Sarımsakta çiçeklenme ile ilişkili genlerin ifade düzeyinin analizi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Uzun yıllar boyunca klonal olarak kültürü yapılan sarımsak (Allium sativum L.) bitkisinde çiçeklenme mekanizması tam olarak aydınlatılmamıştır. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, daha önceden çiçeklenen ve çiçeklenmeyen sarımsak genotiplerinde farklı şekilde ifade olduğu belirlenmiş XTG_MCG_13, XCT_MGT_7, XCT_MGC_6, XTG_MGA_10 kodlu EST genlerin qRT-PCR analizleri ile ifade düzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. Sarımsak başları 12 hafta süresince 4 ℃ ve 20 ℃ olmak üzere iki farklı sıcaklıkta depolanmıştır. Ayrıca bitkilerin gelişmesi ve çiçeklenmesi için genotiplerin dişleri araziye dikilmiştir. Bitki örneği olarak dişlerin orta kısmındaki büyüme meristemi, yaprak ve çiçek sürgün dokuları kullanılmıştır. Örneklemeler depolama öncesinde ve 4 ˚C ve 21 ˚C’de 12 hafta süreyle depolama sonrasında diş meristemleri; 2-3 yaprak, 4-5 yaprak, 6 yaprak, 7-8 yaprak bitki gelişimi aşamalarında yaprak ve sürgün meristemleri ve 7-8 yaprak aşamasında çiçek sürgünü olacak şekilde yapılmıştır. qRT-PCR analizlerinde XCT_MGT_7 EST ve XTG_MCG_13 kodlu EST genlerinin çiçeklenen G2 ve G3 sarımsak genotiplerinde çiçeklenmeyen G4 ve G5 sarımsak genotiplerine göre bitki gelişim aşamalarında daha yüksek ifade olduğu belirlenmiştir. XCT_MGC_6 kodlu genin ise çiçeklenen G2 genotipinin bitki gelişim aşamalarında diğer genotiplere göre anlamlı bir şekilde yukarı doğru ifade olduğu bulunmuştur. XTG_MGA_10 kodlu EST geninde ise çiçeklenen ve çiçeklenmeyen sarımsak genotipleri arasında anlamlı bir şekilde farklı ifade olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada analiz edilen genlerin göreceli ifade düzeyleri yönünden genotipler arasında önemli farklılıklar belirlenmiştir.
The flowering mechanism of garlic (Allium sativum L.), which is cultivated clonally for many years has not been fully elucidated. The aim of this thesis study is to determine the expression levels of XTG_MCG_13, XCT_MGT_7, XCT_MGC_6, XTG_MGA_10 coded EST genes with qRT-PCR analysis, which were previously found to be differentially expressed in flowering and non-flowering garlic genotypes. Garlic bulbs were stored at two different temperatures, 4 ℃ and 20 ℃ for 12 weeks. In addition, cloves of genotypes were planted in the field for the development and flowering of plants. Meristem of clove, leaf and inflorescence tissues were used as plant samples. The sampling was done as apical meristems of cloves before storage and after storage for 12 weeks at 4 ˚C and 21 ˚C; leaves and meristems of plants at 2-3 leaves, 4-5 leaves, 6 leaves, and 7-8 leaves stages and inflorescence at 7-8 leaves stage. In qRT-PCR analyzes, it was determined that XCT_MGT_7 EST and XTG_MCG_13 coded EST genes were expressed higher in flowering G2 and G3 garlic genotypes than non-blooming G4 and G5 garlic genotypes during plant development stages. On the other hand, the gene coded XCT_MGC_6 was significantly up-regulated in plant development stages of the flowering G2 genotype compared to other genotypes. The expression level of the EST gene with the code XTG_MGA_10 did not show a significant difference between the flowering and non-flowering garlic genotypes. As a result, significant differences were determined between genotypes in terms of relative expression levels of the genes analyzed in this study.
The flowering mechanism of garlic (Allium sativum L.), which is cultivated clonally for many years has not been fully elucidated. The aim of this thesis study is to determine the expression levels of XTG_MCG_13, XCT_MGT_7, XCT_MGC_6, XTG_MGA_10 coded EST genes with qRT-PCR analysis, which were previously found to be differentially expressed in flowering and non-flowering garlic genotypes. Garlic bulbs were stored at two different temperatures, 4 ℃ and 20 ℃ for 12 weeks. In addition, cloves of genotypes were planted in the field for the development and flowering of plants. Meristem of clove, leaf and inflorescence tissues were used as plant samples. The sampling was done as apical meristems of cloves before storage and after storage for 12 weeks at 4 ˚C and 21 ˚C; leaves and meristems of plants at 2-3 leaves, 4-5 leaves, 6 leaves, and 7-8 leaves stages and inflorescence at 7-8 leaves stage. In qRT-PCR analyzes, it was determined that XCT_MGT_7 EST and XTG_MCG_13 coded EST genes were expressed higher in flowering G2 and G3 garlic genotypes than non-blooming G4 and G5 garlic genotypes during plant development stages. On the other hand, the gene coded XCT_MGC_6 was significantly up-regulated in plant development stages of the flowering G2 genotype compared to other genotypes. The expression level of the EST gene with the code XTG_MGA_10 did not show a significant difference between the flowering and non-flowering garlic genotypes. As a result, significant differences were determined between genotypes in terms of relative expression levels of the genes analyzed in this study.
Gen ifade analizi, qRT-PCR, Allium sativum L., Çiçeklenmeyi kontrol eden genler, Gene expression analysis, Genes controlling flowering
Kırıkoğlu, O. (2023). Sarımsakta çiçeklenme ile ilişkili genlerin ifade düzeyinin analizi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.