Yonca, korunga ve fiğ kuru otlarının rumende parçalanabilirlik özelliklerinin saptanması ve protein değerlerinin in situ ve in vitro yöntemlerle karşılaştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma, ülkemizde ruminant beslemede yaygın olarak kullanılan yonca kuru otu (YKO), korunga kuru otu (KKO) ve fiğ kuru otu (FKO)'nun ham besin maddeleri içerikleri ve hücre duvarı bileşenlerinin; in situ yöntemle (naylon kese tekniği) rumende zamana bağlı kuru madde (KM), organik maddeler (OM), ham protein (HP) parçalanabilirliklerinin; rumen etkin KM, OM, HP parçalanabilirlikleri ile parçalanabilirlik parametreleri ve metabolik enerji (ME) düzeylerinin; in vitro (enzimatik) yöntemle HP parçalanabilirliklerinin saptanması; in situ ve in vitro yöntemlerle belirlenen protein parçalanabilirliklerinin karşılaştırılması, yöntemler arası korelasyon katsayılarının saptanarak, uygulamaya aktarılması açısından en güvenilir yöntemin belirlenmesi amacıyla düzenlenmiştir. Araştırma materyali örnekler 2001 yılı Haziran-Temmuz aylarında alınmıştır. Yonca üçüncü biçim çiçeklenme başlangıcında (1/10 çiçeklenme), korunga birinci biçim %50-100 çiçeklenme döneminde, fiğ ise birinci biçim toprak yüzeyine yakın birkaç baklanın tam şeklini aldığı ve tohumların dolduğu dönemde bıçakla alınmıştır. Yem örnekleri doğal kurutma yöntemine göre tarlada kurutulmuştur. İn situ yöntemde KM, OM ve HP parçalanabilirliklerinin tahmini için araştırma materyali tüm örnekler rumen kanüllü üç baş koç kullanılarak sırasıyla 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 ve 96 saat süreyle rumende inkübasyona bırakılmışlardır. Yemlerin in vitro yöntemle HP parçalanabilirliklerinin tahmini için örnekler Streptomyces griseus ekstraktı ticari proteaz ile 1, 4, 24 ve 48 saat sürelerle inkübe edilmişlerdir. Kırksekiz saat süreli inkübasyonda en yüksek ortalama in situ KM parçalanabilirliği FKO'nda (%71.7) belirlenmiş, onu YKO (%68.3) ve KKO (%68.0) izlemiştir. Ortalama in situ OM parçalanabilirliği FKO'nda %70.5, KKO'nda %66.5, YKO'nda ise %66.2 olmuştur. In situ HP parçalanabilirliği sırasıyla FKO'nda %87.8, YKO'nda %87.0 ve KKO %79.7 olmuştur. Rumenden 0.05/saat geçiş hızı için etkin KM, OM ve HP parçalanabilirlikleri YKO'nda sırasıyla %54.9, 52.3 ve 72.5; KKO'nda %50.3, 48.5, ve 60.6; FKO'nda ise %56.0, 53.8 ve 72.7 olarak belirlenmiştir. Zamana bağlı KM, OM, HP parçalanabilirliği ve enzimatik HP parçalanabilirliği açısından her üç yem arasındaki farklılıklar önemli bulunmuştur (P < 0.05). Araştırma materyali yemlerin ME içerikleri FKO'nda 2823.5 Kcal/kg KM, KKO'nda 2660.3 Kcal/kg KM, YKO'nda ise 2624.0 Kcal/kg KM olarak saptanmıştır. S. griseus proteazı ile 48 saat süreli inkübasyonda ortalama en yüksek HP parçalanabilirlik değeri FKO'nda (%77.0) saptanmış olup, onu YKO (%73.0) ve KKO (%69.3) izlemiştir. Araştırma materyali yemlerin in situ etkin protein parçalanabilirliği (EPP) ile 1 ve 4 saat süreli inkübasyondaki enzimatik protein parçalanabilirliği arasındaki pozitif yönlü doğrusal ilişki istatistiksel olarak önemsiz (YKO'nda r = 0.1 8$T ve 0.348ns, KKO'nda r = 0.434ns ve 0.459ns, FKO'nda r = 0.106ns ve 0.26 lns); YKO'nda in situ EPP ile 24 saat süreli inkübasyondaki enzimatik protein parçalanabilirliği (ENZ24) arasındaki pozitif yönlü doğrusal ilişki istatistiksel olarak önemli (r = 0.607*) ve 48 saat süreli inkübasyondaki enzimatik protein parçalanabilirliği (ENZ48) arasındaki pozitif yönlü doğrusal ilişki istatistiksel olarak çok önemli (r = 0.818**); KKO'nda in situ EPP ile ENZ24 ve ENZ48 arasındaki pozitif yönlü doğrusal ilişki istatistiksel olarak önemli (r = 0.607* ve r = 0.569*); FKO'nda in situ EPP ile ENZ24 veENZ48 arasındaki pozitif yönlü doğrusal ilişki istatistiksel olarak çok önemli (r = 0.892** ve r = 0.793**) bulunmuştur.
This study was conducted to determine; crude nutrients contents and cell wall constituents of alfalfa, sainfoin and common vetch hays which are generally used in ruminant feeding; time-dependant DM, OM and CP rumen degradabilities by in situ method (nylon bag technique); effective rumen degradabilities of DM, OM and CP as well as degradability parameters and metabolic energy (ME) values; in vitro (enzymatic) CP degradabilities and to compare in situ and in vitro protein degradabilities; to find out the most reliable method upon findings of correlation coefficients between the methods. Alfalfa samples were harvested in June-July at the beginning of blossoming period at third mowing (10% blossoming), sainfoin samples were harvested at 50-100% blossoming period and common vetch samples were harvested at podding period when a few beans formed close to the soil and became mature. Using three rumen-cannuled rams, all samples were incubated in rumen for 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours by in situ (nylon bag technique) method to estimate the degradabilities of DM, OM and CP contents of feed material. Hay samples were in vitro incubated with a commercial protease extracted from Streptomyces griseus for 1, 4, 24 and 48 hours, in order to estimate ruminal protein degradation of the samples. The highest average value for DM degradability at 48 hours incubation period was found for common vetch hay (71.7%) and it was followed by alfalfa (68.3%) and sainfoin hays (68.0%o). Average values for OM degradability were found as 70.5% for common vetch, 66.5% for sainfoin and as 66.2% for alfalfa. In situ CP degradabilities of common vetch, alfalfa and sainfoin hays were 87.8%, 87.0%> and 79.7% respectively. Effective DM, OM and CP rumen degradabilities at 0.05/hour flow rate were found as 54.9, 52.3 and 72.5% for alfalfa hay; 50.3, 48.5 and 60.6% for sainfoin; 56.0, 53.8 and 12.1% for common vetch respectively. It was determined that differences between forages in terms of time-dependant and effective DM, OM and CP degradabilities and enzymatic CP degradability were significant (P < 0.05). Metabolic energy values of forages used as research material were found as 2624.0 Kcal/kg DM for alfalfa, 2660.3 Kcal/kg DM for sainfoin and 2823.5 Kcal/kg DM for common vetch. The highest average in vitro CP degradability by incubation with S. griseus protease for a period of 48 hours was determined at common vetch hay (77.0%) and it was followed by alfalfa (73.0%) and sainfoin hays (69.3%). The positive linear correlation between in situ effective protein degradability (EPD) and enzymatic protein degradability of hay samples for 1 and 4 hours periods were insignificant (r = 0.188ns and 0.348ns for alfalfa hay; r = 0.434 ns and 0.459ns for sainfoin hay; r = 0.106"5 and 0.261nb for common vetch hay) however, positive linear correlations of in situ (EPD) and enzymatic protein degradability (ENZ24) of alfalfa hay at 24 hours incubation period was statistically significant (r = 0.607*) and at 48 hours incubation period (ENZ48) was very significant (r = 0.818**). The positive linear correlations between in situ EPD and ENZ24, ENZ4g degradability of sainfoin hay (r = 0.607* and r = 0.569*) and common vetch (r = 0.892** and r = 0.793 ) were statistically very significant also.
This study was conducted to determine; crude nutrients contents and cell wall constituents of alfalfa, sainfoin and common vetch hays which are generally used in ruminant feeding; time-dependant DM, OM and CP rumen degradabilities by in situ method (nylon bag technique); effective rumen degradabilities of DM, OM and CP as well as degradability parameters and metabolic energy (ME) values; in vitro (enzymatic) CP degradabilities and to compare in situ and in vitro protein degradabilities; to find out the most reliable method upon findings of correlation coefficients between the methods. Alfalfa samples were harvested in June-July at the beginning of blossoming period at third mowing (10% blossoming), sainfoin samples were harvested at 50-100% blossoming period and common vetch samples were harvested at podding period when a few beans formed close to the soil and became mature. Using three rumen-cannuled rams, all samples were incubated in rumen for 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours by in situ (nylon bag technique) method to estimate the degradabilities of DM, OM and CP contents of feed material. Hay samples were in vitro incubated with a commercial protease extracted from Streptomyces griseus for 1, 4, 24 and 48 hours, in order to estimate ruminal protein degradation of the samples. The highest average value for DM degradability at 48 hours incubation period was found for common vetch hay (71.7%) and it was followed by alfalfa (68.3%) and sainfoin hays (68.0%o). Average values for OM degradability were found as 70.5% for common vetch, 66.5% for sainfoin and as 66.2% for alfalfa. In situ CP degradabilities of common vetch, alfalfa and sainfoin hays were 87.8%, 87.0%> and 79.7% respectively. Effective DM, OM and CP rumen degradabilities at 0.05/hour flow rate were found as 54.9, 52.3 and 72.5% for alfalfa hay; 50.3, 48.5 and 60.6% for sainfoin; 56.0, 53.8 and 12.1% for common vetch respectively. It was determined that differences between forages in terms of time-dependant and effective DM, OM and CP degradabilities and enzymatic CP degradability were significant (P < 0.05). Metabolic energy values of forages used as research material were found as 2624.0 Kcal/kg DM for alfalfa, 2660.3 Kcal/kg DM for sainfoin and 2823.5 Kcal/kg DM for common vetch. The highest average in vitro CP degradability by incubation with S. griseus protease for a period of 48 hours was determined at common vetch hay (77.0%) and it was followed by alfalfa (73.0%) and sainfoin hays (69.3%). The positive linear correlation between in situ effective protein degradability (EPD) and enzymatic protein degradability of hay samples for 1 and 4 hours periods were insignificant (r = 0.188ns and 0.348ns for alfalfa hay; r = 0.434 ns and 0.459ns for sainfoin hay; r = 0.106"5 and 0.261nb for common vetch hay) however, positive linear correlations of in situ (EPD) and enzymatic protein degradability (ENZ24) of alfalfa hay at 24 hours incubation period was statistically significant (r = 0.607*) and at 48 hours incubation period (ENZ48) was very significant (r = 0.818**). The positive linear correlations between in situ EPD and ENZ24, ENZ4g degradability of sainfoin hay (r = 0.607* and r = 0.569*) and common vetch (r = 0.892** and r = 0.793 ) were statistically very significant also.
Yonca kuru otu, Korunga kuru otu, Fiğ kuru otu, In situ - in vitro protein parçalanabilirliği, Streptomyces griseus proteazı, Alfalfa hay, Sainfoin hay, Common vetch hay, In situ - in vitro protein degradability, Streptomyces griseus protease
Hanoğlu, H. (2004). Yonca, korunga ve fiğ kuru otlarının rumende parçalanabilirlik özelliklerinin saptanması ve protein değerlerinin in situ ve in vitro yöntemlerle karşılaştırılması. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.