Anadolu kökenli yulaf genetik materyalinde bazı agronomik özelliklerin incelenmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çok sayıda bitki türü bakımından Türkiye'de genetik farklı¬lığın varlığı ve ülkenin bir gen merkezi üzerinde bulunduğu uzun süredir bilindiğinden elde bulunan gen kaynaklarının zenginleştirilmesi gerekmektedir« Bu nedenle Türkiye'nin çeşitli bölgelerinden toplamış bulunan bitki materyalleri, detaylı olarak araştırılmalıdır. Bu amaçla Osman TosunGen Bankasından Uludağ Üniversitesi. Ziraat Fakültesi Gen Bankasına getirtilen yulaf materyalinde bazı agronomik özellikler araştırılmıştır. Araştırmaya esas olan bitki materyali 141 Avena sativa ve 25 Avena byzantina hatlarından meydana gelmektedir. Hatlar üzerinde bitki ve panicula boyu, paniculada; dalcık sayısı, başakçık sayısı, tane sayısı, tane ağırlığı, lOOOtane ağırlığı ve sap sağlamlığı gibi karakterler incelenmiştir, İki tür altında incelenen hatlar bitki boyuna göre 5 gruba ayrılmıştır. Her grupta elde edilen sonuçlara göre kimi hatlar bundan sonra yapılacak araştırmanın amacı.nı göre bu karakterler bakımından seçilebilir.
As the presence of a large variation in Turkey in respect of so many plant species and the place of this country on gene centre have been long known , the gene resources in hand must be enriched. For that reason , the plant metarials collected from several regions of Turkey have to be examined in detail. In this study , some agronomic traits of oats obtained from Osman Tosun's Genetic Bank were searched for above mentioned purpose. Plant metarials used as a sources for This research have consisted of 141 Avena sativa and 25 Avena byzantina strains. On the strains, some characters such as the plant and panicle heights, the numbers of branchlet, sp.ikelet and grain,, and grain weight on panicle ; 1000 seed weight and stem strenght had been all examined. Plants which were examined in two species were divided into five, groups according to plant heights.According to the results obtained from each group some strains may be selected and used in the later researches in accordance with the purpose of the research.
As the presence of a large variation in Turkey in respect of so many plant species and the place of this country on gene centre have been long known , the gene resources in hand must be enriched. For that reason , the plant metarials collected from several regions of Turkey have to be examined in detail. In this study , some agronomic traits of oats obtained from Osman Tosun's Genetic Bank were searched for above mentioned purpose. Plant metarials used as a sources for This research have consisted of 141 Avena sativa and 25 Avena byzantina strains. On the strains, some characters such as the plant and panicle heights, the numbers of branchlet, sp.ikelet and grain,, and grain weight on panicle ; 1000 seed weight and stem strenght had been all examined. Plants which were examined in two species were divided into five, groups according to plant heights.According to the results obtained from each group some strains may be selected and used in the later researches in accordance with the purpose of the research.
Ziraat, Agriculture
Şen, S. (1991). Anadolu kökenli yulaf genetik materyalinde bazı agronomik özelliklerin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.