Sporcuların beslenme alışkanlıklarının incelenmesi
Zeki, Düreyt
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmamızda bireysel ve takım sporlarını yapan sporcuların beslenme alışkanlıkları araştırıldı. Araştırmaya yaşları 17-28 olan, bireysel spor yapan 59, takım spor yapan 82 olmak üzere toplam 141 erkek sporcu gönüllü olarak katıldı. Sporcuların beslenme alışkanlıklarının ve günlük besin tüketim durumlarının saptanması için anket formu bireysel görüşme yolu ile uygulanarak, sporcuların sorulan doğru olarak cevaplaması sağlandı. Bulguların değerlendirilmesinde Mann- Whitney ki-kare ve Fisher'in kesin ki kare testleri uygulandı. Sonuç olarak takım ve bireysel sporcuların sabah kahvaltılarında besin sayılan açısından istatistiksel olarak farklılık saptanmamıştır. Öğle ve akşam yemeklerinde takım sporcularının % 15 oranında, bireysel sporcuların ise % 94 oranında 2 tür yiyecek aldıkları saptanmıştır. Ayrıca sporcuların günlük besin tüketimleri ve beslenme alışkanlıkları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki saptanamamıştır. Sporcuların genellikle öğünlerinde 2 kap yemek tükettikleri saptanmıştır. Ancak sporcuların performanslarını artırmak için daha çeşitli ve dengeli besin tüketimlerine ihtiyaçları vardır. Araştırmada bireysel ve takım sporlarını yapan sporcuların beslenme alışkanlıkları incelendiğinde elde edilen sonuçlar sporcuların genel beslenme konusunda daha geniş bir eğitime ihtiyaçları olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
In this study dietary habits of the athletes of individual sports and of team sports were investigated. Between 17-28 ages, total onehundered fourthyone male athletes participated to our study as volunteer. Fiftynine of them were athlets of team sports and eightytwo of them were athletes of individual sports. In order to determinate the nutrition habits and daily consumption condition of athletes, questionnaire was applied as personal interview. In that way, we provided right answers to our questions. For evaluation of data, Mann- Whitney Chi-square test and Fisher's exact chi square test were applied to compare inter-group and athletes nourishment quantity. As a result, no difference was detemined between team athletes and individual athletes with regard to breakfast nutrition quantitiy. It was recognised that 15 % of team athletes and 94 % of individual athletes eat two kind foods in lunch and dinner. Besides, a significant relation between the nutrition habits and daily consumption condition of athletes wasn't determined. It was seen that athletes usually consume two dish of food. These results, usually correspond the dietary habits of Turkish family. Yet, in order to increase their performance, athletes need much various and much balanced nutrition. The results which were gained from this study, show that athletes need for nutrition education.
In this study dietary habits of the athletes of individual sports and of team sports were investigated. Between 17-28 ages, total onehundered fourthyone male athletes participated to our study as volunteer. Fiftynine of them were athlets of team sports and eightytwo of them were athletes of individual sports. In order to determinate the nutrition habits and daily consumption condition of athletes, questionnaire was applied as personal interview. In that way, we provided right answers to our questions. For evaluation of data, Mann- Whitney Chi-square test and Fisher's exact chi square test were applied to compare inter-group and athletes nourishment quantity. As a result, no difference was detemined between team athletes and individual athletes with regard to breakfast nutrition quantitiy. It was recognised that 15 % of team athletes and 94 % of individual athletes eat two kind foods in lunch and dinner. Besides, a significant relation between the nutrition habits and daily consumption condition of athletes wasn't determined. It was seen that athletes usually consume two dish of food. These results, usually correspond the dietary habits of Turkish family. Yet, in order to increase their performance, athletes need much various and much balanced nutrition. The results which were gained from this study, show that athletes need for nutrition education.
Sporcu, Besin, Antrenman, Beslenme, Athletes, Nutrition, Nourishment, Training
Zeki, D. (2000). Sporcuların beslenme alışkanlıklarının incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.