Clinical, ultrasonography and haematology of aglepristone-induced mid-gestation pregnancy terminations in rabbits

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South African Veterinary Association


Aglepristone is a safe abortifacient in cats, dogs and rabbits. Although no serious side effects have been reported, there is no information available about the effects of the medicine on haematological parameters. For the first time clinical and ultrasonographic features and haematological profiles were evaluated in rabbits treated with aglepristone 15 and 16 days after mating. Ten healthy 10-14 month-old New Zealand White female rabbits were mated with fertile bucks and pregnancies were confirmed by ultrasound 15 days later. Of these, 5 does were treated with aglepristone (test group, n = 5) whilst the remaining five (control group, n = 5) were treated with a saline solution (0.9% NaCl). The treatment dose was 10 mg/kg body weight, administered subcutaneously once daily on two consecutive days (day 15 and 16 post mating). Ultrasonographic, clinical and haematological assessments were performed daily. Aglepristone treatment induced embryonic fluid resorptions without foetal death in mid-gestation terminations. Following ultrasonographic and haematological examinations, it was established that aglepristone is a safe abortifacient in rabbits.



Veterinary sciences, Progesteron antagonist aglepristone, Receptor antagonist, Bitches


Özalp, G. R. (2013). “Clinical, ultrasonography and haematology of aglepristone-induced mid-gestation pregnancy terminations in rabbits”. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 84(1).