Yozgat ilindeki bazı sulama birliklerinin karşılaştırmalı performans değerlendirmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu tez çalışmasında; altı adet sulama birliğinin performansını değerlendirmek ve daha başarılı bir su yönetimi sağlamak amacıyla Uluslararası Sulama ve Drenaj Teknoloji ve Araştırma Programı (IPTRID) tarafından sulama ve drenaj sistemlerinde performansın karşılaştırmalı değerlendirilmesi için önerilen yaklaşım kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, Kızılırmak Havzası içerisinde yer alan Yozgat ilindeki altı sulama birliği değerlendirme kapsamına alınmıştır. Bu değerlendirmede su dağıtım performansı, mali performans, üretim performansı olmak üzere 3 başlık altında 12 adet göstergeden yararlanılmış ayrıca bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Çalışmada söz konusu performans göstergeleri için elde edilen sonuçlara göre; birim alana dağıtılan yıllık sulama suyu miktarı 2 728-11 156,75 m³/ha, birim sulanan alana dağıtılan yıllık sulama suyu miktarı 7 531,25-28 243,50 m³/ha, yıllık su temini oranı %1,49-4,80, yatırımın geri dönüşüm oranı %23,5-268,2, birim alana düşen toplam işletme-bakım-yönetim masrafı 46,08-424,11 TL/ha, su dağıtımında istihdam edilen her bir kişiye düşen toplam masraf 14 719,19-28 821,64 TL/kişi, şebekeye alınan birim sulama suyuna karşılık elde edilen ortalama gelir 0,001075-0,12675 TL/m³, su ücreti toplama performansı %16-84, yıllık toplam tarımsal üretim değeri 3 665 645-53 939 803 TL, birim sulama alanına karşılık elde edilen gelir 1 386,12-16 364,72 TL, sulanan birim alana karşılık elde edilen gelir 6 031,62-39 939,56 TL/ha ve şebekeye saptırılan birim sulama suyuna karşılık elde edilen gelir 0,318225-4,92485 TL/m³ olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; yapılan anket çalışmasına verilen cevaplarda dikkate alınarak, sulama konusunda eğitim çalışmalarına yer verilmeli, etkin bir su dağıtım planlaması yapılmalı ve çiftçiler ile sulama birlikleri yönetimleri arasında karşılıklı bir iletişim sağlanmalıdır.
In this thesis; in order to evaluate the performance of six irrigation associations and to ensure a more successful water management, the approach recommended by the International Programme For Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) was used for the comparative evaluation of performance in irrigation and drainage systems. In this context, six irrigation associations in the Yozgat province located within the Kızılırmak Basin cover the thesis topic. In this evaluation; twelve indicators were used under three headings as water distribution performance, financial performance and production performance, and a survey was conducted. According to the results of the study; water delivered to per unit area was 2 728-11 156,75 m³/ha, water delivered to per unit irrigated area was 7 531,25-28 243,50 m³/ha, annual water supply ratio was %1,49-4,80, cost recovery ratio was %23,5-268,2 total management-operation-maintenance cost per unit area was 46,08-424,11 TL/ha, total cost per personnel employed in water delivery was 14 719,19 -28 821,64 TL/person, average revenue corresponding top per unit of water diverted to the network was 0,001075-0,12675 TL/m³, water charge collection performance was %16-84, annual total agro-production value was 3 665 645-53 939 803 TL, output per unit command area was 1 386,12-16 364,72 TL, output per unit irrigated area was 6 031,62-39 939,56 TL/ha and output for per unit water transferred to the network was 0,318225-4,92485 TL/m³. As a result; considering the responses to the survey, irrigation training should be included, an effective water distribution planning should be made and a mutual communication between farmers and management of irrigation associations should be ensured.
In this thesis; in order to evaluate the performance of six irrigation associations and to ensure a more successful water management, the approach recommended by the International Programme For Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) was used for the comparative evaluation of performance in irrigation and drainage systems. In this context, six irrigation associations in the Yozgat province located within the Kızılırmak Basin cover the thesis topic. In this evaluation; twelve indicators were used under three headings as water distribution performance, financial performance and production performance, and a survey was conducted. According to the results of the study; water delivered to per unit area was 2 728-11 156,75 m³/ha, water delivered to per unit irrigated area was 7 531,25-28 243,50 m³/ha, annual water supply ratio was %1,49-4,80, cost recovery ratio was %23,5-268,2 total management-operation-maintenance cost per unit area was 46,08-424,11 TL/ha, total cost per personnel employed in water delivery was 14 719,19 -28 821,64 TL/person, average revenue corresponding top per unit of water diverted to the network was 0,001075-0,12675 TL/m³, water charge collection performance was %16-84, annual total agro-production value was 3 665 645-53 939 803 TL, output per unit command area was 1 386,12-16 364,72 TL, output per unit irrigated area was 6 031,62-39 939,56 TL/ha and output for per unit water transferred to the network was 0,318225-4,92485 TL/m³. As a result; considering the responses to the survey, irrigation training should be included, an effective water distribution planning should be made and a mutual communication between farmers and management of irrigation associations should be ensured.
Sulama birlikleri, Karşılaştırma göstergeleri, Su dağıtım performansı, Mali performans, Üretim performansı, İrrigation associations, Comparative indicators, Water distribution performance, Financial performance, Production performance
Aslan, G. Ş. (2019). Yozgat ilindeki bazı sulama birliklerinin karşılaştırmalı performans değerlendirmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.