Ebû Hayyân El-Endelusî ve Arap gramerindeki yeri
Tekin, Selim
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İslami fetihlerin Arap yarımadası dışına yayılmasından sonra İslamiyet’i kabul eden ve Arap olmayan birçok toplum tarafından yaygın bir şekilde lahn diye ifade edilen dil hataları yapılıyordu. Bu hataların Kur’ân-ı Kerim’e yansıması birçok ilim adamını harekete geçirmiş, neticede Ebû’l Esved ed-Duelî tarafından Kurân-ı Kerim’in noktalanması ve harekelenmesi şeklinde ilk Arap gramer çalışmaları başlatılmıştır. Ebû’l Esved’den sonra gramer çalışmaları Basra’da özellikle Halil bin Ahmed’in gayretli çalışmalarıyla ilerlemiş, öğrencisi Sîbeveyh’le nahiv kuralları sistematik bir şekilde ele alınmıştır. Sîbeveyh’den sonra Basra dil ekolünün önemli temsilcileri olan Ahfeş, Müberrid, Zeccâc, İbn Serrâc, Sîrâfî gibi dil bilginleriyle nahiv çalışmaları zirveye ulaşmıştır. Basra’da gelişen bu ilmi faaliyetler Basra dil ekolüne karşı bir hareket olarak doğan ve Kûfe’de gelişen Kûfe dil ekolüyle farklı görünümler kazanmıştır. Bu ekolün önemli temsilcileri olan Kisâî, Ferrâ, Sa‘leb gibi dilciler gramerle alakalı farklı görüşler ortaya koymuştur. Basra ve Kûfe ekollerinden sonra İslamiyet’in yayılması neticesinde Endülüs, Mısır, Şam ve Irak gibi merkezlerde de nahiv çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. Bu merkezlerden biri olan Endülüste de İbn Madâ, İbn Usfûr, İbn Mâlik ve araştırmamızın konusu olan Ebû Hayyân gibi önemli dilciler yetişmiştir. Hicri sekizinci yüzyılın önemli bir dil bilgini olan Ebû Hayyân, kendinden önceki dil bilginlerinin görüşlerinden etkilenmiş ve kendi birikimiyle Arap dil çalışmalarına farklı görüşler kazandırmış, yazmış olduğu eserlerle önemli katkılarda bulunmuştur. Ebû Hayyân’ın dil meselelerine kendine özgü bir nahiv metoduyla yaklaşımı ve dil meseleleriyle alakalı farklı görüşler ileri sürmesi araştırmanın konusunu önemli kılmaktadır. Bu araştırmayla Ebû Hayyân’ı vi tanımak, nahiv metodolojisine olan katkısını ve gramerle alakalı görüşlerini ortaya koymak; böylece Ebû Hayyân’ın Arap gramer çalışmalarındaki yerini göstermek amaçlanmaktadır.
After conquests, Islam spread out of the Arabian Peninsula, many non-Arab societies who accepted Islam made common language mistakes that were commonly referred to as “lahn” (solecism). The reflection of these mistakes on the Qurʾân has triggered many scholars, as a result, the first Arabic grammar studies in the form of the punctuation and accentuation of the Qurʾân were initiated by Abû’l-Aswad al-Du’alî. After Abū’l-Aswad, especially with the diligent works of al-Ḫalîl b. Aḥmad the grammar studies improved in Basra, and with his student Sîbawayhi Arabic syntax (naḥw) rules were discussed in a systematic way. After Sîbawayhi, with linguists like al-Aḫfaş, Mubarrad, Zeccâc, İbn Serrâc and Sîrâfî, who were the important representatives of the Basran language school, naḥw studies reached to the peak levels. These scientific activities in Basra gained different appearances with the Kufa language school which was born and developed in Kufa as a movement against the Basran language school. The linguists such as Kisâʾî, Farrâʾ and Sa’leb, who are important representatives of this school presented different opinions regarding the grammar. After Basra and Kufa schools, as a result of the spread of Islam naḥw studies were conducted in centers like Andalusia, Egypt, Damascus and Iraq. In Andalusia, which was one of these centers, viii important linguists such as Ibn Madâ, Ibn ʿUṣfûr, Ibn Mâlik and the subject of our research Abû Ḥayyân were raised. Abû Ḥayyân, an important linguist of the eighth century of the hegira, was influenced by the views of his predecessor linguists and his works made important contributions to Arabic language studies. Abû Ḥayyân’s approach to language issues with a distinctive naḥw method and proposing different opinions regarding language issues make the subject of the research important. With this research, it is aimed to get to know Abû Ḥayyân, to reveal his contribution to naḥw methodology and his views about grammar and thus to show his role in Arabic grammar studies.
After conquests, Islam spread out of the Arabian Peninsula, many non-Arab societies who accepted Islam made common language mistakes that were commonly referred to as “lahn” (solecism). The reflection of these mistakes on the Qurʾân has triggered many scholars, as a result, the first Arabic grammar studies in the form of the punctuation and accentuation of the Qurʾân were initiated by Abû’l-Aswad al-Du’alî. After Abū’l-Aswad, especially with the diligent works of al-Ḫalîl b. Aḥmad the grammar studies improved in Basra, and with his student Sîbawayhi Arabic syntax (naḥw) rules were discussed in a systematic way. After Sîbawayhi, with linguists like al-Aḫfaş, Mubarrad, Zeccâc, İbn Serrâc and Sîrâfî, who were the important representatives of the Basran language school, naḥw studies reached to the peak levels. These scientific activities in Basra gained different appearances with the Kufa language school which was born and developed in Kufa as a movement against the Basran language school. The linguists such as Kisâʾî, Farrâʾ and Sa’leb, who are important representatives of this school presented different opinions regarding the grammar. After Basra and Kufa schools, as a result of the spread of Islam naḥw studies were conducted in centers like Andalusia, Egypt, Damascus and Iraq. In Andalusia, which was one of these centers, viii important linguists such as Ibn Madâ, Ibn ʿUṣfûr, Ibn Mâlik and the subject of our research Abû Ḥayyân were raised. Abû Ḥayyân, an important linguist of the eighth century of the hegira, was influenced by the views of his predecessor linguists and his works made important contributions to Arabic language studies. Abû Ḥayyân’s approach to language issues with a distinctive naḥw method and proposing different opinions regarding language issues make the subject of the research important. With this research, it is aimed to get to know Abû Ḥayyân, to reveal his contribution to naḥw methodology and his views about grammar and thus to show his role in Arabic grammar studies.
Ebû Hayyân, Abû Ḥayyân, Arap grameri metodolojisi, Nahiv, Sarf, Arabic grammar methodolgy, Naḥw (Syntax), Ṣarf (Morphology)
Tekin, S. (2019). Ebû Hayyân El-Endelusî ve Arap gramerindeki yeri. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.