Sendika içi demokrasi ve sendikal bağlılık arasındaki ilişki: Bursa metal sektörü örneği
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Demokrasinin olmazsa olmaz kurumlarından biri olan sendikalar, çalışma yaşamında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Günümüzde sendika içi demokrasi konusu üzerinde durulan ve tartışılan sorunlardan birisini oluşturmaktadır. Bununla beraber sendikaların gücünü, üyelerin sendikaya bağlılıkları ve sendikadan duydukları memnuniyet belirlemektedir. Sendikaların devamlılık arz edebilmesi için sendika içi demokrasi, üyelerin sendikaya duydukları bağlılık ve memnuniyet konuları önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; üyelerin, sendika içi demokrasiye yönelik algıları, sendikal bağlılık ve sendikal doyum ile arasındaki ilişkileri tespit etmek ve düzeylerini belirlemektir. Bu amaç için, Bursa ilinde metal işkolunda örgütlü bir sendikanın toplam 328 üyesinin sendika içi demokrasiye inanma, sendikal bağlılık ve sendikal doyum düzeyleri belirlenmiş, sendika içi demokrasinin, sendikal bağlılığın ve sendikal doyumun bazı demografik değişkenlerle ilişkisi ortaya konmuştur. Aynı zamanda sendika içi demokrasi, sendikal bağlılık, sendikal doyum ve alt boyutları arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde Kruskal Wallis ve Man Whitney testi, Spearman Korelasyon Analizi, Güvenilirlik Analizi gibi analizler kullanılmıştır. Sendika içi demokrasi, sendikal bağlılık ve sendikal doyum arasındaki ilişki, analizler sonucu elde edilen bulgularla açıklanmış ve çalışma tamamlanmıştır.
Unions, one of the indispensable institutions of democracy, play an important role in working life. Today, the issue of intra-union democracy is one of the problems that are emphasized and discussed. The strength of the unions is determined by the loyalty of the members to the union and their satisfaction with the union at the same time. For the continuity of the unions; intra-union democracy, the commitment and satisfaction of the members to the unions are important. The aim of this study is to determine levels and relationships between union commitment and union satisfaction and the attitudes of union members towards intra-union democracy. For this purpose, a total of 328 members of organized union in metal sector in Bursa Province, believing in intra-union democracy, union commitment and union satisfaction levels were determined, and the relationship between union commitment and union satisfaction with some demographic variables was revealed. At the same time, the relationship between intra-union democracy, union commitment, union satisfaction and its sub-dimensions were examined. In the analysis of datas, analyzes such as Kruskal Wallis and Man Whitney test, Spearman Correlation Analysis, Reliability Analysis were used. The relationship between intra-union democracy, union commitment and union satisfaction was explained with the findings obtained as a result of the analyzes and the study was completed.
Unions, one of the indispensable institutions of democracy, play an important role in working life. Today, the issue of intra-union democracy is one of the problems that are emphasized and discussed. The strength of the unions is determined by the loyalty of the members to the union and their satisfaction with the union at the same time. For the continuity of the unions; intra-union democracy, the commitment and satisfaction of the members to the unions are important. The aim of this study is to determine levels and relationships between union commitment and union satisfaction and the attitudes of union members towards intra-union democracy. For this purpose, a total of 328 members of organized union in metal sector in Bursa Province, believing in intra-union democracy, union commitment and union satisfaction levels were determined, and the relationship between union commitment and union satisfaction with some demographic variables was revealed. At the same time, the relationship between intra-union democracy, union commitment, union satisfaction and its sub-dimensions were examined. In the analysis of datas, analyzes such as Kruskal Wallis and Man Whitney test, Spearman Correlation Analysis, Reliability Analysis were used. The relationship between intra-union democracy, union commitment and union satisfaction was explained with the findings obtained as a result of the analyzes and the study was completed.
Sendikal doyum, Sendika içi demokrasi, Sendikal bağlılık, Sendika, Demokrasi, Union satisfaction, Intra-union democracy, Union commitment, Union, Democracy
Güven, E. (2021). Sendika içi demokrasi ve sendikal bağlılık arasındaki ilişki: Bursa metal sektörü örneği. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.