Değişik yem ve yemleme şekilerinin broiler performansı üzerine etkileri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma yemin fiziksel şeklinin, değişik yemleme metodlarınm ve grit verilmesinin broiler besi performansı ile bazı kan parametreleri ve karkas özelliklerine etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Kırkiki gün sürdürülen araştırmada her biri 40'ar civcivden oluşan 12 grup kullanılmış ve bunlar da 4’er grubu içeren 3 ana gruba ayrılmışlardır. A, B ve C şeklinde isimlen¬ dirilen bu ana gruplar civciv + piliç dönemlerinde sırasıyla toz + toz, toz + pelet ve crumble + pelet olmak üzere farklı fiziksel özelliklere sahip yemler ile beslenmişlerdir. Piliç dönemlerinde her bir ana gruptan 2 grup ögünlü yemlemeye diğer iki grup ise ad libitum beslemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Ana gruplarda ögünlü ya da ad libitum beslenen 2'şer gruptan birine grit verilmiş diğerine ise verilmemiştir. Deneme sonunda her bir alt gruptan rastgele seçilen 10 adet piliçte bazı iç organ ağırlıkları, kan parametereleri ve karkas özellikleri incelenmiştir. A, B ve C gruplarında sırasıyla, deneme sonu ortalama canlı ağırlıkları 1865, 1980 ve 1985 g, toplam yem tüketimleri 3745, 3538 ve 3585 g, yemden yararlanma oranları ise 2.01, 1.78 ve 1.81 olarak saptanmıştır. Kaslı mide ağırlıkları A grubunda B ve C grubuna göre, abdominal yag ağırlıkları ise C grubunda A ve B grubuna göre önemli derecede daha fazla bulunmuştur. Kan parametrelerinde yapılan incelemelerde, grupların değerlerinin A grubunda B değerlerinin C grubunda alyuvar, hemoglobin ve C gruplarına göre A ve B gruplarına ve . hemotok r i t düşük, akyuvar göre yüksek, trofi,hosit değerlerinin C grubunda A ve B gruplarına göre düşük olduğ u ( P < 0.05), farklılıkların ise grupların karlılık MCV, MuH ve l’iüHC değerleri arasındaki önemsiz olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca oranı ise çoktan aza göre C, B ve şeklinde olmuştur. Deneme sonunda ad libitum beslenenlerin ortalama canlı ağırlıkları bulunmuş tur 1930, öğünlü yemienenler inki ise 1951 g olarak İki grup arasında canlı ağırlık bakımından istatistik! öneme sahip bir farklılık bulunamamıştır. Yine ad libitum ve tüket imler i oranlarının öğünlü yemlenen grupların ortalama sırasıyla 3562 ve 3383 g, ise 1.84 ve 1.89 olduğu toplam yem yemden yararlanma tespit edilmiştir. Ad libitum ve öğünlü yemlenen gruplar arasında karkas özellikleri kan parametreleri bakımından istatistik! öneme sahip bir farklılık oluşmamıştır. öğünlü beslenenlerde kârlılık oranının ad 1 i bi tum beslenenlere göre biraz daha fazla olduğu saptanmıştır. Gritli ve gritsiz beslenen gruplar arasında canlı ağırlık yemden yararlanma oranı ve kaslı mide ağırlıkları bakımından istatistik! öneme sahip bir farklılık saptanmamıştır. Bu araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre; broilerde civciv döneminde crumble, piliç döneminde ise' pelet formda yemlerin kul lanı İmasının besi performansını iyileştirdiği ve kar oranını yükselttiği; bununla birlikte abdominal yağ oranını artırdığı; sadece 1 ve haftalarda grit verilmesinin canlı ağırlık kazancını olumlu etkilediği; öğünlü yemlemenin ise yalnız 4. haftada besi performansı ve kârı iyileştirdiği söylenebilir.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of physical form of the feed, different feeding methods and providing grit on the fattening performance and also their effects on certain blood parameters and carcass properties of broilers. In this experiment, lasted 42 days, 12 groups each containing 40 chicken were utilized and groups were also subdivided into 3 main groups composed 4 subgroups. The chickens in main groups titled as A, B, C respectively were fed with mash+mash, mash+pellet and crumble+pellet feed each has different physical properties during their chicken+pullet period. In pullet period, from each main group while 2 groups were fed with on a meal-feeding regimen, remaining 2 fed ad libitum, The grit was provided only one of the 2 subgroups that were fed with either on meal regimen or ad libitum, in the main group. At the end of the experiment, the weight of the some internal organs, certain blood parameters and carcass properties of 10 chicken randomly selected from each subgroups were examined. At the end of the experiment the average live weight of the A, B and C groups were found as 1865, 1980 and 1985 g, total feed consumption; were 3745, 3538 and 3585 g, and also feed efficiency values were 2.01, 1.78 and 1.81 respectively. Gizzard weights in the group A compare to the group B and C, and abdominal fat weights in group C compare to the group A and B were found significantly high (P < 0.05). In the blood parameters evalution, erythrocyt hemoglobin and hematokrit values of each group A were low compare to the group B and C, leukocyte values of group C were high compare to the group A and B, thrombocyte values of group C were low compare to the group A and B (P < 0.05). The differences between MCV, MCH and MCHC values were not found significantly different. The profit gain of the groups from much to less was C, B and A respectively. At the end of the experiment mean body weihgt was determined 1930 g in the chickens fed ad libitum, 1951 g in the chickens fed with on a meal-feeding regimens. Between two groups there was no significant differences in term of body weight gain. The avarage total feed consumption of the groups fed ad libitum and meal-feeding was found as 3562 and 3683 g and feed efficiency ratio was determined as 1.84 and 1.89 respectively. In the ad libitum and meal-feeding groups there were no statistically important differences between their carcass properties and the blood parameters. The profit gain was slightly higher in meal feeding group compare to chicken fed ad libitum. No statistically significant differences in the parameters of body weight, feed efficiency and gizzard weight were determined between the chickens provided with and without gr it. According to the results of this experiment followings can be deduced; using of crunmble in chicken and pellet type of feeds in pullet periods of broilers will improve fattening performans and also will increase profit gain; however increase abdominal fat ratio; furnishing of grit only first and second weeks will have positive impact on body weight gain; and the meal-feeding regimen will have positive impact on fattening performance and profit gain if it is applied only in the 4th week.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of physical form of the feed, different feeding methods and providing grit on the fattening performance and also their effects on certain blood parameters and carcass properties of broilers. In this experiment, lasted 42 days, 12 groups each containing 40 chicken were utilized and groups were also subdivided into 3 main groups composed 4 subgroups. The chickens in main groups titled as A, B, C respectively were fed with mash+mash, mash+pellet and crumble+pellet feed each has different physical properties during their chicken+pullet period. In pullet period, from each main group while 2 groups were fed with on a meal-feeding regimen, remaining 2 fed ad libitum, The grit was provided only one of the 2 subgroups that were fed with either on meal regimen or ad libitum, in the main group. At the end of the experiment, the weight of the some internal organs, certain blood parameters and carcass properties of 10 chicken randomly selected from each subgroups were examined. At the end of the experiment the average live weight of the A, B and C groups were found as 1865, 1980 and 1985 g, total feed consumption; were 3745, 3538 and 3585 g, and also feed efficiency values were 2.01, 1.78 and 1.81 respectively. Gizzard weights in the group A compare to the group B and C, and abdominal fat weights in group C compare to the group A and B were found significantly high (P < 0.05). In the blood parameters evalution, erythrocyt hemoglobin and hematokrit values of each group A were low compare to the group B and C, leukocyte values of group C were high compare to the group A and B, thrombocyte values of group C were low compare to the group A and B (P < 0.05). The differences between MCV, MCH and MCHC values were not found significantly different. The profit gain of the groups from much to less was C, B and A respectively. At the end of the experiment mean body weihgt was determined 1930 g in the chickens fed ad libitum, 1951 g in the chickens fed with on a meal-feeding regimens. Between two groups there was no significant differences in term of body weight gain. The avarage total feed consumption of the groups fed ad libitum and meal-feeding was found as 3562 and 3683 g and feed efficiency ratio was determined as 1.84 and 1.89 respectively. In the ad libitum and meal-feeding groups there were no statistically important differences between their carcass properties and the blood parameters. The profit gain was slightly higher in meal feeding group compare to chicken fed ad libitum. No statistically significant differences in the parameters of body weight, feed efficiency and gizzard weight were determined between the chickens provided with and without gr it. According to the results of this experiment followings can be deduced; using of crunmble in chicken and pellet type of feeds in pullet periods of broilers will improve fattening performans and also will increase profit gain; however increase abdominal fat ratio; furnishing of grit only first and second weeks will have positive impact on body weight gain; and the meal-feeding regimen will have positive impact on fattening performance and profit gain if it is applied only in the 4th week.
Broiler, Yemin fiziksel şekli, Yemleme metodu, Grit, Performans, Feed form, Feeding regimen, Performance
Yel, Y. (1995). Değişik yem ve yemleme şekilerinin broiler performansı üzerine etkileri. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.