Using the sac membrane to close the flap donor site in large meningomyeloceles

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Churchill Livingstone


If a large transposition flap with or without muscle is used for closure of a large meningomyelocele defect, then, a part of the donor site of the flap can be closed by split thickness skin graft, which produces an additional donor wound for the patient. We used the sac membrane instead of split thickness skin graft for closure of donor sites of fasciocutaneous flaps and latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flaps employed to cover large meningomyelocele defects. This technique was used in three thoracolumbar and in two lumbosacral meningomyelocete patients. The sac membrane was prepared Like a full thickness skin graft. Follow-up in five patients has ranged from 1 to 18 months, with a mean of 10.6 months. The donor sites that were closed by the sac membrane exhibited complete heating in all patients. We conclude that the sac membrane supplies a reserve of epithelialised tissue that can be used for repair of the meningomyelocele defects.



Surgery, Meningomyelocele, Flap, Sac membrane, Graft, Donor site, Myelomeningocele, Defects


Bozkurt, C. vd. (2004). “Using the sac membrane to close the flap donor site in large meningomyeloceles”. British Journal of Plastic Surgery , 57(3), 273-277.