Sıçan korneasında oluşturulan deneysel alkali yanık modelinde trombositten zengin plazmanın ve sodyum aljinatlı yarı sentetik hidrojelin korneal yara iyileşmesi uzerine etkisi
Kırıştıoğlu, Mehmet Ömer
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Amaç: Topikal olarak uygulanan yarı-sentetik sodyum aljinat hidrojelin ve hidrojelin trombositten zengin plazma (TZP) ile kombinasyonun histopatolojik, biyokimyasal ve ön segment optik koherens tomografi (ÖS-OKT) parametreleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: 50 adet sıçanın sağ gözüne alkali yanık oluşturularak 5 adet eşit gruba bölünmüştür. Gruplardan birine topikal olarak fosfat tamponlu salin (Sham), birine TZP, birine 0,5% sodyum sitrat çözeltisi, birine yarı-sentetik hidrojel ve birine de topikal TZP ile birlikte hidrojel günde üç kez uygulanmıştır. Korneal opasite (KO), korneal epitelyal boyanma (KEB), siliyer hiperemi (SH), neovaskülarizasyon alanı (NVA) ve boyutu (NVB) değerlendirilmiştir. Korneal epitel defektindeki yüzdesi (KEDY) vizitlere göre değerlendirilmiştir. Dokuzuncu günde ÖS-OKT çekildikten sonra denekler sakrifiye edilmiştir. Alınan kornea dokusu histopatolojik olarak incelenmiş ve biyokimyasal olarak interlökin-1𝛽 (İL- 1𝛽) ve matriks metalloproteinaz-9 (MMP-9) düzeyleri enzim bağımlı immunoabsorban assay (ELİSA) ile ölçülmüştür. Bulgular: Yanık sonrası ilk gün, gruplar KEDY, KO, SH, KEB, NVA ve NVB açısından benzerdi (p>0,05). Son vizitte KO, TZP grubunda Sham grubuna göre daha azdı (p=0,044). NVB açısından gruplar birbirine benzerdi (p>0,05). Gruplar arasında MMP-9 düzeyleri açısından birbirine benzerdi (p>0,05). İL-1𝛽 düzeyleri arasında anlamlı fark vardı (p<0,001). Sham grubuna göre TZP ve TZP+Hidrojel grubunda İL-1𝛽 düzeyi anlamlı derecede daha düşüktü (p=0,043 ve p=0,036). Epitel nekrozu açısından gruplar arasında anlamlı fark vardı en az olan grup iii TZP+Hidrojel grubuydu (p=0,003). Epitel kalınlığının en yüksek olduğu grup TZP+Hidrojel grubuydu (p=0,002). KEDY açısından son vizitte gruplar arasında fark vardı (p=0,042). Sham grubuna göre epitel defekti yüzdesine göre en hızlı iyileşen grup TZP+Hidrojel grubuydu (p=0,026). ÖS-OKT’de santral korneal alan ve solidite açısından doku MMP-9 düzeyi ile negatif korelasyon vardı (sırasıyla p=0,012 ve p=0,027). Sonuç: Yarı sentetik hidrojel, değerlendirilen parametrelerde anlamlı düzeyde iyileştirme yapmamıştır. Ancak TZP ile hidrojel kombine edilmesiyle epitel iyileşme hızı ve neovaskülarizasyon daha fazladır. TZP’de antikoagülan olarak kullanılan %0,5 sitratın TZP’nin yara iyileşmesi üzerine etkisi gösterilmemiştir. TZP’nin epitel kalınlığını ve epitel iyileşme hızını arttırıcı etkisi ile epitel nekrozunu azaltıcı etkisi hidrojel ile kombinasyonu ile arttırılabilir. Görüntü işleme ile ÖS-OKT ölçümleri, sıçan kornealarında yara iyileşmesi değerlendirmede yeni parametreler olarak kullanılabilir.
Objective: Our objective is to determine the effect of semi-synthetic sodium alginate hydrogel and its combination with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on the histopathological, biochemical, and other diagnostic modality, optical coherence tomography. Materials and Methods: Alkali chemical burn of the cornea was induced. Injured rats were randomly divided into five equal groups and topically treated with phosphate-buffered saline (sham), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), %0,5 sodium citrate, semi-synthetic sodium alginate hydrogel, and a combination of PRP and hydrogel three times daily. Degree of corneal opacity (CO), Corneal epithelial staining (CES), Corneal epithelial defects percentage (CEDP), ciliary hyperemia (CH), neovascularization size (NVS), and extent (NVE) were evaluated. AS-OCT was performed at nine days, and then subjects were sacrificed. Histological examination and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were performed to detect the concentration of IL-1β and MMP-9 in the cornea. Results: There was no statistical difference between groups regarding CEDP, CO, CES, CH, NVS, and NVE on the first day after corneal alkali burn (p> 0,05). At the last examination, CO was significantly lower in the PRP group than the sham group (p=0,044), while groups were similar in terms of NVS (p>0,05). Groups were similar in terms of tissue MMP-9 levels (p>0,05), while there was a significant difference between groups in tissue IL-1𝛽 levels (p<0,001). In PRP and PRP+Hydrogel group, the level of IL-1𝛽 was significantly lower than sham group (p=0,043 and p=0,036, respectively). There was a significant epithelial necrosis difference between groups, and it was least in the PRP+Hydrogel group v (p=0,003). Epithelial thickness was highest in the PRP+Hydrogel (p=0,002). CEDP was significantly different at the last visit between groups (p=0,042). The fastest epithelial closing rate was in the PRP+Hydrogel group in respect to others (p=0,026). There was a significant negative correlation between tissue MMP-9 levels and corneal solidity and corneal area in AS-OCT measurements (p=0,012 and p=0,027, respectively). Conclusion: Topical hydrogel application alone was not significantly effective in the corneal wound healing process. However, when topically applied in conjunction with PRP, it further increases epithelial closure rate and neovascularization effect but not inflammation and corneal opacity when compared to PRP. In addition, citrate solution in the PRP tube as an anticoagulant was not effective. The combination of PRP and hydrogel may further increase epithelial thickness while decreasing epithelial necrosis. After image processing of the AS-OCT scans, new parameters can be used for rats' corneal wound healing process.
Objective: Our objective is to determine the effect of semi-synthetic sodium alginate hydrogel and its combination with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on the histopathological, biochemical, and other diagnostic modality, optical coherence tomography. Materials and Methods: Alkali chemical burn of the cornea was induced. Injured rats were randomly divided into five equal groups and topically treated with phosphate-buffered saline (sham), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), %0,5 sodium citrate, semi-synthetic sodium alginate hydrogel, and a combination of PRP and hydrogel three times daily. Degree of corneal opacity (CO), Corneal epithelial staining (CES), Corneal epithelial defects percentage (CEDP), ciliary hyperemia (CH), neovascularization size (NVS), and extent (NVE) were evaluated. AS-OCT was performed at nine days, and then subjects were sacrificed. Histological examination and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were performed to detect the concentration of IL-1β and MMP-9 in the cornea. Results: There was no statistical difference between groups regarding CEDP, CO, CES, CH, NVS, and NVE on the first day after corneal alkali burn (p> 0,05). At the last examination, CO was significantly lower in the PRP group than the sham group (p=0,044), while groups were similar in terms of NVS (p>0,05). Groups were similar in terms of tissue MMP-9 levels (p>0,05), while there was a significant difference between groups in tissue IL-1𝛽 levels (p<0,001). In PRP and PRP+Hydrogel group, the level of IL-1𝛽 was significantly lower than sham group (p=0,043 and p=0,036, respectively). There was a significant epithelial necrosis difference between groups, and it was least in the PRP+Hydrogel group v (p=0,003). Epithelial thickness was highest in the PRP+Hydrogel (p=0,002). CEDP was significantly different at the last visit between groups (p=0,042). The fastest epithelial closing rate was in the PRP+Hydrogel group in respect to others (p=0,026). There was a significant negative correlation between tissue MMP-9 levels and corneal solidity and corneal area in AS-OCT measurements (p=0,012 and p=0,027, respectively). Conclusion: Topical hydrogel application alone was not significantly effective in the corneal wound healing process. However, when topically applied in conjunction with PRP, it further increases epithelial closure rate and neovascularization effect but not inflammation and corneal opacity when compared to PRP. In addition, citrate solution in the PRP tube as an anticoagulant was not effective. The combination of PRP and hydrogel may further increase epithelial thickness while decreasing epithelial necrosis. After image processing of the AS-OCT scans, new parameters can be used for rats' corneal wound healing process.
Trombositten zengin plazma, Korneal yara iyileşmesi, Hidrojel, Sitrat, Ön segment optik koherens tomografi, Platelet-rich plasma, Corneal wound healing, Hydrogel, Citrate, Anterior segment optical coherence tomography
Kırıştıoğlu, M. Ö. (2022). Sıçan korneasında oluşturulan deneysel alkali yanık modelinde trombositten zengin plazmanın ve sodyum aljinatlı yarı sentetik hidrojelin korneal yara iyileşmesi üzerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.