Fermente ve ısıl işlem görmüş sucuklarda histolojik incelemeler
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, tebliğ ve standartlara göre sucuklarda bulunmasına izin verilmeyen doku ve organların histolojik muayene yöntemi ile tespit edilmesi, halk sağlığını tehdit eden bu tür tağşişe karşı tüketicinin korunması ve yüksek kalitede üretim yapan işletmelerin uğradığı haksız rekabetin önlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma materyalini sucuk hamuruna katılma olasılığı olan doku ve organ ilaveli deneysel olarak hazırlanmış ve ülkemizde süpermarketlerde satılan fermente ve ısıl işlem görmüş sucuklar oluşturmuştur. Histolojik muayene için; sucuklardan alınan numunelere rutin histolojik doku takibi uygulanarak Crossmon'ın Üçlü Boyama Tekniği ile boyanmıştır. Kesitlerin tüm yüzeyi incelenmiş ve elde edilen sayısal veriler istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Deneysel ısıl işlem görmüş sucuklarda iskelet kaslarında tipik çizgili görünümünün kaybolduğu, yağ dokuyu oluşturan yağ hücrelerinin yapısal özelliğinin bozulduğu saptanmıştır. Bağ doku ipliklerinin ise fermente ve ısıl işlem görmüş sucuklarda bozulduğu ancak aralarında önemli bir farklılık olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Deneysel olarak her iki yöntemle hazırlanan sucuklarda istatistiksel olarak en çok tespit edilen doku ve organlar baş bölgesi etleri ve rumen olurken en az tespit edilebilen ya da tespit edilemeyenler testis ve beyin olmuştur. Süpermarketlerden alınan fermente ve ısıl işlem görmüş sucuklarda, iskelet kası, yağ hücreleri ve bağ doku ipliklerinin yapısal özelliklerinin deneysel hazırlanan sucuklardaki bulgularımıza benzer olduğu görülmüştür. Süpermarketlerden alınan örneklerde iskelet kası, bağ doku, yağ doku, damar duvarında düz kas, tendo ve ligament görülmüş ayrıca yüksek oranda sinir teli demetleri, kemik ve kıkırdak dokuya rastlanılmıştır. Sucuk üretiminde tağşiş amacı ile katılan doku ve organların tespitinde tek yöntem olan histolojik analizlerin mutlaka yapılması gerektiği kanısına varılmıştır.
In this study, it is aimed to determine unpermitted tissues and organs in sausages according to standards and codex by histological examination methods, to protect consumers from adulteration threatening public health and to prevent unfair competition of high-quality manufacturing enterprises. The material of the study is consist of sausages was prepared experimentally with tissue and organ involvement that is likely to be added to the sausage dough, and fermented and heat-treated sausages sold in supermarkets in Turkey. For the histological examination, samples taken from sausages were stained with Crossmon's Triple Staining Method following routine tissue processing technique. The entire surface of the sections was examined and the numerical data obtained were evaluated statistically. In experimental heat-treated sausages, it was determined that the typical striped appearance of skeletal muscles disappeared and the structural characteristic of fat cells that compose fat tissue were damaged. The connective tissue fibers were determined to be damaged in fermented and heat treated sausages but there was no significant difference between them. The most determined tissues and organs in the sausages prepared by both methods statistically were the head region meat and rumen, whereas the least detectable or undetectable ones were the testes and the brain. In fermented and heat-treated sausages bought from supermarkets, the structural properties of skeletal muscle, fat cells and connective tissue fibers were determined to be similar to our findings for the sausages prepared experimentally. In the samples bought from supermarkets, skeletal muscle, connective tissue, adipose tissue, smooth muscle on the blood vessel wall, tendo and ligament were observed and also nerve bundles, bone and cartilaginous tissues were determined at a higher rate. It has been concluded that the histological analysis, which is the only method to determine the tissues and organs with the aim of adulteration in sausage production, has to be examined absolutely.
In this study, it is aimed to determine unpermitted tissues and organs in sausages according to standards and codex by histological examination methods, to protect consumers from adulteration threatening public health and to prevent unfair competition of high-quality manufacturing enterprises. The material of the study is consist of sausages was prepared experimentally with tissue and organ involvement that is likely to be added to the sausage dough, and fermented and heat-treated sausages sold in supermarkets in Turkey. For the histological examination, samples taken from sausages were stained with Crossmon's Triple Staining Method following routine tissue processing technique. The entire surface of the sections was examined and the numerical data obtained were evaluated statistically. In experimental heat-treated sausages, it was determined that the typical striped appearance of skeletal muscles disappeared and the structural characteristic of fat cells that compose fat tissue were damaged. The connective tissue fibers were determined to be damaged in fermented and heat treated sausages but there was no significant difference between them. The most determined tissues and organs in the sausages prepared by both methods statistically were the head region meat and rumen, whereas the least detectable or undetectable ones were the testes and the brain. In fermented and heat-treated sausages bought from supermarkets, the structural properties of skeletal muscle, fat cells and connective tissue fibers were determined to be similar to our findings for the sausages prepared experimentally. In the samples bought from supermarkets, skeletal muscle, connective tissue, adipose tissue, smooth muscle on the blood vessel wall, tendo and ligament were observed and also nerve bundles, bone and cartilaginous tissues were determined at a higher rate. It has been concluded that the histological analysis, which is the only method to determine the tissues and organs with the aim of adulteration in sausage production, has to be examined absolutely.
Sucuk, Fermente, Isıl işlem, Histolojik incelemeler, Tağşiş, Sausage, Fermented, Heat-treated, Histological examination, Adulteration
İnce, E. (2017). Fermente ve ısıl işlem görmüş sucuklarda histolojik incelemeler. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.