Türkiye’de su kaynaklı aeromonas spp. izolatlarında saptanan ilk QnrS gen pozitifliği
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Ankara Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni
Sularda yaygın olarak bulunan Aeromonas türleri, gram-negatif, oksidaz pozitif, fakültatif anaerop bakteriler olup, A.hydrophila, A.sobria ve A.bestiarum türleri hem insanlarda hem de soğukkanlı hayvanlarda ciddi enfeksiyonlara neden olmaktadır. Tıp ve veterinerlik alanında yaygın olarak kullanılan kinolonların çevresel ortamlarda değişmeden kalabilme özelliği, dirençli mutantların seçiminde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Plazmid aracılı direnç, kinolonlara karşı direncin gelişiminde etkin olan mekanizmalardan biri olup, qnr, qepA, aac(6’)-Ib-cr ve oqxAB genleri direnç determinantları olarak tanımlanmıştır. Birçok farklı qnr determinantının, başta Enterobacteriaceae ailesi olmak üzere çeşitli bakterilerde saptanması, bu yapıların doğada bulunabileceğini vurgulamaktadır. Yakın zamanda sudan izole edilmiş Aeromonas spp. izolatlarında plazmid aracılı kinolon direnci tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ülkemizde sukaynaklı Aeromonas suşlarında qnr gen varlığının araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmaya, Türkiye’nin üç farklı coğrafi bölgesindeki (Ege, Akdeniz ve Karadeniz) balık ve sulardan izole edilmiş toplam 45 Aeromonas spp. izolatı dahil edilmiştir. İzolatların tür düzeyinde tanımlanması 16S rDNA-RFLP (Restriction fragment length polymorphism) ve multipleks polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (M-PCR) ile yapılmış ve 20 suş A.sobria, 10 suş A.hydrophilia, 9 suş A.salmonicida, dört suş A.bestiarum ve iki suş A.veronii olarak tanımlanmıştır. Plazmid aracılı kinolon direnç genlerinden qnrA, qnrB, qnrC ve qnrS genlerinin varlığı M-PCR ile araştırılmış; qnr pozitif olarak saptanan dokuz izolata dizi analizi uygulanmıştır. Dizi analizi sonucuna göre, altı A.sobria, iki A.bestiarum ve bir A.hydrophila izolatında (9/45; %20) qnr varlığı tespit edilmiş; bu gen GenBank veri tabanı ile karşılaştırıldığında qnrS2 olarak tanımlanmıştır. Tüm qnrS2 pozitif Aeromonas izolatları siprofloksasine duyarlı olarak saptanırken, beş izolat nalidik aside dirençli bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma, ülkemizde su kaynaklı Aeromonas türlerinde plazmid aracılı kinolon direncinin araştırıldığı ve qnrS2 varlığının tespit edildiği ilk çalışma olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Sonuç olarak, su kaynaklı mikroorganizmalardaki farklı direnç genlerinin diğer bakterilere ve klinik izolatlara aktarılmasının, enfeksiyonların tedavisinde potansiyel bir risk oluşturacağı düşünülmüştür.
Aeromonas spp. are oxidase positive, gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacilli that are widely distributed in aquatic environments. A.hydrophila, A.sobria and A.bestiarum may cause severe infections in both human and cold-blooded animals. Environmental persistance of quinolones that are widely used in both human and veterinary medicine plays an important role in the selection of resistant mutants. Plasm id-mediated resistance is one of the main mechanisms involved in quinolone resistance, and qnr, qepA, aac(6')-Ib-cr, oqxAB genes are identified as resistance determinants. Determination of various types of qnr gene in different bacteria mainly in Enterobacteriaceae, suggests that they are widely distributed in nature. Recently, plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance was defined among Aeromonas species isolated from water. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of qnr genes among aquatic Aeromonas spp. in Turkey. A total of 45 Aeromonas strains isolated from water and fishes collected from three different geographical regions (Aegean, Mediterranean and Blacicsea) in Turkey, were included in the study. The isolates were identified at species level by the use of 16S rDNA-RFLP (Restriction fragment length polymorphism) analysis and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR). Among the isolates, 20 were identified as A.sobria, 10 as A.hydrophila, nine as A.salmonicida, four as A.bestiarum and two as A.veronii. The plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants, qnrA, qnrB, qnrC and qnrS genes, were investigated by M-PCR, and sequence analysis was performed for nine qnr-positive isolates. According to the sequence analysis of the genes, qnr genes were characterized in six A.sobria, in two A.bestiarum and in one A.hydrophila isolate (9/45; 20%). When the sequence was compared with GenBank database, this gene was found as qnrS2. All qnrS-positive Aeromonas spp. isolates were ciprofloxacin-susceptible, while five of them were resistant to nalidixic acid. This study is the first research about the plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance and the presence of qnrS2 genes among Aeromonas spp. isolated from fishes and water in Turkey. In conclusion, various resistance genes of aquatic bacteria may constitute a potential risk for the transmission of those genes to other bacteria as well as clinical isolates.
Aeromonas spp. are oxidase positive, gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacilli that are widely distributed in aquatic environments. A.hydrophila, A.sobria and A.bestiarum may cause severe infections in both human and cold-blooded animals. Environmental persistance of quinolones that are widely used in both human and veterinary medicine plays an important role in the selection of resistant mutants. Plasm id-mediated resistance is one of the main mechanisms involved in quinolone resistance, and qnr, qepA, aac(6')-Ib-cr, oqxAB genes are identified as resistance determinants. Determination of various types of qnr gene in different bacteria mainly in Enterobacteriaceae, suggests that they are widely distributed in nature. Recently, plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance was defined among Aeromonas species isolated from water. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of qnr genes among aquatic Aeromonas spp. in Turkey. A total of 45 Aeromonas strains isolated from water and fishes collected from three different geographical regions (Aegean, Mediterranean and Blacicsea) in Turkey, were included in the study. The isolates were identified at species level by the use of 16S rDNA-RFLP (Restriction fragment length polymorphism) analysis and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR). Among the isolates, 20 were identified as A.sobria, 10 as A.hydrophila, nine as A.salmonicida, four as A.bestiarum and two as A.veronii. The plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants, qnrA, qnrB, qnrC and qnrS genes, were investigated by M-PCR, and sequence analysis was performed for nine qnr-positive isolates. According to the sequence analysis of the genes, qnr genes were characterized in six A.sobria, in two A.bestiarum and in one A.hydrophila isolate (9/45; 20%). When the sequence was compared with GenBank database, this gene was found as qnrS2. All qnrS-positive Aeromonas spp. isolates were ciprofloxacin-susceptible, while five of them were resistant to nalidixic acid. This study is the first research about the plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance and the presence of qnrS2 genes among Aeromonas spp. isolated from fishes and water in Turkey. In conclusion, various resistance genes of aquatic bacteria may constitute a potential risk for the transmission of those genes to other bacteria as well as clinical isolates.
Aeromonos species, Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance, Qnr, Water, Quinolone derivative, Ribosome DNA, RNA 16S, Aeromonas, Antibiotic resistance, Black Sea, Chemistry, Classification, Drug effects, Genetics, Isolation and purification, Mediterranean Sea, Microbiology, Multiplex polymerase chain reaction, R factor, Restriction fragment length polymorphism, Turkey, Mediated quinolone resistance, Plasmid, Determinants, Fish, Enterobacteriaceae, Identification, Prevalence, Pcr, Hydrobhila, Infection
Onuk, E. E. vd. (2015). ''Türkiye’de su kaynaklı aeromonas spp. izolatlarında saptanan ilk QnrS gen pozitifliği''. Mikrobiyoloji bülteni, 49(1), 114-123.