes hijyenine fazla dikkat edilmediği koşullarda rasyona 10 mg/kg avilamisin ilavesi, kanatlılarda besi performansını artıracaktır.
The study was conducted to investigate the effects of Avilamisin supplemented to mixed feed on the structure of small intestine of the chicken with histological and histochemical methods. Avilamisin 10 mg/kg was supplemented to the experimental group feed whereas the control group feed was not supplemented. On the 441h days of the investigations tissue samples were taken from duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Raufine histological methods applied to the samples which were embedded in paraffin. Same of the sections were stained by Crossmon 's Triple, Mc. Manus 's Periodic-Acid Shiff, Methyl Green-Pyronin and Fontana-Masson 's stain methods. In the experimental groups, it was observed that villi were morphologically shorter and thinner and more regular than the control group. The surface epithelial cells in the experimental group were observed to have simple columnar epithelium with a very distinctive eel! boundaries whereas the control group surface epithelial cells were observed to have pseudostratified epithelium. Antibiotic treated groups showed significant difference in each region of small intestine. Goblet cells showed larger and stronger PAS positive reactions in the experimental group. Lenfosit infiltration and plasma eel/s were found fewer in the experimental group in comparison with the control group. Enteroendocrine cells related to the experimental group were observed larger among surface epithelium ce/ls and corpus glandular cells. In conclusion, feed conversion and performance can be affected positively by feed prepared with 10 mg/kg avilamisin when poultry house hygiene is not in well condition.
The study was conducted to investigate the effects of Avilamisin supplemented to mixed feed on the structure of small intestine of the chicken with histological and histochemical methods. Avilamisin 10 mg/kg was supplemented to the experimental group feed whereas the control group feed was not supplemented. On the 441h days of the investigations tissue samples were taken from duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Raufine histological methods applied to the samples which were embedded in paraffin. Same of the sections were stained by Crossmon 's Triple, Mc. Manus 's Periodic-Acid Shiff, Methyl Green-Pyronin and Fontana-Masson 's stain methods. In the experimental groups, it was observed that villi were morphologically shorter and thinner and more regular than the control group. The surface epithelial cells in the experimental group were observed to have simple columnar epithelium with a very distinctive eel! boundaries whereas the control group surface epithelial cells were observed to have pseudostratified epithelium. Antibiotic treated groups showed significant difference in each region of small intestine. Goblet cells showed larger and stronger PAS positive reactions in the experimental group. Lenfosit infiltration and plasma eel/s were found fewer in the experimental group in comparison with the control group. Enteroendocrine cells related to the experimental group were observed larger among surface epithelium ce/ls and corpus glandular cells. In conclusion, feed conversion and performance can be affected positively by feed prepared with 10 mg/kg avilamisin when poultry house hygiene is not in well condition.
Avilamisin, Etlik piliç, İnce bağırsak, Histoloji, Avilamycin, Chicken, Smail intestine, Histology
Erdost, H. (1999). ''Etlik civciv yemlerine katılan avilamisinin ince bağırsak mukozası üzerine etkilerinin histolojik ve histoşimik yöntemlerle saptanması''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1-2),119-135.