Lateral epikondilit tanılı hastalarda radial sinirin elektrofizyolojik olarak incelenmesi ve egzersiz tedavisine yanıtın değerlendirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, lateral epikondilit (LE) tanılı hastalarda, radial sinirin elektrofizyolojik olarak incelenmesinin yanında, aktivite modifikasyonu ve ev egzersizi tedavisine yanıtın değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamız LE tanısı olan 56 hasta ile prospektif olarak biçimlendirildi. Başvuru anında yakınması olan tarafa radial, median ve ulnar, karşı tarafa yalnızca radial duysal ve motor sinir ileti çalışması yapıldı. Hastalara aktivite modifikasyonu eğitimi ile birlikte, önkol kasları için germe ve güçlendirme egzersizlerini içeren ev egzersiz programı verildi. Hastalar başlangıç, 1. ve 3. ayda radial sinir ileti çalışması, algometrik duyarlılık, kavrama gücü, Kol, Omuz, El Disabilite Anketi (DASH), Hasta Bazlı Lateral Epikondilit Değerlendirme Testi (PRTEE) ile değerlendirildi. Başlangıçta yakınmaların olduğu taraf ile sağlam tarafın sinir ileti çalışmaları karşılaştırıldığında, hasta taraf radial sinir dirsek ve dirsek üstü motor latanslarının sağlam tarafa göre anlamlı düzeyde uzun olduğu saptanmıştır. Tedavi sonrası değerlendirmelerde ise 1. ayda radial motor ve duyusal sinir iletilerinde anlamlı iyileşme izlenmezken, 3. ayda başlangıca göre radial motor sinir dirsek üstü latansında ve ileti hızında, radial duyusal sinirin tepe latansında anlamlı iyileşme izlemiştir. Hastaların PRTEE ve DASH skorlarında, el kavrama gücünde 1. ve 3. ayda, algometrik duyarlılıkta ise 3. ayda anlamlı iyileşme izlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, LE semptomları olan hastalarda radial sinir tuzak nöropatisinin eşlik edebileceği göz önünde bulundurularak elektrofizyolojik incelemelerin yapılmasının uygun olacağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışma ile aktivite modifikasyonu ve egzersiz tedavisinin semptomların azaltılmasında ve elektrofizyolojik parametreler üzerinde etkili olduğu gösterilmiştir.
In this study, we aimed to evaluate radial nerve conduction studies and treatment response with activity modification and home exercise program in patients with lateral epicondylitis. 56 patients with lateral epicondylitis were enrolled in this prospective study. At admission, medial, ulnar and radial nerve conduction studies of the symptomatic side and only radial nerve conduction study at the asymptomatic side were done. Patients were given home exercises program including stretching and strengthening exercises for the forearm muscles and activity modification training. Patients were evaluated at beginning, 1st and 3rd month with radial nerve conduction studies, algometric test, grip strength, Disabilities of The Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire (DASH), Patient-rated Forearm Evaluation Questionnaire (PRTEE). At the beginning, nerve conduction studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic side were compared. Significant lengthening of radial motor nerve latency from elbow and above elbow stimulations was observed at symptomatic side. At the 3rd month of the treatment, significant improvement of radial motor nerve latency and conduction velocity with above elbow stimulation and radial sensory peak latency was observed. Significant improvement was recorded in PRTEE and DASH scores and grip strength at 1st and 3rd month. Significant improvement was also recorded in algometric test at 3rd month assessment. In conclusion, while the symptoms may be associated with the radial nerve entrapment in patients with lateral epicondylitis, electrophysiological studies are considered to be appropriate. This study also shows that activity modification and exercise therapy can be effective on electrophysiological parameters and symptom management.
In this study, we aimed to evaluate radial nerve conduction studies and treatment response with activity modification and home exercise program in patients with lateral epicondylitis. 56 patients with lateral epicondylitis were enrolled in this prospective study. At admission, medial, ulnar and radial nerve conduction studies of the symptomatic side and only radial nerve conduction study at the asymptomatic side were done. Patients were given home exercises program including stretching and strengthening exercises for the forearm muscles and activity modification training. Patients were evaluated at beginning, 1st and 3rd month with radial nerve conduction studies, algometric test, grip strength, Disabilities of The Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire (DASH), Patient-rated Forearm Evaluation Questionnaire (PRTEE). At the beginning, nerve conduction studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic side were compared. Significant lengthening of radial motor nerve latency from elbow and above elbow stimulations was observed at symptomatic side. At the 3rd month of the treatment, significant improvement of radial motor nerve latency and conduction velocity with above elbow stimulation and radial sensory peak latency was observed. Significant improvement was recorded in PRTEE and DASH scores and grip strength at 1st and 3rd month. Significant improvement was also recorded in algometric test at 3rd month assessment. In conclusion, while the symptoms may be associated with the radial nerve entrapment in patients with lateral epicondylitis, electrophysiological studies are considered to be appropriate. This study also shows that activity modification and exercise therapy can be effective on electrophysiological parameters and symptom management.
Lateral epikondilit, Egzersiz, Radial sinir, Sinir ileti çalışması, Lateral epicondylitis, Exercise, Radial nerve, Nerve conduction study
Avşaroğlu, B. (2016). Lateral epikondilit tanılı hastalarda radial sinirin elektrofizyolojik olarak incelenmesi ve egzersiz tedavisine yanıtın değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.