İmparator I. Konstanti̇n ve Hıri̇sti̇yanlik tari̇hi̇ndeki̇ yeri̇
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hıristiyanlık Roma’da yaklaşık üç yüz yıl boyunca gizli olarak yayılmıştır. Aynı zamanda Hıristiyanlar Roma’daki pagan kesimin çeşitli baskılarına maruz kalmışlardır. Zaman zaman mal mülklerine ve sahip oldukları her şeye el konulmuştur. Roma’da zulüm gören Hıristiyanların imdadına İmparator I. Konstantin yetişmiştir. Konstantin Hristiyanlığı devlet dinleri arasına getirip ona resmi bir statü tanımıştır. Daha önce Roma’da birbirinden ayrı olan din devlet ilişkileri Konstantin’in imparatorluğunun döneminde tek bir çatı altında birleştirilerek devletin kontrolünde işleyen bir sistem halini almıştır. Konstantin bununla yetinmeyerek, Hıristiyanlar içinde gördüğü fikri ayrılıkların hepsini giderip onları bir arada tutmak amacıyla M.S. 325 yılında İznik Ekümenik bir konsil düzenlemiştir. Hıristiyanlar için Pavlus, Petrus gibi havariler ne kadar önemliyse İmparator I. Konstantin de Hıristiyanlık için en az o kadar önemlidir. O, Roma’nın başındayken sosyal, ekonomik, siyasi ve dini olmak üzere pek çok reform gerçekleştirdi. Bazı stratejik planlar nedeniyle başkenti Roma’dan Bizans’a taşıyıp “Constantinopolis” şehrini kurup orayı hem devletin hem de Hıristiyanlığın yeni başkenti haline getirdi. Konstantin yeni başkentinde Hıristiyan kimliğinin kökleşmesi için birçok kilise ve dini eserler yaptırdı. Lakin M.S. 336 yılında ağır bir hastalığa yakalandı ve döşeğinde vaftiz olduktan sonra can verdi.
Christianity had been sprayed all over the Roman Empire in discretion during three centuries. By the same time the Christians were obliged to undergo divers persecution of the Roman pagans’ groups. Sometime their properties and whatever they possessed were to be confiscated by pagans. Constantine after becoming emperor came to the rescue of the Roman persecuted Christians. Constantine introduce Christianism among the Roman Empire’s religions by allocating to it a legal statute. Before Constantine, religion and state were known as separated entities but after his ascension to the head the Roman Empire, he brought both religion and states’ affaires under the control of the state. Constantin did more by solving the division in the church and calling for an ecumenical council at Nicaea in 325 A.D. Constantin is as far as very important for Christians as are apostles Paul, Peter. While he was the lone leader of the Roman Empire he achieved social, economic, political and religious reforms. Due to some strategic plan he removed the capital from Rome to Byzantium where he settled “Constantinopolis” as Christianism new capital. In order rote Christianism in his new capital Constantine build many churches and promoted some religious cultures. But he died in 336 A.D. after baptism when he was suffering from a serious illness.
Christianity had been sprayed all over the Roman Empire in discretion during three centuries. By the same time the Christians were obliged to undergo divers persecution of the Roman pagans’ groups. Sometime their properties and whatever they possessed were to be confiscated by pagans. Constantine after becoming emperor came to the rescue of the Roman persecuted Christians. Constantine introduce Christianism among the Roman Empire’s religions by allocating to it a legal statute. Before Constantine, religion and state were known as separated entities but after his ascension to the head the Roman Empire, he brought both religion and states’ affaires under the control of the state. Constantin did more by solving the division in the church and calling for an ecumenical council at Nicaea in 325 A.D. Constantin is as far as very important for Christians as are apostles Paul, Peter. While he was the lone leader of the Roman Empire he achieved social, economic, political and religious reforms. Due to some strategic plan he removed the capital from Rome to Byzantium where he settled “Constantinopolis” as Christianism new capital. In order rote Christianism in his new capital Constantine build many churches and promoted some religious cultures. But he died in 336 A.D. after baptism when he was suffering from a serious illness.
Hıristiyanlık, Roma, Pagan, Pavlus, Petrus, Baskı, İmparator I. Konstantin, Ekümenik, Konsil, Constantinopolis, Bizans, Christianity, Roman Pagan, Paul, Peter, Persecution, Emperator Constantine, Ecumenical, Council, Byzantium
Kasa, T.T. (2020). İmparator I. Konstanti̇n ve Hıri̇sti̇yanlik tari̇hi̇ndeki̇ yeri. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.