Michel Foucault'da insan sorunu ve sosyal bilimler
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu metinde, Batı düşünce dünyasında tartışılan fakat ülkemizde pek tartışılmayan insan sorunu'nu ele aldık. Batı literatüründe özellikle Michel Foucault bu sorunu Modernitenin doğuşuyla tarihlendirmektedir; bu da modernite öncesi insan sorunu diye bir sorunun olmadığı anlamına gelmektedir. Biz de bu metinde genel olarak ilkçağ'dan itibaren insanı ele alarak modern döneme kadar insan'ın düşünce tarihindeki konumunu tartıştık. Bu nedenle, ilk olarak ilkçağ düşüncesinde insanın konumunu ele aldık; ilk çağda, düşüncenin merkezinde Doğa yer almaktadır, bu nedenle insan, doğada yaşayan diğer canlı varlıklardan biri olarak görülmüş yalnızca "akıl" ve "logos(söz)" sahibi bir varlık olarak hayvanlardan farkı ortaya konmuştur. Ortaçağa gelindiğinde düşüncenin merkezinde Tanrı yer alır; bu dönemde insan doğuştan suçlu eksik, kusurlu ve günahkar olarak görüldüğü için yapması gereken en temel şey, Tanrının rızasını kazanmak için onu anlamaktır. Bu dönemde insan'ın konumu kutsal metinlerce belirlenmiştir: İnsan işlediği günahtan ötürü dünyaya atılmış varlıktır! Müteakip düşünce tam da bu iki düşünceyi karşı karşıya getiren ve İnsanı merkeze alan Rönesans dönemidir. Rönesans'ın etkisiyle birlikte güçlü bir Kilise/din eleştirisini gerçekleştirecek Reform dönemi doğmuştur. Fakat başlangıçta aynı şey için mücadele veren iki düşünce hareketi kısa sürede birbiriyle ihtilafa düşmüştür. bu ihtilafla birlikte modern döneme girildiğinde İnsan "her şeyin ölçüsü" konumuna yükselmiştir! Yeni konumunda insan, Hümanizmle birlikte düşüncenin hem öznesi hem de nesnesi konumundadır. Ve insanın bu yeni konumu aslında sorun'un vuku bulduğu yerdir. Michel Foucault'ya göre bu özne modern bilgi-iktidar teknolojileri tarafından yeniden üretilmektedir; bir bakıma sorun toplumun tüm kurumları tarafından pekiştirilmektedir.
In this text, we have dealt the human problem discussed in the western intellectual world, but not all that in our country. In the western literature, especially Michel Foucault had dated this problem with the nascence of Modernity; so this has signified that there wasn't any problem as human problem before the modernity. And in this text, we, therefore, generally, have discussed the place of human in the history of thought by dealing it from the first age to modern era. Hence, as a first step, we have referred to the place of the human in the thinking of first age; in the first age the nature had been as located in the centre of thinking. So, the human was considered as one of the other creatures which had been living in the nature, but as distinct from the animals, was introduced as a creature which has a "reason" and "logos"(word). In the middle ages god stood in the midst of the thought and since humans were deemed as deficient, faulty, and sinful from the birth the essential thing to do was to understand God and to gain His consent. The human question was simply answered by the sacred texts as following: Human is a being thrown out to the world for his sins! The subsequent streak is the Renaissance tradition whereby a potent Reform era had incarnated fulfilling a Church/Religion critic. Nevertheless the two coaxial movements soon fell into discord. This contention in the modern era brought about the ascension of human to the position of "the measure of everything." Human in this new posture is both the subject and object of the thought. The problem emanates from this new place of human. According to Michel Foucault, this subject is re-produced over and over by knowledge-power technologies. The problem, in one sense, is being reinforced by all the institutions of the society for the human question is tried to be dodged with the "subject-human" constructed.
In this text, we have dealt the human problem discussed in the western intellectual world, but not all that in our country. In the western literature, especially Michel Foucault had dated this problem with the nascence of Modernity; so this has signified that there wasn't any problem as human problem before the modernity. And in this text, we, therefore, generally, have discussed the place of human in the history of thought by dealing it from the first age to modern era. Hence, as a first step, we have referred to the place of the human in the thinking of first age; in the first age the nature had been as located in the centre of thinking. So, the human was considered as one of the other creatures which had been living in the nature, but as distinct from the animals, was introduced as a creature which has a "reason" and "logos"(word). In the middle ages god stood in the midst of the thought and since humans were deemed as deficient, faulty, and sinful from the birth the essential thing to do was to understand God and to gain His consent. The human question was simply answered by the sacred texts as following: Human is a being thrown out to the world for his sins! The subsequent streak is the Renaissance tradition whereby a potent Reform era had incarnated fulfilling a Church/Religion critic. Nevertheless the two coaxial movements soon fell into discord. This contention in the modern era brought about the ascension of human to the position of "the measure of everything." Human in this new posture is both the subject and object of the thought. The problem emanates from this new place of human. According to Michel Foucault, this subject is re-produced over and over by knowledge-power technologies. The problem, in one sense, is being reinforced by all the institutions of the society for the human question is tried to be dodged with the "subject-human" constructed.
İnsan, Logos(söz), Din, Modernite, M. Foucault, Rönesans, Reform, Özne, Bilgi-iktidar, Hümanizm, Human, Logos (word), Modernity, Renaissance, Subject, Knowledge-power, Humanism, Religion
Kuçlu, E. (2010). Michel Foucault'da insan sorunu ve sosyal bilimler. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.