Alabalıkların kuyruk kaslarında motor sinir sonlarının morfolojik ve histoşimik özellikleri üzerinde araştırmalar
Erdost, Hatice
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmada, alabalıklarda kuyruğun hızlı hareketini sağlayan kuyruk kaslarının güçlü kasılma yeteneğini açıklayabilmek için kuyruk bölgesi kas fibrillerinin ve bu fibrill erdeki sinir-kas ilişkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Alabalıkların kuyruk bölgesi kaslarının yapısal özellikleri, sinir sonlarının tipleri ve biçimleri ışık mikroskobik düzeyde incelendi. Alabalığın kuyruk bölgesinde bulunan 7 kastan hazırlanan preparatlar incelendiğinde m. lateralis superfisialis'in küçük çaplı kırmızı kas fibril lerinden oluştuğu görüldü. M. lateralis superfisialis dışında kalan diğer 6 kas grubunun çoğunluğunun büyük çaplı beyaz kas fibrillerinden oluştuğu ve bunların aralarında intermediyet tip kas fibrillerinin yer aldığı saptandı. Bu kas f ibrillerinden başka küçük çaplı üçgen şekilli miyosatellit hücrelerinin de mevcut olduğu tespit edildi. M. lateralis superfisialis 'i oluşturan kırmızı kas fibrillerinin horizontal septum bölgesinde 2 katman halinde bulunduğu, çaplarının yaklaşık 16-17 mikron olduğu, bol miktarda lipid içerdikleri ve innervasyonun multiple ve end plate tip sinir sonları ile sağlandığı tespit edildi. Alabalıklarda m. lateralis superfisialis dışında kalan 1diğer kuyruk bölgesi kaslarında yaygın olarak bulunan ortalama 70-100 mikron çapa sahip, lipid yönünden fakir olan beyaz kas fibrillerinin multiple ve end grappe tip sinir sonları ile innerve olduğu görüldü. Ayrıca sadece beyaz kas fibril lerinde sinir sonları dışında kalan bölgelerde endomizyumun AChE pozitif reaksiyon verdiği saptandı.
In this study, muscle fibers of tail and neuro-muscular relations of fibers were investigated in order to define the capability of strong contraction of trout (Salmo irideus gairdneri) tail muscles which provided rapid tail movements. Structural properties, shapes and types of motor nerve terminals of tail muscles were observed by the light microscopy. In the light of the examinations of slided taken from 7 different muscles of tail region, it was observed that, m. lateralis superf icialis was formed from small diameter red muscles fibers whereas the larger part of the other 6 muscles were formed from large diameter white fibers. Meanwhile, intermediate type muscle fibers were found among these muscles. In addition to them, small, triangled myosatellite cells were observed too. It has been established that the red muscles fibers of m. laterales superficialis consisted of two layers at the horizontal septal region and their diameters were approximately 16-17 micrones and that they contained a large quantity of lipid and the innervation occured by multiple and end plate type. 3White muscle fibers which are extensively found in the other muscles of the tail in trout, except m. lateralis superf icialis, with a diameter of 100 microns, poor in lipid are innerved by multiple and end grappe type nerve terminals. Also, it has been determined that endomysium had positive AChE activity only in white muscle fibres in the other regions except nerve terminals.
In this study, muscle fibers of tail and neuro-muscular relations of fibers were investigated in order to define the capability of strong contraction of trout (Salmo irideus gairdneri) tail muscles which provided rapid tail movements. Structural properties, shapes and types of motor nerve terminals of tail muscles were observed by the light microscopy. In the light of the examinations of slided taken from 7 different muscles of tail region, it was observed that, m. lateralis superf icialis was formed from small diameter red muscles fibers whereas the larger part of the other 6 muscles were formed from large diameter white fibers. Meanwhile, intermediate type muscle fibers were found among these muscles. In addition to them, small, triangled myosatellite cells were observed too. It has been established that the red muscles fibers of m. laterales superficialis consisted of two layers at the horizontal septal region and their diameters were approximately 16-17 micrones and that they contained a large quantity of lipid and the innervation occured by multiple and end plate type. 3White muscle fibers which are extensively found in the other muscles of the tail in trout, except m. lateralis superf icialis, with a diameter of 100 microns, poor in lipid are innerved by multiple and end grappe type nerve terminals. Also, it has been determined that endomysium had positive AChE activity only in white muscle fibres in the other regions except nerve terminals.
Motor sinir sonları, Kas fibrilleri, Histokimya, Salmo irideus gairdneri, Motor nerve terminals, Histochemistry, Muscle fibers
Erdost, H. (1994). Alabalıkların kuyruk kaslarında motor sinir sonlarının morfolojik ve histoşimik özellikleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.