Musa Cârullah Bigiyev'in kader hakkındaki görüşü
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İslâmi ilimlerin hemen bütün dallarında eser veren Musa Cârullah Bigiyev çok önemli bir dönemde yaşamıştır. Çünkü XIX. yüzyıl İslâm dünyasında yaşanan acı vakaların yanında İslâm'da tecdit hareketlerin başlangıcıdır. Döneminde ortaya çıkan problemlere, İslâm'ın evrensel mesajını esas alarak yeni çözümler getirmeye çalışan Musa Cârullah'ın özellikle kader konusundaki görüşü büyük önem taşımaktadır. Ona göre kaza, kader, tevekkül gibi kavramlar yanlış yorumlanıp insanların tembelliğine, dünya yaşamından soğumasına sebep oldu. Oysa bu kavram ve inanışlar Müslümanlara bunun için değil, cesaret, güven, atılganlık duygusu kazandırmak için bildirilmiştir. Ona göre kader vardır. Fakat insanın hür ihtiyarı vardır ve cebir altında değildir.Bu çalışmamızda Musa Cârullah Bigiyev'in Kader konusundaki görüşünü ana hatlarıyla açıklamaya çalıştık. Önce yazarın hayatını ve kader konusunu kısaca anlatıp, daha sonra Musa Cârullah'ın kader konusunu nasıl ele aldığı kelâm ilmi açısından ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Musa Cârullah nihaî olarak kimsenin çözemediği konuyu belki de çözememiştir. Fakat maslahatımıza en uygun şekilde yorumlamaya çalışmıştır.
Musa Carullah Bigiyev, who almost wrote in every field of Islamic Sciences, had lived in a very important period of history. Because XIX. Century was a period where a lot of tragic events took place in Islamic world as well as the beginning of the tadjdid (reform) movement period. Musa Caruallah had tried to bring a positive look from an Islamic perspective, in regard of universal Islamic message, to the events that occured in his time. His thoughts about predestination are very important. According to him predestination and related subjecs, such as resignation (tawakkul), were misinterprated and that prevented Muslims from progress. Through this misinterpretation people became lazy and chose abstaining from worldy affaires. He believes that thise terms should give courage to Muslims not laziness. He admits the predestination but also accepts the free will.In this study, we have tried to explain the ideas of Musa Carullah on the subject of predestination. At first, we present a short information about author's life and his thoughts about predestination. Than his thoughts about predestination examined and explained through Kalam methodology. It is true that he did not solve decisively the predestinaton problem, but interprated this subject in the best possible way to make it useful for Islamic community.
Musa Carullah Bigiyev, who almost wrote in every field of Islamic Sciences, had lived in a very important period of history. Because XIX. Century was a period where a lot of tragic events took place in Islamic world as well as the beginning of the tadjdid (reform) movement period. Musa Caruallah had tried to bring a positive look from an Islamic perspective, in regard of universal Islamic message, to the events that occured in his time. His thoughts about predestination are very important. According to him predestination and related subjecs, such as resignation (tawakkul), were misinterprated and that prevented Muslims from progress. Through this misinterpretation people became lazy and chose abstaining from worldy affaires. He believes that thise terms should give courage to Muslims not laziness. He admits the predestination but also accepts the free will.In this study, we have tried to explain the ideas of Musa Carullah on the subject of predestination. At first, we present a short information about author's life and his thoughts about predestination. Than his thoughts about predestination examined and explained through Kalam methodology. It is true that he did not solve decisively the predestinaton problem, but interprated this subject in the best possible way to make it useful for Islamic community.
Musa Cârullah, Kader, Kaza, Tevekkül, Bigiyev, Musa Jarullah, Predestination, Accident, Trust, Bigiev
Gafarov, R. (2009). Musa Cârullah Bigiyev'in kader hakkındaki görüşü. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.