Tulû'î'nin Paşa-nâme'si (inceleme-metin)
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Tulû'î'nin Paşa-nâme'si (İnceleme-Metin) Üzerinde çalıştığımız eser, kütüphane kayıtlarında Paşa-nâme olarak geçmektedir. Tulû'î mahlaslı bir şair tarafından 17. yüzyılda kaleme alınmış olan eserin nazım şekli mesnevîdir. Şair Tulû'î Paşa-nâme'de 17. yüzyılda Rumeli ve Karadeniz'de vuku bulan isyanları bastırmakla görevlendirilen IV. Murad'ın vezirlerinden Kenan Paşa'nın mücadelesini anlatmaktadır. Çalışmamız, giriş kısmı ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde, üzerinde çalıştığımız eserin içinde geçen olayların yaşandığı yüzyıldaki siyasî, sosyal ve kültürel iklim anlatılmıştır. Ayrıca eserin mesnevî nazım biçiminde yazılmış bir gazavât-nâme olmasından hareketle, mesnevî nazım biçimi ve gazavât-nâme türü hakkında bilgi verilmiş, bunların edebiyatımızdaki yerinden bahsedilmiştir. Birinci bölümde eserin müellifi Tulû'î'nin hayatı, eserleri ve edebî kişiliğî hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. İkinci bölüm eserin incelenmesine ayrılmıştır. Eserin yazılma tarihi, yazılma sebebi, dış ve iç yapısı ve eserdeki minyatürler hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise metnin kuruluşu, nüsha tavsifi, eserin bölüm başlıkları ve metnin transkripsiyonlu hali verilmişitr.
Tulu'i's Paşa-name (Analysis-Text) The work which we studied on is registered as Paşa-name in the records of libraries. This work was written in the form of mathnawi in seventeenth-century by a poet whose pseudonym is Tului. The poet in his work illustrates the struggles of Kenan Paşa a vizier of Murad IV who had been appointed to quell the rebellions in Rumelia and Black Sea in seventeenth-century. This study is comprised of an introduction and three chapters. In the introduction the political, social and cultural atmosphere of the century in which the events of the Paşa-name occurred is described. In addition based on the fact that this work can be considered as gazavat-name which is written in mathnawi form, general information is given regarding to mathnawi poetry form and the genre of gazavat-name and their place in the Turkish literature. In the first chapter information is given about the author of the work Tului's life, his works and his literary personality. The second chapter which focuses on investigation of the work gives information regarding to the date that the work was written and the purpose of its writing. This chapter also illustrates internal and external structure of the work and its miniatures. The third chapter gives information regarding to the structure of the text, characterization of the transcript (nüsha tavsifi), the chapter headings of the work and it also includes the Latinized version the text.
Tulu'i's Paşa-name (Analysis-Text) The work which we studied on is registered as Paşa-name in the records of libraries. This work was written in the form of mathnawi in seventeenth-century by a poet whose pseudonym is Tului. The poet in his work illustrates the struggles of Kenan Paşa a vizier of Murad IV who had been appointed to quell the rebellions in Rumelia and Black Sea in seventeenth-century. This study is comprised of an introduction and three chapters. In the introduction the political, social and cultural atmosphere of the century in which the events of the Paşa-name occurred is described. In addition based on the fact that this work can be considered as gazavat-name which is written in mathnawi form, general information is given regarding to mathnawi poetry form and the genre of gazavat-name and their place in the Turkish literature. In the first chapter information is given about the author of the work Tului's life, his works and his literary personality. The second chapter which focuses on investigation of the work gives information regarding to the date that the work was written and the purpose of its writing. This chapter also illustrates internal and external structure of the work and its miniatures. The third chapter gives information regarding to the structure of the text, characterization of the transcript (nüsha tavsifi), the chapter headings of the work and it also includes the Latinized version the text.
Tulû‘î, Gazavât-nâme, Paşa-nâme, Mesnevî, Kenan Paşa, Tului, Mathnawi
Suliman, O. (2017). Tulû'î'nin Paşa-nâme'si (inceleme-metin). Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.