Türkiye'de düzenleyici ve denetleyici kurumların hesap verme yükümlülüğünün değerlendirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kamu yönetiminde hesap verebilirlik ve şeffaflık son yılların en önemli konularındandır. Bu bağlamda, 2004 yılında yürürlüğe giren 4982 sayılı “Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu” ve 2006 yılında yürürlüğe giren 5018 sayılı “Kamu Mali Yönetimi ve Kontrol Kanunu” ile önemli adımlar atılmıştır. Bunların dışında “Kamu İhale Kanunu, Kamu Görevlileri Etik Kurulu Kanunu, Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu ve Kamu Denetçiliği Kurumu Kanunu” yer alan diğer önemli yasal düzenlemelerdendir. Ancak mevzuatta gerçekleştirilen bu düzenlemelerin pratikte ne derece uygulandığı tartışmalı bir konudur. Bu çalışmanın odağını da serbest piyasanın kontrolünü sağlayan düzenleyici ve denetleyici kurumlar oluşturmuştur. Özerk olan ve kuşkusuz Türkiye’deki en önemli kurumlar arasında yer alan bu kurumların şeffaf ve hesap verebilir bir yönetim sergilemesi her açıdan büyük önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada idari, mali, siyasi ve vatandaşa hesap verebilirlik başlıklarında kriterler belirlenerek kurumlar web siteleri aracığıyla değerlendirilmiş ve bir puanlamaya tabi tutulmuştur. Önerilen puanlama sistemine göre kurumlar için genel bir hesap verebilirlik puanı hesaplanmıştır ve buna göre en hesap verebilir kurum Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu olarak belirlenmiştir. En düşük puanı ise Nükleer Düzenleme Kurumu’nun aldığı görülmektedir. İdari anlamda en hesap verebilir kurum olarak Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu ve RTÜK belirlenmiştir. En az puan alan kurum ise NDK olmuştur. Mali hesap verebilirlik yönünden Kamu Gözetimi Kurumu en iyi kurum olurken, Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu ve NDK en az puan alan kurumlar olmuştur. Vatandaşa hesap verebilirlik açısından ise en yüksek puanı alan Bilgi Teknolojileri Kurumu ve RTÜK olurken en düşük puanı alan NDK olmuştur. Siyasi hesap verebilirlik yönünden belirlenen tek kriter olan “kesin hesap” başlığına hiçbir kurumun web sitesinde yer vermediği görülmüştür.
Accountability and transparency in public administration are among the most important issues of recent years. In this context, significant steps have been taken with “Right to Information Law”, which entered into force in 2004 and “Law on Public Financial Management and Control”, which entered into force in 2006. In addition, the “Public Procurement Law, the Law on the Ethics Committee of Public Officials, the Law on the Right to Information and the Law on the Ombudsman Institution” are among the other important legal regulations. However, the extent to which these regulations are applied in practice is a controversial issue. In this study, the regulatory and supervisory institutions that control the free market constituted the focus of the study. It is of utmost importance that these institutions display transparent and accountable management, which are autonomous and certainly among the most important institutions in Turkey. In the study, the criteria of administrative, financial, political and public accountability were determined and institutions were evaluated through web sites and subjected to a scoring. According to the proposed scoring system, a general accountability score was calculated for the institutions and the most accountable institution was determined as Radio and Television Authority. The lowest score was observed by Nuclear Regulatory Authority. RTA and Energy Market Regulation Authority was determined as the most accountable institution in the administrative sense. The institution with the lowest score was the NRA. In terms of financial accountability, Public Oversight Authority was the best institution while the NRA and Personel Data Protection Authority was the lowest. In terms of public accountability, Information Technology Authority and RTA has the highest score and NRA has the lowest score. “Final account” title was not found on the website of any institution which is the only criteria determined in terms of political accountability.
Accountability and transparency in public administration are among the most important issues of recent years. In this context, significant steps have been taken with “Right to Information Law”, which entered into force in 2004 and “Law on Public Financial Management and Control”, which entered into force in 2006. In addition, the “Public Procurement Law, the Law on the Ethics Committee of Public Officials, the Law on the Right to Information and the Law on the Ombudsman Institution” are among the other important legal regulations. However, the extent to which these regulations are applied in practice is a controversial issue. In this study, the regulatory and supervisory institutions that control the free market constituted the focus of the study. It is of utmost importance that these institutions display transparent and accountable management, which are autonomous and certainly among the most important institutions in Turkey. In the study, the criteria of administrative, financial, political and public accountability were determined and institutions were evaluated through web sites and subjected to a scoring. According to the proposed scoring system, a general accountability score was calculated for the institutions and the most accountable institution was determined as Radio and Television Authority. The lowest score was observed by Nuclear Regulatory Authority. RTA and Energy Market Regulation Authority was determined as the most accountable institution in the administrative sense. The institution with the lowest score was the NRA. In terms of financial accountability, Public Oversight Authority was the best institution while the NRA and Personel Data Protection Authority was the lowest. In terms of public accountability, Information Technology Authority and RTA has the highest score and NRA has the lowest score. “Final account” title was not found on the website of any institution which is the only criteria determined in terms of political accountability.
Düzenleyici ve denetleyici kurumlar, Regulatory and supervisory institutions, Hesap verme yükümlülüğü, Şeffaflık, Kamu mali yönetimi, Accountability transparency, Public financial management
Kırbaş, A. N. (2019). Türkiye'de düzenleyici ve denetleyici kurumların hesap verme yükümlülüğünün değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.