Arap dilinde Ta'rîb olgusu açısından Garîbu'l-Kur'ân
Acar, Ömer
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Yabancı kelimelerin Arapçaya girisi, slam'dan önce ve sonra komsu kültürlerle kurulan iliskiler sonunda olmustur. Bu münasebetlerin ve Arapçanın tabiî gelisiminin bir sonucu olarak, Arapların daha önce tecrübe etmedigi iktisat, sanayi, tarım, ticaret, felsefe, siyaset ve toplum alanlarına dair pek çok kavram dile girmistir. slamdan önce dile giren yabancı kelimelerin Arapça'ya uyumunun nasıl saglandıgı sorusu, Kur'ân'da ve yaygın olarak kullanılan siirde geçen yabancı lafızların bu açıdan ele alınması yoluyla verilebilir. K. Kerim'deki yabancı kelimeler tartısmasına bu perspektiften bakılacak olursa, bilginlerin gelistirmis oldugu kriterlerin bir yere kadar ise yaradıgı, bazı durumlarda daha ayrıntılı ve kompleks bilgilere ihtiyaç duyuldugu görülür. Zira çok önceden Arapçanın kılcal damarlarına sirayet etmis bazı yabancı asıllı kelimelerin tespitinde selîka ve dil zevki sınırlı bir islev gördügü için, meseleyi basta Sâmî dilleri olmak üzere, Arapçanın iliskiye girdigi diller açısından ele alıp incelemek gerekir. Garîbu'l-Kur'ân literatüründe verilen örneklerden anlasıldıgı kadarıyla, buradaki garîblik'den kasıt fesahatten uzaklık degil, kelimenin digerlerine göre daha az bilinmesi ve kullanılması, Arap lehçelerinden veya yabancı dillerden girmis olması gibi özelliklerdir. Arap lehçeleri ve bunlardan alınan dil malzemesi (kelime ve kural) hakkında müstakil çalısmaların yapılması, standart dilin olusum asamaları hakkında fikir verecektir. Nitekim son zamanlarda yapılan karsılastırmalı çalısmalarda, standart dilde bulunmayan kimi kadim unsurların Arap lehçelerinde yasadıgı tespit edilmistir. Ayrıca avam dili olarak ifade edilen günlük konusma dilinde, bazı Sâmî dillerin izleri açıkça görülebilmektedir. Bütün bu lehçelerin ve diger Sâmî dillerin alt dalları ile iv birlikte ele alınıp karsılastırmalı, eszamanlı ve artzamanlı bir incelemeye tabi tutulması Arapçanın tarihinin aydınlatılması için önemlidir.
Foreign words in the Arabic occured in consequence of the relationships between Arabic and other neighbor cultures both before and after the advent of Islam. The result of this relations and natural development of Arabic language is entering a lot of new economical, industrial, agricultural, philosophical, political and social concepts and words from other languages into Arabic that are not experienced before by Arabs. The question of how these foreign words harmonised with Arabic language may be answered by investigation and analysing of foreign words in the Qur?an and classical Arabic poems. In this perspective, for accomplish the debates about foreign words which are presented in the Qur?an, the measures of classical scholars about this problem are not enough, because more detailed and complex datas related with this topic are required. For this reason, to study on this topic beside a perfect information about Arabic language there is necessary to know Semitic languages and other languages that have historical relations with Arabic. Showing us in the literatures of Garibu?l-Qur?an the expression of ?Garib?is not mean a lack of fluency, rather knowledge about these words is being less than the others and their entering into Arabic from other Arabic dialects and foreign languages. We think that studying on the Arabic dialects and language mateirals such as words and grammatical rules that are taken from them is important to understand the genesis of v standart language?s levels. Thus in the recent comperative studies, it is stated that some archaic elements that are not found in the Arabic, live in the dialects of Arabic. Also the traces of some Semitic languages can be seen in the vulgar Arabic tongue. As a consequence, for clarifying the history of the Arabic language we must study and investigate all these dialects and Semitic languages with their subdivisions synchronically and diachronically.
Foreign words in the Arabic occured in consequence of the relationships between Arabic and other neighbor cultures both before and after the advent of Islam. The result of this relations and natural development of Arabic language is entering a lot of new economical, industrial, agricultural, philosophical, political and social concepts and words from other languages into Arabic that are not experienced before by Arabs. The question of how these foreign words harmonised with Arabic language may be answered by investigation and analysing of foreign words in the Qur?an and classical Arabic poems. In this perspective, for accomplish the debates about foreign words which are presented in the Qur?an, the measures of classical scholars about this problem are not enough, because more detailed and complex datas related with this topic are required. For this reason, to study on this topic beside a perfect information about Arabic language there is necessary to know Semitic languages and other languages that have historical relations with Arabic. Showing us in the literatures of Garibu?l-Qur?an the expression of ?Garib?is not mean a lack of fluency, rather knowledge about these words is being less than the others and their entering into Arabic from other Arabic dialects and foreign languages. We think that studying on the Arabic dialects and language mateirals such as words and grammatical rules that are taken from them is important to understand the genesis of v standart language?s levels. Thus in the recent comperative studies, it is stated that some archaic elements that are not found in the Arabic, live in the dialects of Arabic. Also the traces of some Semitic languages can be seen in the vulgar Arabic tongue. As a consequence, for clarifying the history of the Arabic language we must study and investigate all these dialects and Semitic languages with their subdivisions synchronically and diachronically.
Garîbu’l-Kur’ân, Ta‘rîb, Sâmî dilleri, Dahîl, Arap lehçeleri, Garibu’l-Qur’an, Arabization, Semitic language, Foreign words, Arabic dialects
Acar, Ö. (2007). Arap dilinde Ta'rîb olgusu açısından Garîbu'l-Kur'ân. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.