Deneysel olarak hafif kafa travması oluşturulan sıçanlarda serum pNF-H düzeyinin ilk altı saatlik seyri
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmamızda deneysel olarak hafif travmatik beyin hasarı oluşturulan ratlardan alınan serum örneklerinde travmatik beyin hasarını göstermede biyobelirteç olarak kullanılabilecek Fosforile Nörofilaman Ağır Zincirin travmadan sonraki ilk altı saatlik seyrini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Hayvan deneyi olarak tasarlanan çalışmamızda 32 adet Spraque-Dawley cinsi dişi sıçan kullanılmıştır. Denekler, 3 deney grubu ve 1 kontrol grubu olmak üzere 4 gruba eşit (n=8) şekilde ayrılmıştır. Deneklere 80 cm yüksekten serbest düşme ile bırakılan 50 gr’lık bilye ile travmatik beyin hasarı oluşturulmuştur. Kontrol grubunda travmatik beyin hasarı yaratılmadan, deney gruplarında ise travmatik beyin hasarı sonrası 2., 4. ve 6. saat serum Fosforile Nörofilaman Ağır Zincir ölçülmüştür. Travmatik beyin hasarı sonrası 2. saatte ve 4. saatte ölçülen serum Fosforile Nörofilaman Ağır Zincir değeri travmatik beyin hasarı oluşturulmayan kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek bulunmuştur. Serum Fosforile Nörofilaman Ağır Zincir düzeyleri, 4. ve6. saatlerde 2. saate göre tedricen düşmekte, 6. saatte kontrol grubu değerleriyle benzer düzeylere inmektedir. Elde edilen kanıtlar doğrultusunda, travma sonrası hafif travmatik beyin hasarı gelişen ve görüntüleme yöntemi ile bulgu saptanamayan hastalarda, özellikle ilk 2 veya en fazla ilk 4 saatte serum Fosforile Nörofilaman Ağır Zincir değeri yüksekliğinin travmatik beyin hasarı tanısında kullanılabileceği düşünülmüştür.
The aim of our study is to investigate the course of Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain, which can be used as a biomarker to define traumatic brain injury, in the first six hours after trauma in serum samples taken from rats with experimentally mild traumatic brain injury. In our study, which was designed as an animal experiment, 32 female Spraque-Dawley rats were used. The subjects were enrolled equally (n=8) into 4 groups as 3 experimental groups and 1 control group. Traumatic brain injury was created with a 50 gr ball dropped to the subjects by free fall from a height of 80 cm. Serum Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain level was measured without creating traumatic brain injury in the control group, and at the 2nd, 4th and 6th hours after traumatic brain injury in the experimental groups. Serum Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain values measured at the 2nd and 4th hours after traumatic brain injury were statistically significantly higher than the control group. Serum Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain levels gradually decreased at the 4th and 6th hours compared to the 2nd hour, and dropped to similar levels with the control group at the 6th hour. Briefly, it was thought that a high serum Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain value, especially in the first 2 or at most in thefirst 4 hours, could be used in the diagnosis of traumatic brain injury in patients who developed mild traumatic brain injury after trauma and could not be detected by imaging.
The aim of our study is to investigate the course of Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain, which can be used as a biomarker to define traumatic brain injury, in the first six hours after trauma in serum samples taken from rats with experimentally mild traumatic brain injury. In our study, which was designed as an animal experiment, 32 female Spraque-Dawley rats were used. The subjects were enrolled equally (n=8) into 4 groups as 3 experimental groups and 1 control group. Traumatic brain injury was created with a 50 gr ball dropped to the subjects by free fall from a height of 80 cm. Serum Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain level was measured without creating traumatic brain injury in the control group, and at the 2nd, 4th and 6th hours after traumatic brain injury in the experimental groups. Serum Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain values measured at the 2nd and 4th hours after traumatic brain injury were statistically significantly higher than the control group. Serum Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain levels gradually decreased at the 4th and 6th hours compared to the 2nd hour, and dropped to similar levels with the control group at the 6th hour. Briefly, it was thought that a high serum Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain value, especially in the first 2 or at most in thefirst 4 hours, could be used in the diagnosis of traumatic brain injury in patients who developed mild traumatic brain injury after trauma and could not be detected by imaging.
Acil servis, Kafa travması, Hafif travmatik beyin hasarı, Fosforile nörofilaman ağır zincir, Emergency room, Head trauma, Mild traumatic brain injury, Phosphorylated neurofilament heavy chain
Karesioğlu, E. (2022). Deneysel olarak hafif kafa travması oluşturulan sıçanlarda serum pNF-H düzeyinin ilk altı saatlik seyri. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.