Türkiye'nin enerji güvenliği bağlamında Irak ve Kürdistan bölgesel yönetimi ile ilişkiler (2003-2019)
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Klasik anlamda enerji güvenliği kavramı, çeşitli formlardaki ve yeterli miktardaki enerjinin bulunabilirliği olarak tanımlanabilir. Ayrıca enerji güvenliği, uygun fiyattaki enerji kaynaklarına, çevreye zarar vermeden ulaşabilirlik olarak da değerlendirilebilir. Enerji güvenliği uluslararası ilişkiler gündeminde yer alan konulardan biri olarak çok boyutlu ve çok değişken bir kavramdır. Bu bağlamda Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplinindeki teorilerin her biri enerji güvenliği konusuna farklı bir bakış açışı çizmiştir. Temeli 1990'lı yıllara dayanan ve güvenlik tanımlamalarında artan ölçüde kullanılmaya başlayan kavramlardan biri olan enerji güvenliği kavramı bu tezin kuramsal bir alt yapısını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin enerji güvenliği bağlamında Irak ve Kuzey Irak Bölgesel Yönetimi ile ilişkilerini 2003 yılından başlayarak günümüze değin analiz etmektedir. Bu süreç 2003 yılında başlayarak 2019'a kadar devam etmiştir. Metodoloji bağlamında çalışma, kartopu yöntemi temelinde uzman kişilerle yapılan yüz-yüze derinlemesine görüşmelere dayanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra, konu ile alakalı yazılı ve görsel kaynaklar da ikincil veri olarak kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucu elde edilen bulgulara göre Türkiye'nin, IKBY ve Irak Merkezi Hükümeti arasındaki ilişkileri "Irak'ın iç politika sorunu" olarak ele alınmakta, Irak Merkezi Hükümeti ve IKBY arasındaki siyasi, idari ve ekonomik sorunların dışında kalarak denge politikası yürütmektedir.
Security of energy can be described as accessible necessary amount of energy found in various forms. There is another explanation of security of energy, it is explained as to reach to the best quality of energy without damaging the environment in the right price. Security of energy is part of the International Relations hot topic and it is a term where it is very changeable and has many different aspects. This is the reason why every theory in International Relations has drawn a different point of view in security of energy. The base of energy security concept comes from 1990s and it became popular to use energy security in the context of International Relations since then. This study has been based theoretically on the exploration of the energy security concept. It analyzes Turkey's energy security relations with Iraq and North Iraq's Regional Government is starting from 2003 and to the present day. The timeline for the research that is included in the study is starting from 2003 to the end of 2019. The methodology of the study is based on snowball sampling that is composed of research that's been done with many face to face interviews and meetings with professional experts. Moreover, previous research on the subject has been used as the secondarydata. According to the findings of the study, Turkey's relations with the Kurdistan Reginal Goverment (KRG) and the Iraq Central Government is considered as the "Internal problems of the Iraq Government". Also, Turkey has been staying out of the political and governmental relations between Iraq Central Government and Kurdistan Regional Government and tries to keep a balanced political relations.
Security of energy can be described as accessible necessary amount of energy found in various forms. There is another explanation of security of energy, it is explained as to reach to the best quality of energy without damaging the environment in the right price. Security of energy is part of the International Relations hot topic and it is a term where it is very changeable and has many different aspects. This is the reason why every theory in International Relations has drawn a different point of view in security of energy. The base of energy security concept comes from 1990s and it became popular to use energy security in the context of International Relations since then. This study has been based theoretically on the exploration of the energy security concept. It analyzes Turkey's energy security relations with Iraq and North Iraq's Regional Government is starting from 2003 and to the present day. The timeline for the research that is included in the study is starting from 2003 to the end of 2019. The methodology of the study is based on snowball sampling that is composed of research that's been done with many face to face interviews and meetings with professional experts. Moreover, previous research on the subject has been used as the secondarydata. According to the findings of the study, Turkey's relations with the Kurdistan Reginal Goverment (KRG) and the Iraq Central Government is considered as the "Internal problems of the Iraq Government". Also, Turkey has been staying out of the political and governmental relations between Iraq Central Government and Kurdistan Regional Government and tries to keep a balanced political relations.
Türkiye’nin enerji güvenliği, Türkiye-Irak ilişkileri, Türkiye-Kürdistan bölgesel yönetimi ile ilişkiler, Enerji güvenliği, Turkey’s energy security, Turkey-Iraq relations, Turkey Kurdish regional government relations, Energy security
Tümen, N. (2020). Türkiye'nin enerji güvenliği bağlamında Irak ve Kürdistan bölgesel yönetimi ile ilişkiler (2003-2019). Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.