İnce kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografide medial klavikular kemikleşmeye bakılarak adli tıpta yaş tayini değerlendirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Adli tıbbın güncel araştırma konularından olan yaş tayini, Ceza Hukuku ve Medeni Hukuk için önem arz etmektedir. Bu pilot çalışmamızda, Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı'na başvuran yaşları 10-35 arasında değişen toplam 856 hastaya ait ince kesitli Toraks Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (BT) görüntüleri Schmeling ve ark.'nın klavikulanın medial epifiz hattı kemikleşme noktalarına göre tanımladığı 5'li evrelendirme metoduna göre değerlendirilerek elde edilen sonuçların uygulanabilir olup olmadığı ile beraber bölgemize özgü cetvelin oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. 479 erkek ve 377 kadın olmak üzere toplam 856 olgunun 0,6 ve 1 mm kesit kalınlıklarındaki BT görüntüleri iki gözlemci tarafından birbirinden bağımsız olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Evre 1 her iki cinsiyette de ilk olarak 10 yaşında tespit edilmiştir. Evre 2 erkek olgularda ilk olarak 15 yaşında, kadın olgularda ilk olarak 14 yaşında tespit edilmiştir. Evre 3 erkek olgularda ilk olarak 17, kadın olgularda ise ilk olarak 18 yaşında saptanmıştır. Evre 4 her iki cinsiyette de ilk olarak 20 yaşında tespit edilmiştir. Evre 5 erkek olgularda ilk olarak 20 yaş, kadın olgularda 23 yaşında saptanmıştır. Evre 1 ve 2 için yaş değişkeni bakımından cinsiyetler arasında farklılık anlamlı bulunmuştur (sırasıyla, p=0,003, p=0,011). İki gözlemci arasındaki evre değerlendirmeleri arasında yüksek derece uygunluk bulunmuştur (𝜅=0,991, p<0,001). Sonuç olarak, çalışmamızda Schmeling ve ark.'nın metoduna göre evre 1, 4 ve 5'in her iki cinsiyette de 20 yaşın altının ve üzerinin tespitinde güvenilir bir şekilde uygulanabileceği saptandı. Schmeling ve ark. tarafından tanımlanan 5'li evrelendirme sisteminin bölgemizde adli yaş tayininde kolay, pratik ve araştırıcılar arasında uygunluğu yüksek bir metot olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.
Estimation of the age, a current research topic of forensic medicine has an importance on the Criminal Law and Civilization Law. In this pilot study, it was aimed to detect whether the results, which are gathered from determination of thin slice thorax computed tomography images are belong to 856 patients, ranging from 10 to 35 years of age, admitted to radiology department of Uludag University Medical Faculty, are applicable according to five-stage method which was defined by Schmeling et al. as ossification point of medial epiphyseal line of clavicle and to form our own regional table. By two observers as independent 0.6 and 1 mm in thickness of slices of 479 male and 377 female as totally 856 CT images were evaluated. The occurrence of stage 1 was first found in both sexes at the age of 10. In male individuals, stage 2 was first determined at age 15, in female individuals at age 14. In male individuals, the earliest observation of stage 3 was at age 17, in female individuals at the age 18. In either sex, stage 4 was first found at the age of 20. In male individuals, the earliest observation of stage 5 was at age 20, in female individuals at the age 23. A comparison between male and female data revealed statistically significant differences for stage 1 and 2 (respectively, p=0.003, p=0.011). The stage evaluation between two observers was agreed in high rate (𝜅=0.991, p<0.001). As a result, in our study, we determined that the stages 1,4 and 5 can be applied reliably for the estimation of ages below and above 20 in both sexes. We think that the 5S staging method that was determined by Schmelling et al. is an easy, practical and highly acceptable between researchers for forensic estimation of age at our region.
Estimation of the age, a current research topic of forensic medicine has an importance on the Criminal Law and Civilization Law. In this pilot study, it was aimed to detect whether the results, which are gathered from determination of thin slice thorax computed tomography images are belong to 856 patients, ranging from 10 to 35 years of age, admitted to radiology department of Uludag University Medical Faculty, are applicable according to five-stage method which was defined by Schmeling et al. as ossification point of medial epiphyseal line of clavicle and to form our own regional table. By two observers as independent 0.6 and 1 mm in thickness of slices of 479 male and 377 female as totally 856 CT images were evaluated. The occurrence of stage 1 was first found in both sexes at the age of 10. In male individuals, stage 2 was first determined at age 15, in female individuals at age 14. In male individuals, the earliest observation of stage 3 was at age 17, in female individuals at the age 18. In either sex, stage 4 was first found at the age of 20. In male individuals, the earliest observation of stage 5 was at age 20, in female individuals at the age 23. A comparison between male and female data revealed statistically significant differences for stage 1 and 2 (respectively, p=0.003, p=0.011). The stage evaluation between two observers was agreed in high rate (𝜅=0.991, p<0.001). As a result, in our study, we determined that the stages 1,4 and 5 can be applied reliably for the estimation of ages below and above 20 in both sexes. We think that the 5S staging method that was determined by Schmelling et al. is an easy, practical and highly acceptable between researchers for forensic estimation of age at our region.
Adli tıp, Yaş tayini, Medial klavikula epifizi, Bilgisayarlı tomografi, Forensic medicine, Age estimation, Medial clavicular epiphyses, Computed tomography
Gürses, M. S. (2015). İnce kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografide medial klavikular kemikleşmeye bakılarak adli tıpta yaş tayini değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.