Cam tavan sendromunun Bursa’daki kadın serbest muhasebeci mali müşavir ve yeminli mali müşavirler üzerine etkisi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kadın toplumun gelişmesinde önemli role sahiptir. Fakat tarihte kadının cinsiyet ayrımcılığına maruz kaldığı görülmektedir. En çok cinsiyet ayrımcılığını da çalışma hayatında yaşadığına rastlanmıştır. Kadın ilkel toplumla birlikte çalışma hayatında birçok rol üstlenmiştir. Üstlendiği roller ne yazık ki kadının çalışma hayatında karşısına hep sorunlar çıkarmıştır. Ev ve iş arasında genellikle ikilemde kalınmıştır. Kadının çalışma hayatındaki rolüne bakıldığında endüstri devrimi öncesi ve sonrası olarak bakmak daha doğru olacaktır. Kadının, endüstri devriminden önce, savaş zamanlarında evine bakmakla yükümlüğü olduğu görülmektedir. Erkeğin korumacı rol üstlendiği dönemde kadın daha çok ailesine bakma rolü üstlenmiştir. Endüstri devrimiyle birlikte erkeklerin çalışma hayatındaki işgücüne katılım oranları göreceli olarak artmıştır. Endüstri devrimi öncesinde kırsal kesimde yaşayan tarımla uğraşan kadınlar, endüstri devriminden sonra kent yönlü göçlerle birlikte kadınlar çalışma hayatında ikinci plana atılmışlardır. Aynı dönemde yeni iş kollarında ortaya çıkmasıyla birlikte bazı kadınlar çalışma hayatına katılsalar da genellikle ucuz ve niteliksiz işgücü olarak istihdam piyasasına girmek zorunda kalmışlardır. 20. yüzyıldan itibaren kadınların çalışma hayatındaki oranları giderek arttığı görülüyor olsa da çalışma hayatında karşılaştığı zorluklarda da oransal artış v görülmektedir. Özellikle nitelik ve kariyer gerektiren mesleklerde kadın çeşitli zorluklarla varlığını sürdürmek için mücadele etmiştir. Cam Tavan Sendromu literatürde bu zorluklarla mücadele ile birlikte yapılan çalışmalar aracılığıyla yer almıştır. Çalışma hayatında kadın toplumsal, bireysel ve örgütsel birçok zorluklarla baş etmek zorunda kalmaktadır. Kadınların önlerine çıkan bu zorluklar karşısında kendilerine sınır koydukları görülmektedir. Hayatları boyunca bu sınırı aşmamaları gerektiğine inanırlar. Zorluklara olumlu bakış açısıyla değil olumsuz bakış açısıyla yaklaşırlar. Birçok alanda çalışma yapılsa da bu çalışma da literatürde kariyer gerektiren mesleklerden biri olan SMMM ve YMM mesleklerinde kadınlara yönelik çalışma hayatında, kadın SMMM ve YMM’lerin cam tam tavan sendromuna maruz kalıp kalmadıklarına yönelik katılımcıların tutumlarını ölçmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucuna göre katılımcıların cinsiyetine, yaşlarına, medeni durumlarına, unvanlarına, çalışma şekillerine ve mesleki deneyimlerine göre ortalama tutum puanları arasında farklılık tespit edilmiştir.
Women have a significant role in social development. However, it is observed that women were subject to gender discrimination throughout history. The highest gender discrimination was found to be in working life. Women undertook many roles in working life ever since the primitive society. The roles they undertook unfortunately always posed problems for women in working life. They were usually left in a dilemma between home and work. It will be more correct to examine the role of women in working life as pre- and post-industrial revolution. It is observed that women were obliged to take care of home before the industrial revolution and at times of war. Women undertook the role of looking after the family in times were men undertook a protective role. The labor force participation ratios of men relatively increased with the industrial revolution. Women dealing with agriculture in rural areas before the industrial revolution were pushed to the background in working life with migrations to urban areas after the industrial revolution. Although some women participated in working life with the emergence of new lines of work in the same period, they were usually forced to ender the labor market as cheap and unqualified labor force. Although the participation ratios of women are observed to be steadily increasing as of the 20th century, the difficulties they encounter in working life are also observed to increase proportionally. Women have struggled to maintain their presence with various difficulties especially in professions that require qualification and career. The Glass Ceiling Syndrome was introduced in the literature with studies conducted on the struggle against such difficulties. Women are forced to deal with nay social, individual and organizational difficulties in working life. Women are observed to set limits on themselves in the face of such difficulties. They believe throughout their lives that they must not exceed such limits. They approach difficulties not with a positive perspective but with a negative one. Although studies were conducted in many fields in the literature, this study aims to measure the attitudes of the participants on whether female CPAs and Sworn-In CPAs are subject to the glass ceiling syndrome in the working life of female CPAs and Sworn-In CPAs, which is a profession that requires a career. A difference was measured as a result of the research in the average attitude points of the participants according to gender, age, marital status, title, mode of work and professional experience.
Women have a significant role in social development. However, it is observed that women were subject to gender discrimination throughout history. The highest gender discrimination was found to be in working life. Women undertook many roles in working life ever since the primitive society. The roles they undertook unfortunately always posed problems for women in working life. They were usually left in a dilemma between home and work. It will be more correct to examine the role of women in working life as pre- and post-industrial revolution. It is observed that women were obliged to take care of home before the industrial revolution and at times of war. Women undertook the role of looking after the family in times were men undertook a protective role. The labor force participation ratios of men relatively increased with the industrial revolution. Women dealing with agriculture in rural areas before the industrial revolution were pushed to the background in working life with migrations to urban areas after the industrial revolution. Although some women participated in working life with the emergence of new lines of work in the same period, they were usually forced to ender the labor market as cheap and unqualified labor force. Although the participation ratios of women are observed to be steadily increasing as of the 20th century, the difficulties they encounter in working life are also observed to increase proportionally. Women have struggled to maintain their presence with various difficulties especially in professions that require qualification and career. The Glass Ceiling Syndrome was introduced in the literature with studies conducted on the struggle against such difficulties. Women are forced to deal with nay social, individual and organizational difficulties in working life. Women are observed to set limits on themselves in the face of such difficulties. They believe throughout their lives that they must not exceed such limits. They approach difficulties not with a positive perspective but with a negative one. Although studies were conducted in many fields in the literature, this study aims to measure the attitudes of the participants on whether female CPAs and Sworn-In CPAs are subject to the glass ceiling syndrome in the working life of female CPAs and Sworn-In CPAs, which is a profession that requires a career. A difference was measured as a result of the research in the average attitude points of the participants according to gender, age, marital status, title, mode of work and professional experience.
Cam tavan sendromu, Glass ceiling syndrome, Çalışan kadınlar, Kadın SMMM, Kadın YMM, Kariyer engelleri, Cinsiyet ayrımcılığı, Working women, Female CPAs, Female sworn-in CPAs, Gender discrimination, Career barriers
Güler, E. (2019). Cam tavan sendromunun Bursa’daki kadın serbest muhasebeci mali müşavir ve yeminli mali müşavirler üzerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.