FAO AquaCrop modeli kullanılarak farklı sulama programı koşullarında patates bitkisinde verim tahmini
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AquaCrop, 2009 yılında Birleşmiş Milletler Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü (FAO) tarafından geliştirilmiş tam, kısıntılı, destekleyici sulama koşulları ve doğal koşullarda bitki gelişimini ve gelişim sonunda elde edilebilecek verimi tahminleyen bir simülasyon modelidir. AquaCrop'un gelişim esası su odaklıdır. Model, bitki su tüketimi ve verimin tahminlenmesinde, atmosfer, bitki, toprak, ve yönetim (sulama, gübreleme vb.) bileşenlerini girdi olarak kullanmaktadır. Model, bitki su tüketiminin tahminlenmesinde bitki terlemesi ve topraktan buharlaşmayı ayırmakta ve bitki gelişiminin simüle edilmesinde yaprak alan indeksi yerine örtü yüzdesi parametresini kullanarak sonuca ulaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, uzun yıllar aylık iklim verileri ve Güney Marmara Bölgesinde geniş çaplı yetiştiriciliği yapılan Hermes patates çeşidine ait veriler kullanılarak damla sulama yöntemi altında iki farklı tam sulama programı oluşturulmuş ve meyve verimi AquaCrop modeli ile tahminlenmiştir. İlk sulama programında (S1) sulama zamanı, stomaların kapanmaya başladığı toprak suyu tüketim seviyesinde su uygulanacak şekilde belirlenmiştir. Sulama miktarı ise, toprakta tüketilen su her sulamada tarla kapasitesine çıkarılacak şekilde planlanmıştır. İkinci sulama (S2) topraktaki su S1 sulama programında belirtilen kritik düzeyin yarısına düşünce tarla kapasitesine kadar su uygulanacak şekilde planlanmıştır. Gözlenen sonuçlar doğrultusunda suyun tasarruflu kullanımı bakımından S1 sulama programı öne çıkmıştır. Verim değerlerinin yakınlığı ise modele aktarılan bitki gelişim değerlerinin aynı olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır.
AquaCrop simulates attainable yields of major herbaceous crops as a function of water consumption under rain-fed, supplemental, deficit, and full irrigation conditions that was developed by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2009. The growth engine of AquaCrop is water-driven. Input consists of weather data, crop and soil characteristics, and management practices (irrigation, fertilization etc.) that define the environment in which the crop will develop. The model separate evapotranspiration which into soil evaporation and crop transpiration avoids the confounding effect of the non-productive consumptive use of water (soil evaporation) and instead of leaf area index AquaCrop uses green canopy cover to express foliage development. In this study, two different irrigation scheduling made by using the average long term monthly climate data and inputs of the potato cultivation which has got large-scale farming in South Marmara and aimed to develop irrigation schedules and yield estimation under drip irrigation method. In the first irrigation schedule (S1), the irrigation were made whenever the water level in root zone depletes to the stomata closure level which was determined before and the water was added up to field capacity. In the second (S2), the irrigation were made whenever the water level in root zone depletes to the half of the critical water level of S1 to field capacity. According to water conservation, irrigation schedule of S1 have come into prominence than S2. The proximity of yields was due to the same values of crop growing periods which is transferred the model.
AquaCrop simulates attainable yields of major herbaceous crops as a function of water consumption under rain-fed, supplemental, deficit, and full irrigation conditions that was developed by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2009. The growth engine of AquaCrop is water-driven. Input consists of weather data, crop and soil characteristics, and management practices (irrigation, fertilization etc.) that define the environment in which the crop will develop. The model separate evapotranspiration which into soil evaporation and crop transpiration avoids the confounding effect of the non-productive consumptive use of water (soil evaporation) and instead of leaf area index AquaCrop uses green canopy cover to express foliage development. In this study, two different irrigation scheduling made by using the average long term monthly climate data and inputs of the potato cultivation which has got large-scale farming in South Marmara and aimed to develop irrigation schedules and yield estimation under drip irrigation method. In the first irrigation schedule (S1), the irrigation were made whenever the water level in root zone depletes to the stomata closure level which was determined before and the water was added up to field capacity. In the second (S2), the irrigation were made whenever the water level in root zone depletes to the half of the critical water level of S1 to field capacity. According to water conservation, irrigation schedule of S1 have come into prominence than S2. The proximity of yields was due to the same values of crop growing periods which is transferred the model.
Verim tahmini, Sulama, Patates, FAO AquaCrop, Yield estimation, Irrigation, Potato
Beyhan, D. (2016). FAO AquaCrop modeli kullanılarak farklı sulama programı koşullarında patates bitkisinde verim tahmini. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.