Glikoz oksidazın hamur reolojisi ve ekmek kalitesine etkileri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu araştırmanın amacı, glikoz oksidaz(GO) enziminin tek basma veya bazı katkılarla kombinasyonlannm hamur reolojisi ve ekmek kalitesine etkilerini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla glikoz oksidaz ile kombinasyon yapılmak üzere, hamur geliştirici olarak kullanılan askorbik asit(AA) ve son zamanlarda özellikle kuvvetli unlarda kullanılan hemiselülaz(HS) enzimi seçilmiş ve denemelerde Tip 650 un kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar göstermiştir ki, genellikle bütün katkıların tek kullanımları, kontrole göre iyi ekmek özellikleri vermiştir. İkili kombinasyonlarda ise GO ile AA uygulamalarında ekmek özellikleri ve bayatlama değeri açısından çok iyi sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. GO ile HS kombinasyonunda ise kontrole göre özgül ekmek hacmi, 2 ppm GO + 20 ppm HS(G1H1) ile 6 ppm GO + 20 ppm HS(G3H1) uygulamalarında, daha düşük bulunmuştur. 72 saat sonunda 6 ppm GO + 35 ppm HS(G3H2) kontrolden daha sert ekmek içi özellikleri tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; GO+AA kombinasyonları, ekmek özellikleri üzerine GO + HS kombinasyonlarından daha etkili olmuştur. Özellikle 4 ppm GO + 10 ppm AA (G2A1) kombinasyonu tavsiye edilebilir.
The aim of this research was to determine the effects of glucose oxidase(GO) used alone or combination with other additives on the dough rheology and bread quality. With this aim, ascorbic acid(AA) used as dough improvement and hemicellulase(HS) used in strong flour recently were selected as other additives and Type 650 flour was used in trials. The results showed that alone usage of all additives were generally better than control. In the combined applications, highly good results were obtained in GO + AA combined applications with respect to bread properties and staling. Specific loaf volumes determined in 2 ppm GO + 20 ppm HS(GIHI) and 6 ppm GO + 20 ppm HS (G3H1) combined applications were lower than control. 6 ppm GO + 35 ppm HS (G3H2) combined application could not delay the staling of bread at the end of 72 hours according to control. According to the results obtained, GO + AA combined applications were more affective on the bread properties than GO + HS combined applications. Especially, 4ppm GO + lOppm AA(G2A1) combined application can be recommended.
The aim of this research was to determine the effects of glucose oxidase(GO) used alone or combination with other additives on the dough rheology and bread quality. With this aim, ascorbic acid(AA) used as dough improvement and hemicellulase(HS) used in strong flour recently were selected as other additives and Type 650 flour was used in trials. The results showed that alone usage of all additives were generally better than control. In the combined applications, highly good results were obtained in GO + AA combined applications with respect to bread properties and staling. Specific loaf volumes determined in 2 ppm GO + 20 ppm HS(GIHI) and 6 ppm GO + 20 ppm HS (G3H1) combined applications were lower than control. 6 ppm GO + 35 ppm HS (G3H2) combined application could not delay the staling of bread at the end of 72 hours according to control. According to the results obtained, GO + AA combined applications were more affective on the bread properties than GO + HS combined applications. Especially, 4ppm GO + lOppm AA(G2A1) combined application can be recommended.
Glikoz oksidaz, Askorbik asit, Hemiselülaz, Hamur, Ekmek, Bayatlama, Glucose oxidase, Ascorbic acid, Hemicellulase, Dough, Bread, Staling
Dağdelen, A. F. (2005). Glikoz oksidazın hamur reolojisi ve ekmek kalitesine etkileri. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.