19. asır Arap edebiyatında Ahmed Faris Şidyak'ın yeri (hayatı, ilmi ve edebi şahsiyeti, gazeteciliği)
Özyer, Kani
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Ahmed Fâris eş-Şidyâk 1801 yılında Lübnan'da doğmuştur. Çocuk yaşında Lübnan'ın iç karışıklıklarında babasını kaybetmesi ve Katolikliği bırakıp, Protestanlığa geçen ağabeyinin işkencelerle öldürülmesi onu ömrü boyunca hayata küstürmüştür. Bu çevresel faktörlerin etkisiyle kendisini küçük yaşlarda ilmî çalışmalara vermiş, bu uğurda memleketini bile terk ederek Mısır, Malta, İngiltere, Fransa, Tunus gibi farklı ülkeleri gezdikten sonra İstanbul'da karar kılmıştır. Önceleri o da ağabeyi gibi Protestanlığa girmiş, ancak 55 yaşlarında Tunus'ta bulunduğu sıralarda İngiliz eşi ile birlikte İslâmı kabul etmiştir. Çalışma hayatının çoğunu matbaalarda düzeltmen ya da çevirmen olarak geçirmiştir. Özellikle Malta'da misyoner matbaasında çalıştığı 15 yıl ve İngiltere'de Kitab-ı Mukaddes'in tercüme heyetinde çalıştığı iki yıl tamamen misyonerlik faaliyetleri içinde olmuştur. İslâmiyeti kabul ettikten sonra geldiği İstanbul'da çıkardığı el-Cevâib gazetesiyle, 23 yıl boyunca Kuzey Afrika'dan Hindistan'a kadar uzanan Osmanlı-Arap dünyasını aydınlatmıştır. O zamanlar yayılma istidadı gösteren ırkçılık düşüncelerine rağmen o, daima Osmanlı ülküsü etrafında toplanılması gerektiğini savunmuştur. Gazetesinde ayrıca o günün doğu dünyasına yabancı olan batıdaki ilmî ve teknik gelişmeleri de yayınlıyor, halkının aydınlanmasını sağlıyordu. İngilizce ve Fransızcaya olan vukufu ile batıda yayınlanan gazetelerden iktibaslar yapıyor, onlar da doğu ile ilgili yayınlarında onu ve gazetesini mahreç gösteriyorlardı. Gazetecilik faaliyetlerinin dışında, kurduğu matbaasında kendi eserlerinin yanı sura mevcudu tükenen kıymetli el yazması eserleri basıyor, ilim dünyasının istifadesine sunuyordu. Gazetesi 1884 yılında kapanır. Kendisi de 1887'de İstanbul'da vefat eder. Arkasında 50'ye yalan eser bırakır. Bunlardan 35 tanesi basılmıştır. Diğerlerinin ise nerede olduğu dahi bilinmemektedir. İsimlerine sadece kaynaklarda rastlamaktayız.
Ahmed Faris al-Shidyaq was bom in 1801 in Lebanon. When he was a child, he lost his father at the domestic war, and his brother, who left the religion of Catolic and entered into the pretostant, was killed by torture. All these evidents led him to be offended to life. With the effects of these environmental factors he focused on the scientific studies at his early ages, left his country, and decided to stay at Istanbul after he travelled Egypt, England, France, Malta, Tunis. He was a protestant like his brother but when he was 55 years old and living in Tunis, he accepted the religion of Islam with his wife from England. He spent most of his work time at printing offices as a critic or translator. He especially worked at the printing office of the missionar in Malta for 15 years, and at the translator commitee of the Holly Writ. He also attended to the missionary activities for 2 years. He made an enlightment to the Ottoman-Arabic world which lies from North Africa to India with the aid of the newspaper which is called as al-Cavaib and is published during 23 years in İstanbul. He always claimed to join at the ottoman ideal although the nationality ideas were spread over the word at this period. He was publishing the scientific and technical developments in west which was not in aggreement with the East World in his newspaper, and thus let people to be informed. Since he had a good knowledge of English and French, he made some quotations from western newspapers, and in return the western newpapers gave Shidyaq and al-Cavaib as a reference in their articles related to the East World. He published his own works at the printing office founded by himself besides the newspaper. Moreover, he also published the valuable hand-written books which were not found anywhere, and introduced all these works to the scientific world. Shidyaq's newspaper was closed in 1884. He died in 1887 in Istanbul. He left approximately fifty books after he died. Out of 50 books, only 30 book were published, we don't have any information about where the remainings are. We only saw their names in references.
Ahmed Faris al-Shidyaq was bom in 1801 in Lebanon. When he was a child, he lost his father at the domestic war, and his brother, who left the religion of Catolic and entered into the pretostant, was killed by torture. All these evidents led him to be offended to life. With the effects of these environmental factors he focused on the scientific studies at his early ages, left his country, and decided to stay at Istanbul after he travelled Egypt, England, France, Malta, Tunis. He was a protestant like his brother but when he was 55 years old and living in Tunis, he accepted the religion of Islam with his wife from England. He spent most of his work time at printing offices as a critic or translator. He especially worked at the printing office of the missionar in Malta for 15 years, and at the translator commitee of the Holly Writ. He also attended to the missionary activities for 2 years. He made an enlightment to the Ottoman-Arabic world which lies from North Africa to India with the aid of the newspaper which is called as al-Cavaib and is published during 23 years in İstanbul. He always claimed to join at the ottoman ideal although the nationality ideas were spread over the word at this period. He was publishing the scientific and technical developments in west which was not in aggreement with the East World in his newspaper, and thus let people to be informed. Since he had a good knowledge of English and French, he made some quotations from western newspapers, and in return the western newpapers gave Shidyaq and al-Cavaib as a reference in their articles related to the East World. He published his own works at the printing office founded by himself besides the newspaper. Moreover, he also published the valuable hand-written books which were not found anywhere, and introduced all these works to the scientific world. Shidyaq's newspaper was closed in 1884. He died in 1887 in Istanbul. He left approximately fifty books after he died. Out of 50 books, only 30 book were published, we don't have any information about where the remainings are. We only saw their names in references.
Ahmed Faris Şidyak, Arap edebiyatı, Biyografi, Arabian literature, Biography
Özyer, K. (1997). 19. asır Arap edebiyatında Ahmed Faris Şidyak'ın yeri (hayatı, ilmi ve edebi şahsiyeti, gazeteciliği). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.