Peşteli Hisali Divanı tahlili (inceleme-metin) Birinci cilt
Ercan, Özlem
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Peşteli Hisâlî Dîvânı'nın Tahlili isimli çalışma, iki ciltten oluşmaktadır. Şairin hayatı ile ilgili bilgilere tezkire niteliğindeki çalışmalara müracaat edilerek ve Dîvân' ındaki bilgilerden yola çıkılarak ulaşılmıştır. Kaynak taramalarında bu bilgilere yeterli derecede yer verilmediği görülmüştür. Hisâlî, 1651-52 yılında Peşte' de vefat etmiş, Arap ve Fars edebiyatlarına vâkıf bir Osmanlı şairidir. Sultan III. Mehmed, Sultan I. Ahmed, Sultan I. Mustafa, Sultan II. Osman (Genç Osman), Sultan IV. Murad, Sultan I. İbrahim ve Sultan IV. Mehmed dönemlerini gördüğü, Bağdat'a akraba ziyaretine gittiği, diyar diyar gezdiği, Eğri gazasına katıldığı, Zevil şehrinde defterdarlık yaptığı, bilinmeyen bir nedenden dolayı azl edilip iflas ettiği bilgilerine şiirlerinden ulaşılabilir. Ayrıca Gülbaba adlı bir Bektaşî şeyhine sevgi ve saygısını belirttiği bir gazelden, Bektaşî olabileceği fikrine de varılabilir. İlk cildin birinci bölümünde, ayrıca şairin eserleri, şiiri ve şiir hakkındaki görüşlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde din-tasavvuf, üçüncü bölümünde cemiyet, dördüncü bölümünde insan, beşinci bölümünde tabiat incelenmiş ve cildin sonuna dizin konmuştur. İkinci ciltte ise Dîvân' in transkripsiyonlu metni ve dizin yer alır. Tahlil kısmında ana başlıklar ve alt başlıklar ışığında, şairin hayata ve şiire bakışı çözümlenmeye çalışılmıştır.
Information about poet's life gained by his "Divan" and by the works that are thought to be "tazkire". It has been that there is not much importance given to poet's life in written source of information. According to our information, Hisali is a poet who is good at Arabian and Persian literatures has died in Peşte in 1651/52. By reading his poems we can understand that he has seen the times of Sultan Mehmed III, Sultan Ahmed I, Sultan Mustafa I, Sultan Osman II, Sultan Murad IV, Sultan İbrahim I and Sultan Mehmed Iv, he has visited his relations in Bağdat, he has travelled many lands, he has joined the Egri military expedition on behalf of Islam, he has been the offical heading a provincial treasury in the city of Zevil and because of an unknown reason we know that he has been fired and he has gone bankrupt. Moreover, he can thought to be as Bektaşi, as he told his respect and love to a Bektaşi sheikh named "Gülbaba" in a gazal (lyric poem). Apart from this information in the first chapter of the first volume; poet's works, Poet's poem and his opinion on poetry also forms this chapter's content. In the second chapter of this work religion-sufism, in the third chapter society, in the fourth chapter human, in the fifth chapter natural world are examined and at the end of the volume there is an index. In the second volume there is a transcriptioned-text of "Divan" with an index. In the analysis part, with the help of main titles and titles, the opinions of poet towards life and poetry are tried to be examined
Information about poet's life gained by his "Divan" and by the works that are thought to be "tazkire". It has been that there is not much importance given to poet's life in written source of information. According to our information, Hisali is a poet who is good at Arabian and Persian literatures has died in Peşte in 1651/52. By reading his poems we can understand that he has seen the times of Sultan Mehmed III, Sultan Ahmed I, Sultan Mustafa I, Sultan Osman II, Sultan Murad IV, Sultan İbrahim I and Sultan Mehmed Iv, he has visited his relations in Bağdat, he has travelled many lands, he has joined the Egri military expedition on behalf of Islam, he has been the offical heading a provincial treasury in the city of Zevil and because of an unknown reason we know that he has been fired and he has gone bankrupt. Moreover, he can thought to be as Bektaşi, as he told his respect and love to a Bektaşi sheikh named "Gülbaba" in a gazal (lyric poem). Apart from this information in the first chapter of the first volume; poet's works, Poet's poem and his opinion on poetry also forms this chapter's content. In the second chapter of this work religion-sufism, in the third chapter society, in the fourth chapter human, in the fifth chapter natural world are examined and at the end of the volume there is an index. In the second volume there is a transcriptioned-text of "Divan" with an index. In the analysis part, with the help of main titles and titles, the opinions of poet towards life and poetry are tried to be examined
YÖK te 2. cilt olarak geçiyor.
Peşteli Hisâlî, Dîvân, Tahlil, Eski Türk Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı, Şiir, Ancient Turkish Literature, Analysis, Poet
Ercan, Ö. (2003). Peşteli Hisali Divanı tahlili (inceleme-metin) Birinci cilt. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.