Deneysel Crush yaralanmada ringer laktatla yapılan agresif sıvı resusitasyonunun hemodinamik parametrelere ve oksidan hasara etkisi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Normovolemik ratlardaki deneysel crush yaralanma modelinde agresif ringer laktat (RL) solüsyonu resusitasyonu doku kan akımı ve oksidan hasara etkisi araştırıldı. Tüm gruplarda femoral arter ve ven kateterizasyonu yapıldı. Crush yaralanma (CY) ve Cursh yaralanma + Ringer Laktat (CY+RL) gruplarına 60 dakika(dk) süreyle 1,5-2 ml otolog kas ekstresi infüzyonu uygulandı. CY+RL grubunda 30 dk süre ile 30ml/kg RL resusitasyonu uygulandı. 210 dk sonunda laserflowmetre ile karaciğer (kc) ve böbrek (bb) kan akım hızları ölçüldü. Malondialdehit (MDA) ve glutatyon (GSH) düzeylerine bakmak amacıyla kan, kc ve bb doku örnekleri alındı. Çalışmamızda gruplar arasında baz açığı, arteryel pH ve ortalama arter basıncı (MAP) değerleri arasında anlamlı bir fark yoktu. CY kan akım hızlarını azalttı ve oksidan hasarı arttırdı. RL resusitasyonu yalnızca kc kan akım hızını arttırdı. Plazma MDA düzeyleri CY grubunda 17.3+1,6 nmol/l iken CY + RL grubunda ise 16,5±1,14 nmol/l olmuştur. Kc ve bb doku MDA düzeyleri CY grubunda sırasıyla kc:1,88±0,14, bb:1,79±1,12 iken bu düzey CY + RL grubunda ise kc:1,74±0,1, bb:1,67±0,085 olarak bulunmuştur. Kc ve bb GSH düzeyleri CY + RL grubunda (kc:1,34±0,05, bb:0,86+0,048) CY grubundan (kc: 1,22+0,07, bb:0,77+0,049) anlamlı ölçüde yüksektir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları kas ekstresi infüzyonunun böbrek ve karaciğerde doku kan akımını azalttığı ve oksidan hasarı arttırdığını göstermiştir. RL ile yapılan resusitasyon doku kan akımını düzeltmiş fakat oksidan hasarı tam olarak önlememiştir.
The effects of agressive resuscitation lactated ringer's (LR) solution on liver and kidney blood flows and oxidant injuries were investigated in experimental crush injury model in normovolemic rat. Femoral artery and vein were cannulated in all groups. 1.5 -2 ml of outologous muscle extract infused over 60 minutes to crush injury (Cl) and crush injury+ lactated ringer (Cl +LR) groups, 30 ml/kg LR resuscitation was performed to Cl + LR group over 30 minutes. At the and of 210 minutes blood flow to liver and kidney were measured with laserflowmetry. For measuring malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels blood samples and tissue samples from liver and kidney were taken. There were no significant difference between groups in base deficit, arterial pH and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Cl decreased the blood flow and increased the oxidant injury. LR resuscitation only increased the blood flow to liver. Plasma MDA levels was 17.3±1.6 nmol/I in Cl and 16.5±1.14 nmol/lt in Cl +LR group. While liver and kidney tissue MDA levels were 1.88± 0.14, 1.79±1.12 respectively in Cl group they were 1.74 ± 0.1 and 1.67 ± 0.085 respectively in Cl + LR group - Liver and kidney GSH levels were significantly higher in Cl + LR group (Liver: 1.34 ± 0.05. Kidney: 0.86 ± 0.048) than that of Cl group (Liver: 1.22 ± 0.07. Kidney: 0.77 ± 0.049) The results of this study demonstrated that muscle extract infusion increases oxidant injury and decreases tissue blood flows in liver and kidney. Resuscitation with LR restorated tissue blood flow but did not prevent compledely oxidant injury.
The effects of agressive resuscitation lactated ringer's (LR) solution on liver and kidney blood flows and oxidant injuries were investigated in experimental crush injury model in normovolemic rat. Femoral artery and vein were cannulated in all groups. 1.5 -2 ml of outologous muscle extract infused over 60 minutes to crush injury (Cl) and crush injury+ lactated ringer (Cl +LR) groups, 30 ml/kg LR resuscitation was performed to Cl + LR group over 30 minutes. At the and of 210 minutes blood flow to liver and kidney were measured with laserflowmetry. For measuring malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels blood samples and tissue samples from liver and kidney were taken. There were no significant difference between groups in base deficit, arterial pH and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Cl decreased the blood flow and increased the oxidant injury. LR resuscitation only increased the blood flow to liver. Plasma MDA levels was 17.3±1.6 nmol/I in Cl and 16.5±1.14 nmol/lt in Cl +LR group. While liver and kidney tissue MDA levels were 1.88± 0.14, 1.79±1.12 respectively in Cl group they were 1.74 ± 0.1 and 1.67 ± 0.085 respectively in Cl + LR group - Liver and kidney GSH levels were significantly higher in Cl + LR group (Liver: 1.34 ± 0.05. Kidney: 0.86 ± 0.048) than that of Cl group (Liver: 1.22 ± 0.07. Kidney: 0.77 ± 0.049) The results of this study demonstrated that muscle extract infusion increases oxidant injury and decreases tissue blood flows in liver and kidney. Resuscitation with LR restorated tissue blood flow but did not prevent compledely oxidant injury.
Crush yaralanma, Ringer laktat resusitasyonu, Oksidan hasar, Crush Injury, Lactated ringer resuscitation, Oxidant injury
Balcı, V. (2003). Deneysel Crush yaralanmada ringer laktatla yapılan agresif sıvı resusitasyonunun hemodinamik parametrelere ve oksidan hasara etkisi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.