Kindî’nin ahlâk anlayışı
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Ahlâk, insan davranışlarını konu alan, onu her iki dünyada da mutluluğa ulaştırmayı amaçlayan bir disiplindir. Bu nedenle ahlâk, insan var olduğundan beri felsefenin ve dinin konusu olmuştur. İlk İslam filozofu olarak kabul edilen Ebû Yûsuf Ya’kûb b. İshâk b. es–Sabbâh el- Kindî, Antik Yunan’dan miras kalan eserleri temel almakla beraber vahiy çizgisinden sapmadan ahlâkı felsefi bir çizgide ele alan ilk filozoftur. Kindî’nin nefsten yola çıkarak ortaya koyduğu ahlâk anlayışı ebedî mutluluğa ulaşmayı amaçlamaktadır. Nefs ve beden birlikteliğinden oluşan insan, aklını kullanarak ve davranışlarında orta yolu gözeterek erdemli olmayı başarırsa mutluluğa ulaşacaktır. İnsanın bu mutluluğa ulaşmasındaki en büyük engel ise üzüntüdür. Bu çalışmada Kindî’nin üzüntüden kurtulmak için ortaya koyduğu çarelerden yola çıkarak insanın nasıl daha ahlâklı olacağı ele alınmıştır. Kindî, günümüzde psikolojik sorunlarıyla baş edemeyen insanlar için de çözüm önerileri sunmaktadır. Bugün insanı daha iyi, daha mutlu kılmak için Kindî’nin dünyasından pencere açmaya çalışılacaktır.
Moral philosophy is a discipline that deals with human behavior and aims to bring happiness to both worlds. Therefore, morality has been the subject of philosophy and religion since human existence. Abu Yûsuf Ya'qûb ibn İshâqibnal-Sabbâh al-Kindî, who is regarded as the first Islamic philosopher, is the first philosopher who handled morality from a philosophical perspective without deviating fromrevelation, although he considered the works inherited from Ancient Greece. Al-Kindi’s ethics aims to reach eternal happiness. If a person, who consists of the unity of soul and body, is virtuous by using his mind and observing the middle way in his behavior, he will reach happiness. The biggest obstacle for people to reach this happiness is sadness. In this study, based on the remedies that al-Kindi has put forward to get rid of sadness, it has been discussed how people will be ethically superior. Al-Kindî also offers solutions for people who cannot cope with their psychological problems today. Today, we will try to open a window from the world of al-Kindî in order to make people better and happier.
Moral philosophy is a discipline that deals with human behavior and aims to bring happiness to both worlds. Therefore, morality has been the subject of philosophy and religion since human existence. Abu Yûsuf Ya'qûb ibn İshâqibnal-Sabbâh al-Kindî, who is regarded as the first Islamic philosopher, is the first philosopher who handled morality from a philosophical perspective without deviating fromrevelation, although he considered the works inherited from Ancient Greece. Al-Kindi’s ethics aims to reach eternal happiness. If a person, who consists of the unity of soul and body, is virtuous by using his mind and observing the middle way in his behavior, he will reach happiness. The biggest obstacle for people to reach this happiness is sadness. In this study, based on the remedies that al-Kindi has put forward to get rid of sadness, it has been discussed how people will be ethically superior. Al-Kindî also offers solutions for people who cannot cope with their psychological problems today. Today, we will try to open a window from the world of al-Kindî in order to make people better and happier.
Kindî, Ahlâk, Nefs, Erdem, Mutluluk, Üzüntü, Al-Kindî, Morality, Soul (Al-Nafs), Virtue, Happiness, Sadness
Uyanık, F. (2021). Kindî’nin ahlâk anlayışı. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.