Histopatolojik tanılı rektosigmoid Hirschsprung hastalığı olgularında BCL-2 ve laminin ekspresyonunun retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi ve Hirschsprung enterokoliti ile ilişkilendirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hirschsprung hastalığı (HH) etyolojisi netlik kazanmamış, histopatolojik tanısı güç bir hastalıktır. Hastalıkla ilişkili Hirschsprung enterokoliti (HEK) etyolojisi de belirsizliğini korumaktadır. İntrauterin dönemde nöral krest hücrelerinin enterik sinir sistemini oluşturmak üzere, kraniokaudal yöndeki göçünde görevli ekstrasellüler matriks proteinlerinden Laminin ve anti-apoptotik, nöroprotektif BCL-2 ekspresyonunun, post-operatif HEK geçiren ve geçirmeyen hastalardaki durumu karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Merkezimizde opere olmuş, histopatolojik tanılı 20 rektosigmoid Hirschsprung hastasına (post-operatif HEK görülen 10, görülmeyen 10 hasta) ve kontrol grubu olmak üzere, HH dışı nedenlerle opere edilmiş 10 hastaya ait, patoloji arşivinde bulunan bağırsak dokusu retrospektif olarak incelenmişir. Dokular immunohistokimyasal yöntemlerle protein ekspresyonu, moleküler genetik incelemelerle mRNA ve DNA düzeyinde değerlendirilmiş, BCL-2 ve Lamininin, HH ve HEK ilişkisi araştırılmış, yöntemlerin sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. BCL-2 immunohistokimyasında HH’de aganglionik dokulardaki ekspresyonun, ganglionik dokulara göre anlamlı şekilde azaldığı görülmüştür. BCL-2 mRNA ekspresyonu ise hem aganglionik hem ganglionik dokularda, kontrol grubuna kıyasla anlamlı ölçüde düşük belirlenmiştir. Laminin immunohistokimyasında aganglionik dokular anlamlı düzeyde pozitif boyanırken, ganglionik dokular negatif-hafif boyanmıştır. Laminini mRNA düzeyinde değerlendirmede kullanılan LAMA1 molekülünün ekspresyonu, aganglionik dokularda daha yüksek olma eğilimi gösterse de her dokuda farklı değerler elde edilmiştir. BCL-2 ve Lamininin HEK ile ilişkisine yönelik incelemelerde immunohistokimyasal ve moleküler anlamlılık belirlenememiştir. BCL-2 geninde mutasyon araştırmak amacıyla yapılan DNA dizi analizinde, bir olguda HH için literatürde tanımlanmamış bir değişim tespit edilmiştir. Bu hastanın aganglionik bağırsak dokusundaki BCL-2 mRNA ekspresyonu da ganglionik dokusuna göre belirgin olarak azalmıştır. Bunların sonucunda BCL-2’nin, HH ve HEK etyopatogenezinde üzerine düşülmesi gereken bir molekül olduğu kanaatindeyiz. Elde edilen sonuçlar, geniş hasta serileriyle yapılacak çalışmalarla anlamlılık gösterebilecek potansiyeldedir.
Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is a condition whose etiology has not been clarified and its histopathological diagnosis is tough. The etiology of the Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis (HAEC) also remains unclear. The expression of Laminin which is extracellular matrix protein involved in the craniocaudal migration of neural crest cells in the intrauterine period to form the enteric nervous system and BCL-2 which is anti-apoptotic, neuroprotective were compared in patients with and without post operative HAEC. Retrospective analysis was performed on the intestinal tissue from 20 patients with the histopathological diagnosis of Rectosigmoid Hirschsprung who underwent surgery in our center (10 patients with post-operative HAEC, 10 patients without) and 10 patients as the control group who underwent surgery for an unrelated condition. Immunohistochemical techniques were used to evaluate the protein expression in tissues and molecular genetic studies were used to evaluate in the terms of mRNA and DNA analyses. Investigations were done into the connections between BCL-2, Laminin, HD and HAEC. The outcomes of the various procedures were compared. When compared to ganglionic tissues, BCL-2 immunohistochemistry revealed that HD patients' aganglionic tissues had significantly lower levels of BCL-2 expression. In HD patients' aganglionic and ganglionic tissues, BCL-2 mRNA expression was shown to be considerably lower than in the control group. Aganglionic tissues stained strongly positively with Laminin immunohistochemistry, whereas ganglionic tissues stained lightly or negatively. Although aganglionic tissues tended to have increased levels of LAMA1 molecule expression, which is used to evaluate Laminin at the mRNA level, various values were found in each tissue. Immunohistochemical and molecular significance could not be determined in the investigations regarding the relationship between BCL-2 and Laminin and HAEC. During DNA sequencing analysis for BCL-2 gene mutation investigations, a mutagenic change for HD that has not yet been identified in the literature was detected. Aganglionic tissue from this patient expressed BCL-2 mRNA substantially less than ganglionic tissue appears to have done. Hence, we conclude that BCL-2 is a molecule that should be considered while figuring out the etiopathogenesis of HD and HAEC. Results from research studies with larger patient series could discover the outcomes to be meaningful.
Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is a condition whose etiology has not been clarified and its histopathological diagnosis is tough. The etiology of the Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis (HAEC) also remains unclear. The expression of Laminin which is extracellular matrix protein involved in the craniocaudal migration of neural crest cells in the intrauterine period to form the enteric nervous system and BCL-2 which is anti-apoptotic, neuroprotective were compared in patients with and without post operative HAEC. Retrospective analysis was performed on the intestinal tissue from 20 patients with the histopathological diagnosis of Rectosigmoid Hirschsprung who underwent surgery in our center (10 patients with post-operative HAEC, 10 patients without) and 10 patients as the control group who underwent surgery for an unrelated condition. Immunohistochemical techniques were used to evaluate the protein expression in tissues and molecular genetic studies were used to evaluate in the terms of mRNA and DNA analyses. Investigations were done into the connections between BCL-2, Laminin, HD and HAEC. The outcomes of the various procedures were compared. When compared to ganglionic tissues, BCL-2 immunohistochemistry revealed that HD patients' aganglionic tissues had significantly lower levels of BCL-2 expression. In HD patients' aganglionic and ganglionic tissues, BCL-2 mRNA expression was shown to be considerably lower than in the control group. Aganglionic tissues stained strongly positively with Laminin immunohistochemistry, whereas ganglionic tissues stained lightly or negatively. Although aganglionic tissues tended to have increased levels of LAMA1 molecule expression, which is used to evaluate Laminin at the mRNA level, various values were found in each tissue. Immunohistochemical and molecular significance could not be determined in the investigations regarding the relationship between BCL-2 and Laminin and HAEC. During DNA sequencing analysis for BCL-2 gene mutation investigations, a mutagenic change for HD that has not yet been identified in the literature was detected. Aganglionic tissue from this patient expressed BCL-2 mRNA substantially less than ganglionic tissue appears to have done. Hence, we conclude that BCL-2 is a molecule that should be considered while figuring out the etiopathogenesis of HD and HAEC. Results from research studies with larger patient series could discover the outcomes to be meaningful.
Hirschsprung hastalığı, BCL-2, Laminin, Hirschsprung enterokoliti, Hirschsprung's disease, Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis
Dede, M. (2023). Histopatolojik tanılı rektosigmoid Hirschsprung hastalığı olgularında BCL-2 ve laminin ekspresyonunun retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi ve Hirschsprung enterokoliti ile ilişkilendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.