Pamuklu tekstil endüstrisi atıksularında iyon çifti ekstraksiyonu metodu ile renk giderimi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, pamuklu tekstil endüstrisine ait reaktif boyama banyosu atıksulannda iyon-çifti ekstraksiyonu metodu ile renk giderimi işlemi yapılmıştır. îyon çifti ekstraksiyonu metodu ile renk giderimi çalışmalarında, sentetik olarak hazırlanan pamuklu kumaş reaktif boyama atıksulan kullamlmıştır. Boyalı atıksu uzun zincirli amin (dihekzilamin ve tribütilarnin) ve organik solventle (Shellsol D70) düşük pH'ta ekstakte edilerek renk giderimine tabi tutulmuştur. Ham atıksuda ve rengi giderilmiş atıksuda renk, boyarmadde, bakır ve KOİ gibi parametrelerdeki değişiklikler incelenmiştir. Çalışmalar sırasında reaktif boyalı atıksulardan %95 oranmda renk giderimi ve %99 oranmda balar giderimi elde edilmiştir. Buna karşılık, muamele görmüş atıksularda %1 60-700 seviyelerinde KOİ artışları görülmüştür. Araştırma bulguları çerçevesinde, iyon çifti ekstraksiyonunda kullanılan organik maddelerin toksik olması ve rengi giderilmiş atıksuyun KOİ'sinin aşırı derecede artması ile ilgili problemle karşılaşılmıştır. KOİ artışı, organik ekstraksiyon maddelerinden kaynaklanmaktadır.
In this study, decolorizing process is done at the cotton textile industry's reactive dyestuff containing dyebaths' wastewater using ion-pair extraction method. In the decolorizing studies with ion-pair extraction method, cotton cloth reactive dyebath wastewater, which is prepared synthetically, is used. Colorized wastewater is extracted with long-chain amine (Dihexylamin and tributylamin) and organic solvent (Shellsol D70) in low pH values and decolorized. The changes in parameters such as color, dyestuff, copper and COD in both raw wastewater and decolorized water are examined. During these experimental studies, decolorization at the ratio of 95 percent and elimination of copper at the ratio of 99 percent are achieved from reactive dyebath wastewater. But, it has been seen that the COD value in the treated wastewater has increased around the ratio of 160-700 percent. In the frame of study findings, it is meet with some problems about organic compounds which is used for ion pair extraction are toxic and COD value of decolorized wastewater is increased immoderate. The origin of the increasing of COD value is organic extraction agents.
In this study, decolorizing process is done at the cotton textile industry's reactive dyestuff containing dyebaths' wastewater using ion-pair extraction method. In the decolorizing studies with ion-pair extraction method, cotton cloth reactive dyebath wastewater, which is prepared synthetically, is used. Colorized wastewater is extracted with long-chain amine (Dihexylamin and tributylamin) and organic solvent (Shellsol D70) in low pH values and decolorized. The changes in parameters such as color, dyestuff, copper and COD in both raw wastewater and decolorized water are examined. During these experimental studies, decolorization at the ratio of 95 percent and elimination of copper at the ratio of 99 percent are achieved from reactive dyebath wastewater. But, it has been seen that the COD value in the treated wastewater has increased around the ratio of 160-700 percent. In the frame of study findings, it is meet with some problems about organic compounds which is used for ion pair extraction are toxic and COD value of decolorized wastewater is increased immoderate. The origin of the increasing of COD value is organic extraction agents.
Pamuklu tekstil endüstrisi, İyon çifti ekstraksiyonu metodu, Atıksu, Renk giderimi, Cotton textile industry, Wastewater, Decolorization, Ion-Pair extraction method
Kanlıoğlu, Ü. B. (2000). Pamuklu tekstil endüstrisi atıksularında iyon çifti ekstraksiyonu metodu ile renk giderimi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.