Erişkin lösemili hastalarda hasta-hekim ilişkisinin tıp etiği ilkeleri açısından incelenmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Tezin amacı; lösemili hasta ve hekim arasındaki ilişkiyi etkileyen unsurları, tıp etiğinin temel ilkeleri olan yararlı olma, aydınlatılmış onam, özerkliğe saygı ve adalet ilkeleri yönünden değerlendirerek, hasta ve hekim açısından erişkin lösemisine özgü etik sorunları saptamak ve çözümüne yönelik öneriler geliştirmektir. Kişilerin, biyo-psiko-sosyal açıdan tam bir iyilik halinin sağlanabilmesinde hasta ve hekimlerin beklentilerinin ve uygulamada yaşadıklarının analiz edilmesi, hasta-hekim ilişkisinde tıp etiği ilkelerinin uygulanma koşullarını belirleyecektir. Bu tez çalışması, hasta ve hekim bilgilerine dayanarak, erişkin lösemisinde sunulan sağlık hizmetine kendi alanında bir katkı sağlamaya çalışmaktadır. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hematoloji Bilim Dalı’nda lösemi tanısı ile tedavi gören 106 hasta ve bu hastaların takip ve tedavisini sürdüren 50 hekim çalışma grubunu oluşturmaktadır. Veri tabanını oluşturan bilgiler anket yöntemi ile toplanarak, istatistiksel analizleri SPSS for Windows Ver. 10.0 istatistik paket programı ile elde edilmiştir. Erişkin lösemili hasta-hekim ilişkisinde paternalistik tutumdan, karşılıklı katılıma dayalı ilişki biçimine doğru bir değişim gerçekleştiği, bununla birlikte hastaların hala tedavi ile ilgili kararı hekimin almasından yana olduğu görülmektedir. Hastalarda, hastalıkları hakkında tüm gerçekleri bilme isteğinin batı toplumlarından düşük olması, kültürel farklılıkların, hastaların bilgilenme istekleri üzerinde önemli bir etken olduğunu göstermektedir. Hekimlerin tanıyı hastadan önce hasta yakınları ile paylaşma eğiliminde olduğu, bilgilendirmeyi zamana yaydıkları ve bilgi verirken hastanın öğrenim düzeyi ile bağıntılı olarak hastanın anlatılanları kavrayabilmesini değerlendirdikleri görülmektedir. Hastalar daha çok sosyal güvenlik kurumlarından kaynaklanan nedenlerle, hekimler ise iletişimle ilgili zorluk çekmektedirler. Hastalarda yaş, öğrenim ve tanıyı bilme durumu; hekimlerde iş yoğunluğu, tıp etiği eğitimi alma durumu hasta-hekim ilişkisini etkilemektedir. Sonuç olarak; tıp eğitiminde iletişim becerilerine ve tıp etiği eğitimine ağırlık verilmeli, eğitimin mezuniyet öncesi ve sonrasında sürekliliği sağlanmalıdır. Kültürel farklılıklar göz önüne alınarak, hastaların beklentilerinin doğru analiz edilmesi ve etik ilişki içerisinde hasta hakkı, yararı ve hekim sorumluluğu olarak, bilgilendirmede kademeli aydınlatma uygulanmalıdır. Sosyal güvenlik kurumları arasındaki uygulama farklılıklarının ve alt yapı eksikliklerinin giderilmesi gerekmektedir.
The aim of the present study is to determine the ethical problems peculiar to adult leukemia from the point of the patient and the physician by assessing the factors affecting the relationship between the physician and the leukemia patient from the point of the fundamental principles of medical ethics; being beneficial, enlightened approval, respect for autonomy and justice and to develop suggestions for the solution of these problems. The analysis of the expectations and the actual experiences of the patients and the physicians in supplying a complete well-being state of the individuals from the biopsycho-social point will determine the application conditions of medicine ethical principles in the patient- physician relationship. Based on the physician and patient information, this study tries to make a contribution to the health service for adult leukemia. 106 patients treated in the Hematology Department of Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and 50 doctors treating these patients form the study group of the present study. The data are gathered by using the questionnaire method and statistically analyzed with SPSS for Windows Ver. 10.0. It is seen that there is a change in the physician and adult leukemia patient relationship from the paternalistic attitude towards a relation based on mutual participation; yet that the patients still tend to leave the decision for the treatment to the physician. The fact that the demand of the patients to know everything about their illnesses is lower than western societies indicates that cultural differences are important factors on the demand of the patients to be informed. It is seen that physicians tend to share the diagnosis with the relatives before the patient, that they spread giving information in time and that they evaluate the patients’ comprehension of what is told related with their education level. The patients mostly have problems stemming from the social security institutions and the physicians mostly have problems related with communication. In patients, age, education and knowing the diagnosis and in doctors, the intensity of work and receiving medicine ethics education affect patient- physician relationship. As a result, communication skills and medical ethics education should be emphasized in medicine education and the continuity of this education should be provided before and after the graduation. Considering the cultural differences, graded clarification should be employed in giving information and in the correct analysis of the expectations of the patients as the patient right, benefit and doctor responsibility in the ethical relationship. It is necessary to eliminate the infrastructure shortcomings and application differences between the social security institutions.
The aim of the present study is to determine the ethical problems peculiar to adult leukemia from the point of the patient and the physician by assessing the factors affecting the relationship between the physician and the leukemia patient from the point of the fundamental principles of medical ethics; being beneficial, enlightened approval, respect for autonomy and justice and to develop suggestions for the solution of these problems. The analysis of the expectations and the actual experiences of the patients and the physicians in supplying a complete well-being state of the individuals from the biopsycho-social point will determine the application conditions of medicine ethical principles in the patient- physician relationship. Based on the physician and patient information, this study tries to make a contribution to the health service for adult leukemia. 106 patients treated in the Hematology Department of Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and 50 doctors treating these patients form the study group of the present study. The data are gathered by using the questionnaire method and statistically analyzed with SPSS for Windows Ver. 10.0. It is seen that there is a change in the physician and adult leukemia patient relationship from the paternalistic attitude towards a relation based on mutual participation; yet that the patients still tend to leave the decision for the treatment to the physician. The fact that the demand of the patients to know everything about their illnesses is lower than western societies indicates that cultural differences are important factors on the demand of the patients to be informed. It is seen that physicians tend to share the diagnosis with the relatives before the patient, that they spread giving information in time and that they evaluate the patients’ comprehension of what is told related with their education level. The patients mostly have problems stemming from the social security institutions and the physicians mostly have problems related with communication. In patients, age, education and knowing the diagnosis and in doctors, the intensity of work and receiving medicine ethics education affect patient- physician relationship. As a result, communication skills and medical ethics education should be emphasized in medicine education and the continuity of this education should be provided before and after the graduation. Considering the cultural differences, graded clarification should be employed in giving information and in the correct analysis of the expectations of the patients as the patient right, benefit and doctor responsibility in the ethical relationship. It is necessary to eliminate the infrastructure shortcomings and application differences between the social security institutions.
Lösemi, Tıp etiği, Hasta-hekim ilişkisi, Hasta hakları, Leukemia, Medical ethics, Patient-physician relationship, Patient’s rights
Atıcı, E. (2005). Erişkin lösemili hastalarda hasta-hekim ilişkisinin tıp etiği ilkeleri açısından incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.