Urinary tract infections due to Mycoplasma canis in dogs
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Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Urine samples were obtained from 100 dogs with symptoms of lower urinary tract disease by cystocentesis and were examined for mycoplasmas. Urinalysis, haematological and biochemical analyses were also performed. Bacteria were isolated from urine in 41 of 100 dogs; Mycoplasma canis was isolated from four of 100 (4%) urine samples and three were pure culture. Selective mycoplasma media were used for isolation. In growth inhibition test, propagation of the four M. canis isolates was inhibited by their specific hyperimmune sera and there was no cross reactivity between isolates and hyperimmune sera of other mycoplasmas. Dogs in which M. caniswas isolated were azotemic. All dogs were treated with enrofloxacin, furosemide, and supportive therapy (fluid therapy, ascorbic acid). In all animals, clinical improvements were observed after treatment.
Veterinary sciences, Mycoplasmatales, Mycoplasma canis, Mycoplasma, Canis familiaris, Bacteria (microorganisms), Animalia
Ülgen, M. vd. (2006). ''Urinary tract infections due to Mycoplasma canis in dogs''. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A: Physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine, 53(7), 379-382.