Seramik kaplardan geçiş yapan kurşun ve kadminyumun saptanması
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmanın amacını; (i) geleneksel seramik pişirme kaplarından gıda benzerine geçişyapabilecek kurşun ve kadminyum miktarlarının saptanması, (ii) seramik malzemelerden geçen kurşun ve kadmiyum analizine ait numune alma belirsizliğinin hesaplanması, (iii) seramik malzemelerin tekrarlı kullanımını kapsayan durumlar için analiz koşullarının belirlenmesi ve (iv) yasal limitlerin azaltılması durumunda var olan analiz kapasitesinin değerlendirilmesi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında kullanılan seramik malzemeler Bursa‟da bulunan satış noktalarından temin edilmiştir. Geleneksel seramik çömlekler 13 farklı mağazadan ve Çin menşeli kahvaltılık kâseler (mavi, beyaz ve pembe) ise 1 mağazadan (n=6, toplam 96 adet numune) alınmıştır. Seramik kaplar, %4‟lük asetik asit ile doldurulup mevzuatta belirtilen migrasyon koşullarına tabi tutulmuştur ve asetik aside geçen kurşun ve kadminyumun miktarı ICP-MS cihazı ile saptanmıştır. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Seramik Malzemeler Yönetmeliği‟nde doldurulabilen malzemelerden geçiş yapabilecek kurşun ve kadmiyum limitleri, sırasıyla 4 mg/L ve 0,3 mg/L olarak belirtilmiştir. Çalışma sırasında kullanılan analiz metodun tespit sınırının her iki metal için 0,02 μg/L‟nin altında olduğu gözlenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmanın sonucunda, Bursa‟da satışa sunulan geleneksel çömleklerden geçiş yapan kurşun ve kadmiyum miktarının mevzuatta yer alan limitlerin çok altında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca Çin menşeli kahvaltılık kâselerden geçiş yapan kurşun ve kadmiyum miktarı ise tespit edilememiştir. incelenen numunelerin iyi üretim tekniklerine uygun olarak üretildiği ve sırlarının uygun sıcaklıkta oluşturulduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Numune alma belirsizliği %112,2 olarak tahminlenmiştir ve bu sonuca aynı lottan alınan kaplar arasındaki heterojenliğin katkıda bulunulduğu düşünülmüştür. Bu çalışma kapsamında yapılan tekarlı migrasyon denemelerinde migrasyonun ilkine göre artış gösterdiği ortaya konulmuştur.
The aims of this study are (i) to determine the amount of lead and cadmium that can migrate from traditional ceramic kitchenware to food-simulant, (ii) to estimate the sampling uncertainty of the analytical method used (iii) to investigate the analysis conditions for cases involving repeated use of ceramic materials, and (iv) to evaluate the existing analysis capacity in case of decreasing legal limits for lead and cadmium. Ceramic materials used in the study were obtained from the sales points in Bursa. Traditional ceramic pots were sampled from 13 different stores and bowls exported from China (blue, white and pink) were taken from 1 store (n = 6, 96 samples in total). Ceramic articles were filled with 4% acetic acid and subjected to the migration conditions specified in the legislation, and the amount of lead and cadmium that migrated into acetic acid was determined with the ICP-MS. In the Turkish Food Codex Ceramic Materials Regulation, the limits of lead and cadmium migrated from ceramic materials that can be filled are specified as 4 mg/L and 0,3 mg /L, respectively. As a result of the study, it was determined that the amount of lead and cadmium that migrated from the traditional ceramic pots sampled from Bursa were far below the limits in the legislation. In addition, the lead and cadmium migrated from the Chinese breakfast bowls in to the simulant was not detected. Sampling uncertainty was estimated as 112,2% and this result was thought to be caused by heterogeneity between the materials sampled from the same lot. It was demonstrated that the amount of the metals migrated into food simulant increased in successive migration compared to the first one, that would lead to include the definition of succcessive migration conditions for repeated use in to the legislation.
The aims of this study are (i) to determine the amount of lead and cadmium that can migrate from traditional ceramic kitchenware to food-simulant, (ii) to estimate the sampling uncertainty of the analytical method used (iii) to investigate the analysis conditions for cases involving repeated use of ceramic materials, and (iv) to evaluate the existing analysis capacity in case of decreasing legal limits for lead and cadmium. Ceramic materials used in the study were obtained from the sales points in Bursa. Traditional ceramic pots were sampled from 13 different stores and bowls exported from China (blue, white and pink) were taken from 1 store (n = 6, 96 samples in total). Ceramic articles were filled with 4% acetic acid and subjected to the migration conditions specified in the legislation, and the amount of lead and cadmium that migrated into acetic acid was determined with the ICP-MS. In the Turkish Food Codex Ceramic Materials Regulation, the limits of lead and cadmium migrated from ceramic materials that can be filled are specified as 4 mg/L and 0,3 mg /L, respectively. As a result of the study, it was determined that the amount of lead and cadmium that migrated from the traditional ceramic pots sampled from Bursa were far below the limits in the legislation. In addition, the lead and cadmium migrated from the Chinese breakfast bowls in to the simulant was not detected. Sampling uncertainty was estimated as 112,2% and this result was thought to be caused by heterogeneity between the materials sampled from the same lot. It was demonstrated that the amount of the metals migrated into food simulant increased in successive migration compared to the first one, that would lead to include the definition of succcessive migration conditions for repeated use in to the legislation.
Seramik malzemeler, Ceramic material, Kurşun, Kadminyum, Migration, Heavy metals, Migrasyon
Bulut, R. (2020). Seramik kaplardan geçiş yapan kurşun ve kadminyumun saptanması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.