Yüksek riskli gebeliklerde plasental membranlardaki mikroskobik koryonik psödokistlerin önemi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı'na doğum için başvuran normal ve yüksek riskli gebelerin plasental membran mikroskobik koryonik psödokist (MMCP) sayılarının karşılaştırılması.Gereç ve Yöntem: Normal gebeliği bulunan 35 olgu ile preeklamptik 33 olgunun, demografik bilgiler, klinik semptomlar, yenidoğan durumları ve MMCP sayımlarını da içeren rutin mikroskobik ve makroskobik plasental bulgular açısından karşılaştırıldığı, prospektif bir vaka kontrol çalışması düzenlendi. Her olgu için MMCP sayımları yapıldı ve iki grup arasındaki farklılıkların değerlendirilmesi için MMCP sayısı sürekli değişken olarak istatistiksel modele konuldu. Ki-kare, Mann-Whitney U, ANOVA testleri ile çoklu lojistik regresyon analizleri istatistiksel analizde kullanıldı.Bulgular: Yaş, parite, gebelik öncesi vücut kitle indeksi (BMI) ve gebelikte kilo alımı gibi genel demografik karakteristikler açısından gruplar homojendi (p>0.05). Ortalama MMCP sayısı her iki grupta benzerdi (normal: 7.46 ± 2.31; preeclampsia: 7.06 ± 2.09) (p=0.95). Ancak plasental ağırlık ile MMCP sayısı açısından zayıf pozitiflikte bir korelasyon tespit edildi (r=0.253; p=0.04). Preeklampsi grubunda ise, MMCP olmayan bebeklerde, MMCP olanlara göre RDS görülme riski 20.25 kat daha fazla bulundu (OR: 7, %95 CI: 1.021-47.969, p=0.048). MMCP sayısının Respiratuar Distress Sendromu (RDS) için eşik değeri ? 1 idi. (duyarlılık %83.33, özgüllük %70.37).Sonuç: Plasental membranlarda mikroskobik koryonik psödokistlerin bulunması, intrauterin hipoksiden çok plasental matürasyonu gösterebileceği düşünülmelidir. Preeklampsi gibi yüksek riskli gebeliklerden doğan bebeklerdeki Respiratuar Distress Sendromu'nun bir belirteci olarak kullanılabilir.
The aim was to compare the placental membrane microscobic chorionic pseudocyst (MMCP) counts of normal and high risk pregnants who admitted to Uludağ University Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic for delivery. We performed a prospective case-control study in which data on demography, clinic symptoms, neonate conditions, and placental gross, routine microscopic examinations including MMCP count in 35 normal pregnancy cases were compared with 33 preeclamptic pregnancy cases. MMCP were counted for each patient and modelled as a continuous variable to assess the difference between two groups. Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, ANOVA tests and multiple logistic regression analysis were used for the statistical analysis. The groups were homogenous considering the main demographic characteristics like age, parity, Body Mass Index before pregnancy and weight gain during the pregnancy period (p>0.05). The mean MMCP count between the groups were similar (normal: 7.46 ± 2.31; preeclampsia: 7.06 ± 2.09) (p=0.95). However a weak positive correlation was found between the placental weight and MMCP (r=0.253; p=0.04). In the preeclampsia group, the risk for Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) was found to be 20.25 times higher in the newborns with no MMCP than the ones with MMCP (OR: 7, %95 CI: 1.021-47.969, p=0.048). The MMCP count cut-off value was ≤ 1 for the RDS (sensitivity 83.33%, specificity 70.37%). The existance of microscopic chorionic pseudocysts in the placental membranes may represent placental maturation rather than intrauterine hypoxia. They can be used as a marker of RDS on the newborns of the high risk pregnancies like preeclampsia.
The aim was to compare the placental membrane microscobic chorionic pseudocyst (MMCP) counts of normal and high risk pregnants who admitted to Uludağ University Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic for delivery. We performed a prospective case-control study in which data on demography, clinic symptoms, neonate conditions, and placental gross, routine microscopic examinations including MMCP count in 35 normal pregnancy cases were compared with 33 preeclamptic pregnancy cases. MMCP were counted for each patient and modelled as a continuous variable to assess the difference between two groups. Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, ANOVA tests and multiple logistic regression analysis were used for the statistical analysis. The groups were homogenous considering the main demographic characteristics like age, parity, Body Mass Index before pregnancy and weight gain during the pregnancy period (p>0.05). The mean MMCP count between the groups were similar (normal: 7.46 ± 2.31; preeclampsia: 7.06 ± 2.09) (p=0.95). However a weak positive correlation was found between the placental weight and MMCP (r=0.253; p=0.04). In the preeclampsia group, the risk for Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) was found to be 20.25 times higher in the newborns with no MMCP than the ones with MMCP (OR: 7, %95 CI: 1.021-47.969, p=0.048). The MMCP count cut-off value was ≤ 1 for the RDS (sensitivity 83.33%, specificity 70.37%). The existance of microscopic chorionic pseudocysts in the placental membranes may represent placental maturation rather than intrauterine hypoxia. They can be used as a marker of RDS on the newborns of the high risk pregnancies like preeclampsia.
Plasenta, Mikroskobik koryonik psödokist, Preeklampsi, Yenidoğan, Placenta, Microscopic chorionic pseudocyst, Preeclampsia, Newborn
Özerkan, K. (2009). Yüksek riskli gebeliklerde plasental membranlardaki mikroskobik koryonik psödokistlerin önemi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.