Afganistan’da modernleşme ve entelektüel hareketler
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu tezde Afganistan’ın modernleşmesi ve entelektüel haraketlerinin incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Öncellikle modernite, modernleşme ve entelektüel kavramların anlamı ve tarihsel gelişimi genel olarak ele alınarak bu kavramlara yöneltilen eleştirileri tartışılmıştır. Daha sonra Afganistan’ın modernleştirilmesi yönünde yapılan girişimler ve bu sürece yönelik entelektüellerin yaklaşımları üzerinde odaklanılmıştır. Nihayetinde, Afganistan modernleşme süreci ve buna paralel olarak entelektüel haraketler, tezin literatür çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Tez çalışmasında, Farsça, İngilizce ve Türkçe kaynaklarından nitel veri toplama tekniğinden yararlanılmış ve tarihsel karşılaştırmalı bir yaklaşımı ile elde edilen veriler üzerine tartışılmıştır. Tartışmalar sonucunda Afganiştan’ın modernleşmesi başarısız bir süreç olarak değerlendirilmiştır. Bu başarısızlıkların temelinde yatan en önemli faktörlerin, ülkedeki modernleşme şekili doğal ve yerel bir süreç olarak olmaması, modernleşme planlarının aceleci ve tepeden inmeci bir yaklaşım ile uygulanması, modernleşme planların dengesizliği, gelenege karşı modernleştirme girişimlerinin özü ve modernleşme sürecine yönelik entelektüellerin oryantalist bakışı ve batıcılık yaklaşımlarının olması tespit edilmiştir.
In this thesis, it is aimed to discuss the modernization and intellectual movements of Afghanistan. Firstly, the meaning and historical development of modernity, modernization and intellectual concepts were viewed and the criticisms towards these concepts were generally discussed. Then, the steps forward to the Afghanistan's modernization and the intellectuals' approaches leading the process were focused on. Finally, the modernization process of Afghanistan parallelly with the intellectual movements was discussed within the framework of the literature of the thesis. Based on the works in this thesis, qualitative data were technically collected from Persian, English, and Turkish sources. The obtained data were discussed with a historical-comparative approach. As a result of the discussions, the modernization process of Afghanistan was considered as unsuccessful. It was determined that the non-natural-local modernization process form in the country, the implementation of modernization plans with a quick and topdown approach, the imbalanced modernization plans, the essence of modernization attempts against tradition, and intellectuals orientalist view and occidentalist approaches towards the modernization process are the most important factors underlying these failures.
In this thesis, it is aimed to discuss the modernization and intellectual movements of Afghanistan. Firstly, the meaning and historical development of modernity, modernization and intellectual concepts were viewed and the criticisms towards these concepts were generally discussed. Then, the steps forward to the Afghanistan's modernization and the intellectuals' approaches leading the process were focused on. Finally, the modernization process of Afghanistan parallelly with the intellectual movements was discussed within the framework of the literature of the thesis. Based on the works in this thesis, qualitative data were technically collected from Persian, English, and Turkish sources. The obtained data were discussed with a historical-comparative approach. As a result of the discussions, the modernization process of Afghanistan was considered as unsuccessful. It was determined that the non-natural-local modernization process form in the country, the implementation of modernization plans with a quick and topdown approach, the imbalanced modernization plans, the essence of modernization attempts against tradition, and intellectuals orientalist view and occidentalist approaches towards the modernization process are the most important factors underlying these failures.
Afganistan, Modernleşme, Entelektüel, Reform, Gelenek, Afghanistan, Modernization, Intellectual, Reform, Tradition
Moshtaq, S. A. S. (2021). Afganistan’da modernleşme ve entelektüel hareketler. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.