Kentte muhafazakâr olmak “Kent muhafazakârın cehennemidir”
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Yüksek lisans tezi olarak hazırlanan bu çalışmada, kent muhafazakârlığını incelenmiştir. Muhafazakâr kentli bireyin temel argümanları üzerine sosyolojik bir inceleme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu anlamda muhafazakâr bireylerin kentte yaşamlarını sürdürmesi adına, zorlu ve çetin bir yoldan geçtiğini varsayılmıştır. Muhafazakârın metropolde, yaşamsal anlamdaki yolu tanımlanmaya ve yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Muhafazakârın ontolojik olarak kentte boşluğa düştüğü ve bocaladığı bir varsayım olarak kabul edilmiştir. Tez çalışması, muhafazakârın kentin yoğun uyaranlarına karşı nasıl bir konum aldığını belirleme girişimidir. Çalışmamızda, yaşadığımız modern çağda insanın var olma, kimlik oluşturabilme, kentli bir kimlik inşa edebilme çabasının kentte nasıl tezahür ettiği üzerinde durduk. Bu noktada muhafazakâr bireyin kentli bir kimlik inşa edip edemeyeceğini değerlendirdik. Bu inşa sürecinin ise muhafazakârlığın gelenekleri üzerinden nasıl oluşacağını tanımlamaya çalıştık. Muhafazakârın gelenekten getirdiği kültürel kodlarını korumak istemekle birlikte değişimi de arzuladığını tespit ettik. Bu değişimin kökten yıkıcı bir değişim olmaktan ziyade yaşamsal düzlemin olağan bir sonucu olduğunu gözlemledik. Yaptığımız tez çalışması, bize kentin ontolojik olarak muhafazakârın cehennemi olduğunu göstermiştir. Muhafazakâr, kentin uyaranlarına karşı bir direnç göstermeye çabalamaktadır fakat bu çaba bir noktadan sonra kente uyum ile kendini göstermektedir. Bu durum ise kentli muhafazakâr için kaçınılmaz bir sondur. Modern dünyada insanlar, kendilerini evinde hissetmek adına birçok çaba sarf eder. Bu çaba beyhude bir çabadır çünkü bu dünya, insanın öz yurdu değildir.
In this study, which was prepared as a master thesis, the city conservatism was examined. A sociological study was conducted on the basic arguments of the conservative city individual. In this sense, it is assumed that conservative individuals go through a difficult and arduous way to live in the city. In the metropolis, the way of life is tried to be defined and interpreted. It was accepted as an assumption that the conservative fell ontologically and fell into void in the city. The thesis study is an attempt by the conservative to determine the position of the city against intense stimuli of the city. In our study, we focused on how the existence of people in the modern age we live in, the formation of identity and the efforts to build an urban identity in the city. At this point, we evaluated whether the conservative individual can build a urban identity. We tried to define how this construction process would be formed through the traditions of conservatism. We wanted to preserve the cultural codes that the conservative brought from tradition, but we also found that they wanted change. We observed that this change is a normal result of the vital plane rather than a fundamentally destructive change. Our thesis showed that the city was ontologically the hell of the conservative. The conservative strives to show a resistance to the city's stimuli, but this effort manifests itself through adaptation to the city at some point. This is an inevitable end for the urban conservative. In the modern world, people make many efforts to feel at home. This effort is a futile effort because this world is not the home of human beings.
In this study, which was prepared as a master thesis, the city conservatism was examined. A sociological study was conducted on the basic arguments of the conservative city individual. In this sense, it is assumed that conservative individuals go through a difficult and arduous way to live in the city. In the metropolis, the way of life is tried to be defined and interpreted. It was accepted as an assumption that the conservative fell ontologically and fell into void in the city. The thesis study is an attempt by the conservative to determine the position of the city against intense stimuli of the city. In our study, we focused on how the existence of people in the modern age we live in, the formation of identity and the efforts to build an urban identity in the city. At this point, we evaluated whether the conservative individual can build a urban identity. We tried to define how this construction process would be formed through the traditions of conservatism. We wanted to preserve the cultural codes that the conservative brought from tradition, but we also found that they wanted change. We observed that this change is a normal result of the vital plane rather than a fundamentally destructive change. Our thesis showed that the city was ontologically the hell of the conservative. The conservative strives to show a resistance to the city's stimuli, but this effort manifests itself through adaptation to the city at some point. This is an inevitable end for the urban conservative. In the modern world, people make many efforts to feel at home. This effort is a futile effort because this world is not the home of human beings.
Kent, City, Şehir, Modernizm, Muhafazakarlık, Urban, Modernism, Conservatism
Yayla, H. N. (2019). Kentte muhafazakâr olmak “Kent muhafazakârın cehennemidir”. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.