Hz. Osman Dönemi fitne olaylarının değerlendirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hulefâ-i Râşidîn dönemi, Hz. Peygamber (sav) döneminden sonra Müslümanların öğrenmek için çokça çaba sarf ettiği ve kendilerine örneklik buldukları bir dönemdir. Ashabın en önde gelenlerinden olan ilk dört halife döneminde yaşanan siyasi olaylar, İslam dünyasını günümüze kadar etkilemeye devam etmiştir. Hz. Osman dönemi siyasi olayları, Müslümanların mezhepleşme sürecini başlatması açısından önem arz etmektedir. Çünkü o dönemde yaşanan gelişmeler, sonrasında yaşanan olayların da tetikleyicisi olmuştur. İncelenen dönem, fitne sürecinin yaşandığı dönemdir. Bu dönemde yaşanan olaylar incelenirken Hz. Peygamber (sav)'in vefatından hemen önce başlayan olaylar ele alınarak çalışmaya başlanmıştır. Birinci bölümde fitnenin başlangıç noktası; nasıl başladığı, hangi olayların fitne hadiselerine sebep olduğu gibi meseleler ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölümde gerekçelerden biri olan ve üzerinde yoğunlaşmak istenilen toplumun değişimi ve dönüşümü incelenmiştir. Üçüncü ve son bölümde ise Hz. Osman'ın şehit edilmesi, şehit edilmeden önce ve sonra yaşanan hadiseler ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada; Hz. Osman'ın hataları üzerinden yapılan okumalara karşın, toplumun hadiseler üzerindeki etkileri izah çalışılmış ve tek suçlu aramaktan ziyade toplum yapısında meydana gelen dönüşümün anlaşılmaya çalışılmasının önemine dikkat çekilmiştir.
The period of Hulefâ-i Râşidîn (Rightly Guided Caliphs) is a period that Muslims made a great effort to learn and found an example for themselves after the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The political events that took place during the period of the first four caliphs, the most prominent Companions, have continued to affect the Islamic world until today. The political events of the period of the Caliph Othman are important in terms of initiating the sectarianization process of Muslims. Because the developments experienced in that period were also the triggers of the events that happened after. The period in question is the period in which the sedition events (fitnah) took place. While examining the events, firstly the events that started just before the death of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) were discussed. In the first chapter, the starting point of sedition, issues such as how it started, which events caused the fitnah were discussed. The opinions put forward on this issue were evaluated. In the second part, the change and transformation of the society, which is one of the reasons and on which we want to focus, has been examined. In the third and last chapter, The martyrdom of Othman and the events before and after he was martyred were tried to be addressed. In the study; despite the readings focused on Othman's mistakes, the effects of society on the events were tried to be explained and the importance of trying to understand the transformation of the social structure rather than looking for a single responsible for all events was emphasized.
The period of Hulefâ-i Râşidîn (Rightly Guided Caliphs) is a period that Muslims made a great effort to learn and found an example for themselves after the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The political events that took place during the period of the first four caliphs, the most prominent Companions, have continued to affect the Islamic world until today. The political events of the period of the Caliph Othman are important in terms of initiating the sectarianization process of Muslims. Because the developments experienced in that period were also the triggers of the events that happened after. The period in question is the period in which the sedition events (fitnah) took place. While examining the events, firstly the events that started just before the death of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) were discussed. In the first chapter, the starting point of sedition, issues such as how it started, which events caused the fitnah were discussed. The opinions put forward on this issue were evaluated. In the second part, the change and transformation of the society, which is one of the reasons and on which we want to focus, has been examined. In the third and last chapter, The martyrdom of Othman and the events before and after he was martyred were tried to be addressed. In the study; despite the readings focused on Othman's mistakes, the effects of society on the events were tried to be explained and the importance of trying to understand the transformation of the social structure rather than looking for a single responsible for all events was emphasized.
Hz. Osman, Halifelik, Fitne, Sosyal ortam, Sahabe, Caliph Othman, Caliphate, Fitnah, Social environment, Companions
Uysal, M. S. (2020). Hz. Osman Dönemi fitne olaylarının değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.