Ücretlerin vergilendirilmesinde uluslararası karşılaştırmalı bir analiz: Asgari ücret üzerine bir değerlendirme
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Üretim faktörü olan emeğin elde ettiği gelir olan ücret, gelir vergisi açısından vergilendirilecek bir unsurdur. Ayırma ilkesi gereği ücretin vergilendirilmesinin diğer gelir unsurlarından farklılaştırılması, çeşitli avantajlar sağlanması gerekir. Asgari ücret yasal bakımdan emek faktörüne ödenebilecek ve onun geçimini sağlamaya yetecek en düşük ücret olduğu için özellikle onun üzerindeki vergi yükünün azaltılması, koruyucu tedbirler alınması önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı ücretlerin özellikle de asgari ücrettin vergilendirilmesini incelemek, çeşitli ülkelerdeki durumu karşılaştırmak, ücretin vergilendirilmesinde yaşanan sorunları tespit etmek ve çözüm önerilerinde bulunmaktır. Bu sebeple çalışma üç ana bölüm altında ele alınmıştır. Birinci bölümde ücret, ücretin vergilendirme sebepleri, Türkiye’de ve çeşitli ülkelerde ücretin vergilendirilmesi, muafiyet, istisna ve indirimler ve vergi yükü ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölümde asgari ücret, amacı, gelişimi, çeşitli ülkelerde asgari ücretin durumu ve vergilendirilmesi incelenmiştir. Son bölümde ise Türkiye’de ücret ve asgari ücretin vergilendirilmesinde yaşanan sorunlar tespit edilmiş ve çözümüne yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur. Çalışmada ücret gelirinin vergilendirmesinde ödeme gücünün yeterince dikkate alınmadığı, ücretlilerin vergi yükünün ağır olduğu, ücretliler arasında yatay eşitliğin bozulduğu ve asgari ücretlilerin vergi yükünün yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Bu nedenle ücretlilerin vergi yükünü azaltmaya yönelik tedbirlerin alınması, özellikle stopaj yönteminin nihai vergileme olmaktan çıkarılarak beyanname yöntemine geçilmesi, yersiz muafiyet ve istisnalara son verilerek bazı istisnaların günün şartlarına uygun hale getirilmesi, damga vergisi kesintisine son verilmesi ve asgari ücretin vergi dışı bırakılmasının daha uygun olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.
One of the factors of production is labor and their payment is made in the form of wage, at the same time the wage is a type of income in terms of personal income tax. In accordance with the principle of differentiation, the taxation of wages should be differentiated from other income elements and various advantages should be provided to them. Since the minimum wage is legally the lowest wage that can be paid and is sufficient to support the labor factor, it is especially important to reduce the tax burden on it and take protective measures. The aim of this study is to examine the taxation of wages, especially the minimum wage, to compare the situation in various countries, to identify the problems in the taxation of wages and to offer solutions. For this reason, the study has been discussed under three main sections. In the first chapter the wage, taxation causes of wages, taxation of wages in various countries and Turkey, exemptions, exception and reduction and tax burden were discussed. In the second chapter, the minimum wage, its purpose, its development, the status of the minimum wage and its taxation in various countries are examined. In the last chapter, the problems have been identified on the taxation of wages and the minimum wage in Turkey and made suggestions. In the study, it has been found that the ability to pay is not taken into account in the taxation of wage income, the tax burden of wage earners is heavy, horizontal equality among wage earners is broken and the tax burden of minimum wage earners is high. The following recommendations have been made: measures should be taken to reduce the tax burden of wage earners, the withholding method should be prevented to be final taxation and the declaration method should be adopted, unnecessary exemptions and exceptions should be lifted; some exceptions should be revised, the stamp tax on wages should be removed, the minimum wage should be an exception from personal income tax.
One of the factors of production is labor and their payment is made in the form of wage, at the same time the wage is a type of income in terms of personal income tax. In accordance with the principle of differentiation, the taxation of wages should be differentiated from other income elements and various advantages should be provided to them. Since the minimum wage is legally the lowest wage that can be paid and is sufficient to support the labor factor, it is especially important to reduce the tax burden on it and take protective measures. The aim of this study is to examine the taxation of wages, especially the minimum wage, to compare the situation in various countries, to identify the problems in the taxation of wages and to offer solutions. For this reason, the study has been discussed under three main sections. In the first chapter the wage, taxation causes of wages, taxation of wages in various countries and Turkey, exemptions, exception and reduction and tax burden were discussed. In the second chapter, the minimum wage, its purpose, its development, the status of the minimum wage and its taxation in various countries are examined. In the last chapter, the problems have been identified on the taxation of wages and the minimum wage in Turkey and made suggestions. In the study, it has been found that the ability to pay is not taken into account in the taxation of wage income, the tax burden of wage earners is heavy, horizontal equality among wage earners is broken and the tax burden of minimum wage earners is high. The following recommendations have been made: measures should be taken to reduce the tax burden of wage earners, the withholding method should be prevented to be final taxation and the declaration method should be adopted, unnecessary exemptions and exceptions should be lifted; some exceptions should be revised, the stamp tax on wages should be removed, the minimum wage should be an exception from personal income tax.
Ücret, Asgari ücret, Stopaj, Sosyal adalet, Gelir vergisi, Wage, Minimum wage, Withholding, Social justice, Personal income tax
Beştaş, A. (2021). Ücretlerin vergilendirilmesinde uluslararası karşılaştırmalı bir analiz: Asgari ücret üzerine bir değerlendirme. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.