Georges Perec’in “şeyler” romanının gösterge bilimsel çözümlemesi
Karslı, Buket Altınbüken
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
XX. yüzyıl Fransız edebiyatı yazarları arasında deneysel edebiyat çalışmalarıyla dikkat çeken Georges Perec, kurmaca anlatının üç temel ögesine (kişi, uzam ve zaman) odaklanarak, geleneksel romanın sınırlarını zorlar ve yeni yapılar bulmayı hedefler. Tahsin Yücel tarafından Anlatı Yerlemleri olarak tanımlanan kişi, süre ve uzam kavramları anlatı içinde birbirinden bağımsız değildir ve anlatı çözümlemesinde anlamı oluşturan birer gösterge olarak ele alınır. Çalışmamızda bu yaklaşımla Şeyler romanında, karakterler, uzam, zaman, olay örgüsü, betimleme ve öyküleme tekniklerini incelemeyi amaçladık. Göstergebilim, sözcelem ve anlatıbilim yöntemlerinden faydalanarak, sahip olmak ve var olmak kavramları üzerine sorgulamalar içeren bu yapıtı, 1960’larda gelişen eylem göstergebilimi ve 1980’lerde gelişen varlık göstergebilimine dayanarak çözümledik.
Georges Perec, who attracted attention with his experimental literary style among the writers of the 20th century French Literature, pushes the boundaries of the traditional novel by focusing on the three basic elements of the fictional narrative (person, space, and time) and aims to find new structures. The concepts of person, duration, and space, which are defined as “narrative coordinates” by Tahsin Yücel, are not independent of each other in the narrative and are considered to be indicators that create meaning in narrative analysis. In our study, we aimed to examine the characters, space, time, plot, description, and narration techniques in the novel ‘Things’ with this approach. Using the methods of semiotics, utterances, and narratology, we analyzed this work, which includes inquiries on the concepts of having and being, based on the semiotics of action and the semiotics of being that were developed respectively in the 1960s and 1980s.
Georges Perec, who attracted attention with his experimental literary style among the writers of the 20th century French Literature, pushes the boundaries of the traditional novel by focusing on the three basic elements of the fictional narrative (person, space, and time) and aims to find new structures. The concepts of person, duration, and space, which are defined as “narrative coordinates” by Tahsin Yücel, are not independent of each other in the narrative and are considered to be indicators that create meaning in narrative analysis. In our study, we aimed to examine the characters, space, time, plot, description, and narration techniques in the novel ‘Things’ with this approach. Using the methods of semiotics, utterances, and narratology, we analyzed this work, which includes inquiries on the concepts of having and being, based on the semiotics of action and the semiotics of being that were developed respectively in the 1960s and 1980s.
Georges Perec, Fransız edebiyatı, Göstergebilim, Anlatıbilim, Anlatı yerlemleri, French literature, Semiotics, Narratology, Narrative coordinates
Karslı, B. A. (2022). ''Georges Perec’in “şeyler” romanının gösterge bilimsel çözümlemesi''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(43), 935-973