COVID-19 pnömonisi geçiren olgularda uykusuzluk şiddeti ve uyku kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Uykusuzluk genel olarak uykuya başlamada güçlük, yeterli zaman ya da fırsat olmasına karşın uykunun süresinde, bütünlüğünde ve kalitesinde yetersizlik ve gün içine yansıyan olumsuz sonuçları ile tanımlanır. Çalışmada COVID-19 pnömonisi geçiren olgularda uykusuzluk şiddeti ve uyku kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Mart 2020 - Ekim 2021 arasında COVID-19 pnömonisi geçiren, Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Göğüs Hastalıkları Polikliniği'ne ayaktan başvuran, pandemi kliniklerinde ve pandemi yoğun bakım ünitelerinde yatarak tedavi görmüş 250 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi.Çalışma yapılırken Obstruktif Uyku Apnesi Sendromu(OSAS) açısından hastaların semptomları sorgulandı.OSAS tanısı ve genel olarak uyku ile ilişkili solunum bozuklukları tanısı olan hastalar çalışmaya alınmadı.Hastaların demografik özellikleri, sigara kullanımları, komorbid hastalıkları, uyku süreleri, tedavi şekilleri, pandemi klinik ve yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatış süreleri not edildi.Uyku kalitesi Pitssburgh Uyku Kalitesi ölçeği (PSQI) ile Uykusuzluk Şiddeti İndeksi (ISI) ile değerlendirildi. Olgulara Pittsburgh Uyku Kalitesi İndeksi uygulandığında, total ortalama skor 6 [0-18] olarak saptandı. Hastaların 164'ü (%65,6) 5 ve üzerinde skor alarak kötü uyku kalitesine sahip olduğu saptandı. Pandemi kliniğinde daha uzun süreyle yatan hastaların uyku kalitesinin istatistiki anlamlı olarak daha kötü olduğu saptanmıştır. İmmünsüpresif hastalığı olan COVID-19 olguları insomnia açısından değerlendirildiğinde, immünsüpresif hastalık varlığının şiddetli insomnia riskinde artış ile ilişkili, istatistiki anlamlı olduğu belirlendi (p=0,001). Yoğun bakım ünitesinde takip edilen olguların Uykusuzluk Şiddeti İndeksi(ISI) total skoru ortalama değeri 7,5 [0-28], ayaktan tedavi verilen hastaların 7 [0-27] saptanmış iken kliniklerde takip edilen hastalarınki 5 [0-28] olarak saptanmıştır (p=0,023). Özellikle COVID-19'u ağır geçiren, yoğun bakımda ve hastanede uzun süre yatan hastalar olmak üzere, COVID-19 pnömonisi geçiren tüm hastalar taburculuk sonrasında psikiyatrik durum ve uyku bozukluklarının ortaya çıkabileceği unutulmamalı ve bu açıdan değerlendirilmelidir.
Insomnia is generally defined on the basis of difficulty to initiate sleep; inadequacy of sleep duration, integrity, and/or quality despite the presence of sufficient time or opportunity; and adverse effects experienced during day hours. The objective of the current study was to assess the severity of insomnia and sleep quality in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia. A total of 250 patients attending to Chest Diseases Outpatient Unit of Bursa Uludağ University or admitted to pandemic clinics and pandemic intensive care units between March 2020 and October 2021 due to a diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia were retrospectively evaluated. During the study, the symptoms of the patients in terms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) were questioned.Patients with a diagnosis of OSAS and sleep-related respiratory disorders in general were excluded from the study.Demographic characteristics, cigarette use, comorbid conditions, duration of sleep, treatment(s) administered, and duration of stay at in-hospital care in pandemic clinics or intensive care units were recorded. The sleep quality was assessed using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). The mean total PSQI score was 6 (range: 0-18). Poor sleep quality was determined in 164 of the patients (65.5%) based on a PSQI score of ≥ 5. Also, patients with a longer duration of admission had significantly poorer sleep quality.Also, presence of comorbid immunosuppressive diseases was associated with a significantly increased risk of severe insomnia (p=0,001).The mean ISI score in patients admitted to intensive care unit was 7.5 (range: 0-28), as compared to 7 (range: 0-27) in those receiving outpatient care and 5 (range: 0-28) in those admitted to clinics (p=0,023). It should be borne in mind that all patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, and particularly those with severe COVID-19 infection or those requiring prolonged hospital or intensive care unit stay, may be susceptible to psychiatric and sleep disorders and should be evaluated from this perspective.
Insomnia is generally defined on the basis of difficulty to initiate sleep; inadequacy of sleep duration, integrity, and/or quality despite the presence of sufficient time or opportunity; and adverse effects experienced during day hours. The objective of the current study was to assess the severity of insomnia and sleep quality in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia. A total of 250 patients attending to Chest Diseases Outpatient Unit of Bursa Uludağ University or admitted to pandemic clinics and pandemic intensive care units between March 2020 and October 2021 due to a diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia were retrospectively evaluated. During the study, the symptoms of the patients in terms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) were questioned.Patients with a diagnosis of OSAS and sleep-related respiratory disorders in general were excluded from the study.Demographic characteristics, cigarette use, comorbid conditions, duration of sleep, treatment(s) administered, and duration of stay at in-hospital care in pandemic clinics or intensive care units were recorded. The sleep quality was assessed using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). The mean total PSQI score was 6 (range: 0-18). Poor sleep quality was determined in 164 of the patients (65.5%) based on a PSQI score of ≥ 5. Also, patients with a longer duration of admission had significantly poorer sleep quality.Also, presence of comorbid immunosuppressive diseases was associated with a significantly increased risk of severe insomnia (p=0,001).The mean ISI score in patients admitted to intensive care unit was 7.5 (range: 0-28), as compared to 7 (range: 0-27) in those receiving outpatient care and 5 (range: 0-28) in those admitted to clinics (p=0,023). It should be borne in mind that all patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, and particularly those with severe COVID-19 infection or those requiring prolonged hospital or intensive care unit stay, may be susceptible to psychiatric and sleep disorders and should be evaluated from this perspective.
Covid-19, Uyku bozukluğu, Insomnia, Sleep disorder
Yazıcı, G. (2022). COVID-19 pnömonisi geçiren olgularda uykusuzluk şiddeti ve uyku kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.