Bursa ili içme suyu dağıtım sisteminde asimile edilebilir organik karbon (AOK) belirlenmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İçme suyu dağıtım sisteminde mikroorganizmaların yeniden çoğalmasını etkileyen en önemli faktör sudaki organik karbon miktarıdır. Azot ve fosfor gibi inorganik nutrientler de yeniden çoğalmayı etkileyen diğer faktörler arasındadır. Yeniden çoğalma sırasında bakteriler tarafından substrat kaynağı olarak tüketilen organik karbonun bakteriler tarafından kolaylıkla kullanılabilen kısmını oluşturan asimile edilebilir organik karbon (AOK), sudaki yeniden çoğalma potansiyelini gösteren en önemli indikatör olarak kabul edilmektedir. Standart Metotlarda yer alan kültürel yöntemle belirlenen AOK miktarı, besin ihtiyaçlarından dolayı seçilmiş iki referans bakterinin sudaki asimile edilebilir organik karbonu tüketerek durgun fazda oluşturdukları biyokütle miktarının belirlenmesi esasına dayanmaktadır. AOK miktarının belirlenmesi için önerilen alternatif metotlardan biri de mikrobiyal aktivitenin göstergesi olan ATP lüminesans yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada Bursa İli içme suyu arıtma tesisinin çeşitli noktalarından ve dağıtım sisteminin iki zonunu temsil eden noktalardan alınan 120 adet su örneğindeki AOK seviyelerinin hem kültürel yöntem hem de ATP lüminesansı yöntemi ile ölçülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kültürel metot ile belirlenen AOK miktarına göre C1 isale hattından alınan tüm örneklerin %77,3’ü ve C2 zonundan alınan tüm örneklerin %64,6’si biyolojik stabilitenin sağlanması için önerilen 100 μgC/L AOK sınır değerinin üzerindedir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre tüm örnekleme noktalarının genel ortalaması C1 zonu isale hattında kültürel yöntem için (AOK) 137 μgC/L, ATP lüminesans yöntemi için (RLU- AOK) 214 μgC/L’dir. C2 zonunu temsil eden örneklerde ise kültürel yöntem için (AOK) 123 μgC/L ATP lüminesans yöntemi için (RLU- AOK) 222 μgC/L’dir. Kültürel yöntem ve ATP lüminesans ölçümü ile belirlenen AOK konsantrasyonları arasında güçlü pozitif korelasyonun (r=0.828) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu durum kültürel yöntem ve ATP lüminesans ölçümü ile belirlenen AOK değerleri arasında belirli bir fark olması rağmen içme suyunda bulunan tüm canlı bakteriyi yansıtan ATP yöntemi ile AOK belirlenmesinin daha realistik bir yaklaşım olacağına işaret etmektedir.
The most important factor affecting the reproduction of microorganisms in the drinking water distribution system is the amount of organic carbon in the water. Inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are among the other factors affecting growth. Assimilable organic carbon (AOC), which is the part of the organic carbon that is consumed as an substrate source by bacteria during growth, which can be easily used by bacteria, is accepted as the most important indicator showing the regrowth potential in water. The amount of AOC determined by the cultural method in the Standard Methods is based on the determination of the amount of biomass formed in the stationary phase by consuming the assimilable organic carbon in the water by two reference bacteria selected for their nutritional needs. One of the alternative methods proposed for determining the amount of AOC is the ATP luminescence method, which is an indicator of microbial activity. In this study, it was aimed to measure the AOC levels in 120 water samples taken from various points of the drinking water treatment plant in Bursa and the points representing the two zones of the distribution system by both cultural method and ATP luminescence method. According to the amount of AOC determined by the cultural method, %77,3 of all samples taken from the C1 transmission line and %64,6 of all samples taken from the C2 zone are above the 100 μgC/L AOC limit value recommended to ensure biological stability. According to the findings, the general average of all sampling points is 137 μgC/L for the cultural method (AOK) and 214 μgC/L for the ATP luminescence method (RLU- AOK) in the C1 zone conveyance line. In the samples representing the C2 zone, it is 123 μgC/L for the cultural method (AOK) and 222 μgC/L for the ATP luminescence method (RLU- AOK). It was determined that there was a strong positive correlation (r=0.828) between the AOC concentrations determined by the cultural method and ATP luminescence measurement. This indicates that although there is a certain difference in the AOK value determined by the cultural method and ATP luminescence measurement, this method will be a more realistic approach since ATP luminescence reflects all living bacteria in drinking water.
The most important factor affecting the reproduction of microorganisms in the drinking water distribution system is the amount of organic carbon in the water. Inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are among the other factors affecting growth. Assimilable organic carbon (AOC), which is the part of the organic carbon that is consumed as an substrate source by bacteria during growth, which can be easily used by bacteria, is accepted as the most important indicator showing the regrowth potential in water. The amount of AOC determined by the cultural method in the Standard Methods is based on the determination of the amount of biomass formed in the stationary phase by consuming the assimilable organic carbon in the water by two reference bacteria selected for their nutritional needs. One of the alternative methods proposed for determining the amount of AOC is the ATP luminescence method, which is an indicator of microbial activity. In this study, it was aimed to measure the AOC levels in 120 water samples taken from various points of the drinking water treatment plant in Bursa and the points representing the two zones of the distribution system by both cultural method and ATP luminescence method. According to the amount of AOC determined by the cultural method, %77,3 of all samples taken from the C1 transmission line and %64,6 of all samples taken from the C2 zone are above the 100 μgC/L AOC limit value recommended to ensure biological stability. According to the findings, the general average of all sampling points is 137 μgC/L for the cultural method (AOK) and 214 μgC/L for the ATP luminescence method (RLU- AOK) in the C1 zone conveyance line. In the samples representing the C2 zone, it is 123 μgC/L for the cultural method (AOK) and 222 μgC/L for the ATP luminescence method (RLU- AOK). It was determined that there was a strong positive correlation (r=0.828) between the AOC concentrations determined by the cultural method and ATP luminescence measurement. This indicates that although there is a certain difference in the AOK value determined by the cultural method and ATP luminescence measurement, this method will be a more realistic approach since ATP luminescence reflects all living bacteria in drinking water.
Asimile edilebilir organik karbon (AOK), İçme suyu, Bakteriyel çoğalma, Adenozin tri fosfat (ATP), Biyolojik stabilite, Assimilable organic carbon (AOC), Drinking water, Bacterial growth, Adenosine tri phosphate (ATP), Biological stability
Taşkın, K. (2021). Bursa ili içme suyu dağıtım sisteminde asimile edilebilir organik karbon (AOK) belirlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.