A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the green vehicle routing problem with a heterogeneous fleet

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Inderscience Enterprises


In this study, the green vehicle routing problem (GVRP) with a heterogeneous fleet is presented for both capacity and time-windows constraints to reduce fuel consumption and consequently to minimise CO2 emissions. A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm (HMA) is developed to solve this problem to analyse the effect of a heterogeneous fleet on reducing the fuel consumption for the specified variants of GVRP, such as GVRP with capacity constraints and GVRP with time-windows constraints. The proposed HMA is validated using well-known instances with different numbers of customers and fleet configurations. The computational results indicated that the HMA is capable of obtaining good results for GVRP variants within a reasonable amount of time by providing remarkable reductions in fuel consumption and greener fleet configurations.


Bu çalışma, 26–27 Mayıs 2014 tarihleri arasında Bursa[Türkiye]’ da düzenlenen Green vehicle routing optimization with heterogeneous fleet’ presented at 7. Automotive Technologies Congress Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.


Engineering, Transportation, Green vehicle routing, Heterogeneous fleet, Fuel consumption, HMA, Hybrid metaheuristic algorithm, Tabu search, Simulated annealing, Simulated annealing algorithm, Scheduling problems, Computational results, Tabu search, Optimization, Heuristics, Model, Depot, Truck, Fuels, Routing algorithms, Simulated annealing, Tabu search, Vehicle routing, Vehicles, Capacity constraints, CO2 emissions, Heterogeneous fleet, Hybrid metaheuristic algorithms, Time windows, Vehicle routing problems, Fleet operations


Ene, S. vd. (2016). "A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the green vehicle routing problem with a heterogeneous fleet". International Journal of Vehicle Design, 71(1-4), Special Issue, 75-102.