İlköğretim okulu öğretmenlerinin olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini öğrenme ihtiyacı
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
lkögretim okullarında görev yapan ögretmenlerin, sınıf içinde olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini ögrenmeye yönelik belirttikleri ve belirlenen egitim ihtiyaçlarının hangi konularda ve ne ölçüde oldugu, bu çalısmanın problemini olusturmaktadır. Arastırma, tarama modelinde, betimsel bir çalısma olarak gerçeklesmistir. Arastırmanın örneklemini, Bursa li Osmangazi lçesi sınırları içerisinde, 9 ilkögretim okulunda görev yapan 272 sınıf ve brans ögretmeni olusturmustur. Arastırmanın verileri, arastırmacı tarafından gelistirilen iki bölümlük bir form ile elde edilmistir. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde, aritmetik ortalama, t-testi, varyans analizi (F-testi) ve Pearson Momentler Çarpımı kullanılmıstır. Ayrıca veri toplama aracı güvenirlik testine tabi tutulmus ve Cronbach Alfa degerleri birinci bölüm için .95, ikinci bölüm için ise .56 olarak bulunmustur. Arastırma bulgularına göre; ögretmenlerin, formun birinci bölümünde belirttikleri olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini ögrenme ihtiyacı puanları genel ortalamasının 1.76 oldugu görülmektedir. Arastırmaya katılan ögretmenlerin belirtikleri olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini ögrenme ihtiyacı ortalamalarına göre, 3 puan üzerinden, en yüksek puanı, “Davranısın sonucunu yasatmak” konusundaki 15. madde (2.16), en düsük puanı ise “Takdir etmek” 4. madde (1.32) almıstır. Aralarında küçük farklar olmasına ragmen, ögretmenlerin formun birinci bölümünde yer alan tüm olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini ögrenmeyi birer ihtiyaç olarak algıladıkları söylenebilir. Ögretmenlere olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini ögrenme konusunda belirtikleri ihtiyaçlara iliskin sorular sorularak, olumlu disiplin yöntemleri hakkında ne ölçüde dogru bilgiye sahip olduklarının belirlenmeye çalısıldıgı formun ikinci bölümünde, belirlenen ihtiyaçlara verilen dogru cevapların genel ortalamalarının 2.26 oldugu görülmektedir. Bu bölümde sadece dogru seçenege 3 puan verilmis, yanlıs seçenege ise puan verilmemistir. Arastırmaya katılan ögretmenler, belirlenen olumlu disiplin yöntemleri hakkında en az dogru cevabı “Derste ve 4 ortamda degisiklik yapmak” konusundaki 11. soruda (1.32), en fazla dogru cevabı ise “ben dili” konusundaki 9.soruda (2.95) vermislerdir. Ögretmenlerin, olumlu disiplin yöntemlerine iliskin olarak belirtikleri ve belirlenen ögrenme ihtiyaçları; cinsiyetlerine, çalıstıgı kurumdaki görevlerine ve mesleki kıdemlerine göre anlamlı bir farklılık göstermemektedir. Ögretmenlerin olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini ögrenme konusunda belirtikleri ihtiyaçlar ile belirlenen ihtiyaçların genel ortalamaları karsılastırıldıgında; belirttikleri ihtiyaçların genel ortalaması, 2 puan üzerinden 1.69 belirlenen ihtiyaçlara verilen dogru cevapların genel ortalamasının ise 2 puan üzerinden 1.50 oldugu görülmektedir. Bu sonuçlar arasında iliskinin anlamlı olup olmadıgı; yapılan Pearson Momentler Çarpımı ile analiz edilmis ve sonucun anlamlı olmadıgı tespit edilmistir (r=.040, p>.05). Sonuç olarak; ögretmenlerin olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini ögrenme konusunda belirtikleri ihtiyaçların fazla olmasına karsılık, ölçülen bilgilerinde ögrenmeye daha az ihtiyaç duydukları görülmektedir.
The main problem of this study is to see whether the primary school teachers have a perceived need and real need about the knowledge of positive discipline methods used in classroom management. This is a descriptive study. Sampling group of this research consist of 272 primary school teachers and branch teachers from 9 schools in Osmangazi, Bursa In order to collect data, researcher developed two different questionnaire. Besides, means of data collection was tested for its reliability and Cronbach Alpha values were found as .95 for the first section and .56 for the second section. Arithmetic means, independent- samples t-test, one-way anova analysis (F-test), Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used for data analysis. According to the findings of the research, it was found that the general average of the scores for the need mentioned by the teachers to learn new positive discipline methods, is 1.76. According to the average of the need to learn positive discipline methods mentioned by the teachers, item 15 “let the students experience the consequence of the behaviour” had the highest score (2.16) while item 4 “appreciation” had the least score (1.32) out of 3. Despite some small differences, it can be said that learning all positive discipline methods stated in the first section of the form is perceived as a need by the teachers. In the second section of the form, it was aimed to specify how much the teachers had known about positive discipline methods by asking them questions about their needs mentioned by them in learning positive discipline methods and it was found that the average of correct answers given to the specified needs was 2.26. In this section,only correct answer had 3 points and false anwer had no points. The teachers participated in the research gave the least correct answers about the positive discipline methods in question 11 “making changes in the lesson and the environment” (1.32) and the most correct answers in question 9 “I language” (2.95). 6 When we compare the teachers’sexes, their positions in schools or time of service with the needs specified and mentioned by the teachers for learning positive discipline methods, there was not a meaningful difference. When the general averages of the needs to learn positive discipline methods mentioned by the teachers and the needs specified are compared, the average of the needs mentioned by the teachers was 1.69 out of 2 points whereas the general average of correct answers for the mentioned needs was 1.50 out of 2 points. Among these results, in order to see whether the relation between them is meaningful or not, Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to analyse and it was found that the relation was meaningless. As a conclusion, although they mentioned a high need for learning positive discipline methods, it seems that the teachers feel less need for learning when their knowledge is tested.
The main problem of this study is to see whether the primary school teachers have a perceived need and real need about the knowledge of positive discipline methods used in classroom management. This is a descriptive study. Sampling group of this research consist of 272 primary school teachers and branch teachers from 9 schools in Osmangazi, Bursa In order to collect data, researcher developed two different questionnaire. Besides, means of data collection was tested for its reliability and Cronbach Alpha values were found as .95 for the first section and .56 for the second section. Arithmetic means, independent- samples t-test, one-way anova analysis (F-test), Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used for data analysis. According to the findings of the research, it was found that the general average of the scores for the need mentioned by the teachers to learn new positive discipline methods, is 1.76. According to the average of the need to learn positive discipline methods mentioned by the teachers, item 15 “let the students experience the consequence of the behaviour” had the highest score (2.16) while item 4 “appreciation” had the least score (1.32) out of 3. Despite some small differences, it can be said that learning all positive discipline methods stated in the first section of the form is perceived as a need by the teachers. In the second section of the form, it was aimed to specify how much the teachers had known about positive discipline methods by asking them questions about their needs mentioned by them in learning positive discipline methods and it was found that the average of correct answers given to the specified needs was 2.26. In this section,only correct answer had 3 points and false anwer had no points. The teachers participated in the research gave the least correct answers about the positive discipline methods in question 11 “making changes in the lesson and the environment” (1.32) and the most correct answers in question 9 “I language” (2.95). 6 When we compare the teachers’sexes, their positions in schools or time of service with the needs specified and mentioned by the teachers for learning positive discipline methods, there was not a meaningful difference. When the general averages of the needs to learn positive discipline methods mentioned by the teachers and the needs specified are compared, the average of the needs mentioned by the teachers was 1.69 out of 2 points whereas the general average of correct answers for the mentioned needs was 1.50 out of 2 points. Among these results, in order to see whether the relation between them is meaningful or not, Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to analyse and it was found that the relation was meaningless. As a conclusion, although they mentioned a high need for learning positive discipline methods, it seems that the teachers feel less need for learning when their knowledge is tested.
İlkögretim okulu öğretmenleri, Olumlu disiplin yöntemleri, Ögrenme ihtiyacı, Primary school teachers, Positive discipline methods, Need for learning
Kızılkaya, E. (2006). İlköğretim okulu öğretmenlerinin olumlu disiplin yöntemlerini öğrenme ihtiyacı. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.