Üst gerçek mekân poetikası’nın plastik açıdan felsefi temellerle çözümlenmesi
Yücel, Gökçe
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Sürrealist dönemle ilişkilendirilen gerçeğin ötesine dair sorgulamalar, ilgili döneme ait sanat eserleriyle tanımlanarak ele alınmış olmasından anlayışın dar bir alana sıkıştırılmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu doğrultuda modern dönemden başlayıp soyut resmin içinde dahi üst gerçek anlayışın varlığı düşünülmüş, alan yazında üst gerçekliğin mekânıyla ilgili felsefi temelli detaylı araştırmanın yapılmadığı kaynaklarda görülmesi nedeniyle konunun incelenmesi gerekli bulunmuştur. Bu araştırma, üst gerçek mekân ilişkisini kübist, soyut, dadaist, sürrealist sanat ile ilişkisini biçim, anlam ve söylem bakımından yorumlamayı ve tartışmayı amaçlamıştır. Araştırma amaç doğrultusunda nitel olarak çalışılmış, hermeneutic desenine göre yürütülmüştür. Sembolizm ile anılan Gustave Klimt, Kübist anlayışta; Picasso, soyut anlayışta; Piet Mondrian, Kazimir Maleviç, Teo Van Doesburg, Paul Klee, dadacı anlayışta; Kurt Schwitters, sürrealist sanatta René Magritte, Salvador Dali ve Giorgio de Chirico’nun en az bir eseri çalışma grubunu oluşturmuştur. İlgili eserler on dokuz ve yirminci yüzyılda kendini gösteren Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Henri Bergson, Gaston Bachelard, Maurice Merleau Ponty, Albert Camus ve Michel Foucault’ nun fikirleriyle temellendirilmiştir. Bu eserlerde biçim-anlam söylem bağlamında üst gerçek düşüncenin varlığı araştırılmış, betimleyici, yorumlayıcı ve değerlendirici anlayışla incelenerek araştırma ve tartışmalar yapılmıştır. Üst gerçeklik bağlamında incelenen eserlerin mekânları sorgulanmış kimi zaman insan bedeninin/zihninin, tuvalin kendi gerçekliğinin, kimi zaman yaşanan dünyada deneyimleyemediğimiz boyutların mekân olma durumu tespit edilmiştir. Üst gerçek düşüncenin felsefi düşüncede varlığı saptanmış, ilgili eserlerde görülen mekânları dünyanın ötesine taşıyarak yeni bir ütopyaya yönlendirmesiyle bu fikirler örtüşmüştür. Çalışmada üst gerçek düşünce felsefenin ışığında ilgili eserlerdeki kavram-yöntem-teknikler çözümlenip uygulanarak modern felsefeye katkı sağladıkları tespit edilmiş, sanatçıların üst gerçek düşünce paralelinde felsefi fikirlerle eser ürettikleri keşfedilmiştir.
Inquiries beyond the reality associated with the Surrealist period have led to the understanding being confined to a narrow field by being approached through art works of the relevant period. Therefore, starting from the modern period, the existence of a top reality understanding even within abstract painting has been considered, and due to the lack of detailed research based on the philosophical aspects of the space of top reality in the sources, it has been deemed necessary to examine the subject. This research aims to interpret and discuss the relationship between top reality and space in relation to Cubist, abstract, Dadaist, Surrealist art in terms of form, meaning, and discourse. The research was studied qualitatively in line with the purpose and was carried out according to the hermeneutic pattern. Gustave Klimt, who is associated with symbolism, has a Cubist approach; Picasso, in abstract understanding; Piet Mondrian, Kazimir Malevich, Teo Van Doesburg, Paul Klee, in the Dadaist approach; In surrealist art, Kurt Schwitters has created at least one work by René Magritte, Salvador Dali and Giorgio de Chirico. The relevant works are grounded on the ideas of Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Henri Bergson, Gaston Bachelard, Maurice Merleau Ponty, Albert Camus, and Michel Foucault that emerged in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In these works, the existence of meta-reality in the context of form-meaning-discourse has been investigated, and research and discussions have been made by examining them with a descriptive, interpretive and evaluative approach. The spaces of the works examined in the context of hyperreality have been questioned, and sometimes the status of the human body/mind, the reality of the canvas itself, and sometimes the dimensions that we cannot experience in the living world as spaces have been determined. The existence of hyperreal thought has been identified in philosophical thought, and these ideas coincide with the fact that it moves the spaces seen in the relevant works beyond the world and directs them to a new utopia. In the study, it was determined that they contributed to modern philosophy by analyzing and applying the concepts-methods-techniques in the related works in the light of meta-real thought philosophy, and it was discovered that artists produced works with philosophical ideas in parallel with meta-real thought.
Inquiries beyond the reality associated with the Surrealist period have led to the understanding being confined to a narrow field by being approached through art works of the relevant period. Therefore, starting from the modern period, the existence of a top reality understanding even within abstract painting has been considered, and due to the lack of detailed research based on the philosophical aspects of the space of top reality in the sources, it has been deemed necessary to examine the subject. This research aims to interpret and discuss the relationship between top reality and space in relation to Cubist, abstract, Dadaist, Surrealist art in terms of form, meaning, and discourse. The research was studied qualitatively in line with the purpose and was carried out according to the hermeneutic pattern. Gustave Klimt, who is associated with symbolism, has a Cubist approach; Picasso, in abstract understanding; Piet Mondrian, Kazimir Malevich, Teo Van Doesburg, Paul Klee, in the Dadaist approach; In surrealist art, Kurt Schwitters has created at least one work by René Magritte, Salvador Dali and Giorgio de Chirico. The relevant works are grounded on the ideas of Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Henri Bergson, Gaston Bachelard, Maurice Merleau Ponty, Albert Camus, and Michel Foucault that emerged in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In these works, the existence of meta-reality in the context of form-meaning-discourse has been investigated, and research and discussions have been made by examining them with a descriptive, interpretive and evaluative approach. The spaces of the works examined in the context of hyperreality have been questioned, and sometimes the status of the human body/mind, the reality of the canvas itself, and sometimes the dimensions that we cannot experience in the living world as spaces have been determined. The existence of hyperreal thought has been identified in philosophical thought, and these ideas coincide with the fact that it moves the spaces seen in the relevant works beyond the world and directs them to a new utopia. In the study, it was determined that they contributed to modern philosophy by analyzing and applying the concepts-methods-techniques in the related works in the light of meta-real thought philosophy, and it was discovered that artists produced works with philosophical ideas in parallel with meta-real thought.
Dördüncü boyut, Transandantal, Grotesk, Metafizik, Encaustik teknik, Fourth dimension, Transcendental, Metaphysics, Encaustic technique